Monday, October 3, 2011


Under "treshka" is very different from the "big Audi" - A4, A6 and A8. Low rise, short 'invisible' hood, located near the windshield, the lack of a "tree" in an interior cabin and short - all of this takes the car to other cars from intrinsic Ingoldshtadta "monumental." If we draw an analogy with the clothes, the A3 - it's not a business suit, a dense, tight-fitting T-shirt and jeans. And the thrill of riding in a car related. By pressing the gas pedal all the way, I ... opened his mouth. No, this is not the first experience of riding a powerful compact machines. Just in A3 TFSI feeling special. In response to the accelerator first "wakes up" the engine, indicating their desire to "be on the warpath" roaring exhaust systems. Then, in just a moment, the gearbox jumps two notches down and "treshka" shoots. Nearby car quickly disappear in the rearview mirror and the horizon is approaching fast ordinary low-speed "cottager" by selecting a blank, as he thought the left lane. I had to slow down. Dramatically. Well, that steering wheel at this point I had two hands, because A3 - A8 is not dlinnobazaya locomotive with ESP - asphalt on the track and other irregularities, it reacts quite sharply. Especially with a set of speed or sudden deceleration. "Summer Residents" reconstructed the right to see in the mirror "predatory" yellow "face" A3 with a flashing xenon, and again I hit the gas. The engine growled happily in response, the neighboring car again "froze", and ahead loomed the next slug ... The next "jerk," I've done already with the windows open - it's very nice roaring engine when you squash on the gas! The sound literally provokes further driving "exploits". However, the triggers are not only sound and not just the engine - "naughty" nature of the A3 is largely due to gearbox DSG (Direct Shift Gearbox) with two multi-disc clutch. In fact it is not "automatic" and the robotic "mechanics". Due to its special design, the details of which we are not going to go, DSG lacks the main disadvantages of "robots" - "thoughtful" and jerks when you switch - and the main disadvantage of conventional automatic transmission - power loss in the torque converter. The most pleasant thing in the DSG - instant switching to transfer down the sudden addition of gas. Neither machine or "robot" to such "operational" activities can not. In addition to the selector on the center console, to manage transmission Audi A3 by using the paddles "petals." In this machine the petals are involved not only in sport mode box, but in the normal position of the selector "Drive". It is very convenient if you want to suddenly make a sharp maneuver. For example, the acceleration of evolution. Some time after the "forced" to switch, DSG itself back in the automatic mode. On the quality of mesteGovorit interior ergonomics and Audi is not interested - there is almost no fault to anything. Instruments, buttons and levers in place, and everything was done very accurately. Please furnish the materials, design, and some "chips". For example, round pots of the ventilation system on the front. To close or open a deflector to rotate its silver bezel. This design is more expensive and nicer than the popular leaf-shutters today as the Renault Logan or a Mazda6. Another "feature" - small "rail" on the center console. As it turned out, they are not simply decorative elements, and, moreover, keep from falling, "small things", the provisions in the groove at the bottom of the center console. The standard audio system Audi A3 sounds very good. But these cars in the premium segment are nothing new. In "treshke" we liked it more - a proprietary remote control system on the handlebars. Instead of buttons, which are used by other automakers, Audi sets the wheels in the wheel-scrollers, as the computer mouse. This allows you to quickly switch the song or radio station to increase or decrease the volume, as well as less distracting from the road. Same story with climate control - rotary switches temperature is much more convenient push-button. As for the front seats, it is quite enough - and at shoulder height, and height and length. Behind him, in spite of the fact that the A3 is essentially "compact" the man "of average physique" is also a good idea. High passengers, of course, will complain about the low ceiling and little legroom, but, nevertheless, quite fit there. The only complaint on the part of ergonomics, it occurred to me to the side rear view mirrors. They are quite small and, more importantly, not spherical. Therefore, more often than we would like to turn my head back. Finally, not everyone will like the center console design - a scattering of red buttons and red as small displays. C on the one hand, it's corporate identity Audi, on the other - a little more complicated control secondary functions. DrayverskoeKak you might guess, driving performance Audi A3 is not limited to the ability to press the gas and "ahead of everyone." In addition to driving in a straight line it is able to rotate, and does it very well. A3 has a very sharp management, which, meanwhile, does not make the car too nervous. She only does the driver's commands - quickly, accurately and with almost no banks. Behavior on slippery surfaces typically front-wheel drive - in turn, traveled at high speed, small demolition begins Chuck, who immediately stopped by electronic stabilization system. If you disable the stabilization system, the behavior of Audi A3 is much more interesting. In fact very simple - increase the fuel evoke demolition of the front axle and the gas discharge or inhibition - skid back. On "treshke" can take turns "at the limit" for an ideal, incised "compass" of the trajectory, and you can do drifting - the car and allows you both, while remaining clear and predictable. PraktichnostNa how manifests itself in the Audi A3, "this life", you start to pay attention to the third or fourth day test drive - up to this point is completely absorbed "drayverskogo" component. Unexpected but pleasant surprise for us was the fuel consumption - at A3 2,0 TSFI in "normal" driving it well under 10 liters per 100 kilometers in the "mixed" cycle (country road without traffic jams and Moscow). It's at 200-horsepower engine! It is like the light of the xenon headlights - like the yellow trehdverke, and the A3 Sportback, which will be discussed below. Often, xenon is regulated so that it covered only a limited portion of the road. Clear separation of the beam, on the one hand, it allows us not to blind oncoming cars, but on the other hand, severely reduces the visibility range. Audi A3 have no such problems - lights shine so that the driver can see so many "road" as you need it fast and at the same time, secure movement. At the same time passing light does not blind anyone. Like all machines with this type of body, side door Audi A3 wide and heavy. "Trehdverki" tend to be uncomfortable in tight urban parking or stopping on the roadside - have to open the door very carefully so as not to hurt the standing or passing a number of cars. Audi A3 have provided some of the provisions of the interim fix doors - so they can be opened at a small angle without fear that the door is thrown open completely, and demolished cars passing by. Syurrealizm200 horsepower in a compact hatchback - a lot. A 250 horsepower in a car - a lot. Following a two-liter trehdverkoy us to test hit five-door hatchback 3,2 Sportback. In addition to the more powerful engine, this car was equipped with four-wheel drive, two hatches in the roof and bright trim. The rest of the equipment "Sportbeka" was almost identical to the yellow trehdverki equipment. Five-door A3 side looks less aggressive than the three-door hatchback. And behind, thanks to the "stretched" lamps, "three-ruble note," is easily confused with a solid generalist A4 Avant. But in front of "Sportbeka" the same "evil" grin, and that trehdverki. Two extra doors will definitely make life easier for passengers. But the driver did not like it, that the central pillar "moved" forward and somewhat complicated lateral view. The nature of this machine, match for "Face" - aggressive. 3.2-liter atmosfernik provokes "exploits" more than 200-horsepower turbo TFSI. And the box is configured differently DSG - Drive mode, it keeps the revs in the area of ??three thousand, and when switching to sport mode the tachometer needle is in the zone of 4-4.5 thousand. As a result, A3 Sportback breaks forth at the slightest touch to the gas pedal. And when you press the accelerator "of sex" machine is trying to slip by all four wheels, but the electronics do not give it to her. All wheel drive, great suspension tuning and steering allow you to press the gas is almost always - on the line, cornering, on wet or dry pavement ... A few hours' drive such an impression that you can not beat anybody. Euphoria disappears as soon as you look at the testimony of the onboard computer. Average consumption for the first few hours exploring the A3 Sportback, I was ... 32 liters per 100 kilometers. Seeing this figure, I tried to control herself, and even lowered the rate to 13 liters for "hundred". But the "economical" driving this car - the torment. I stood for about an hour, he sighed again and stepped on the gas. Let them fly in diesel pipe! Perhaps because of the different weight distribution, perhaps - because of the suspension settings, but the 3.2-liter pyatidverka at comparable A3 2,0 TFSI ride and severity of the reactions are much calmer behavior on the track. It is easy to digest the deep asphalt track, and does not try to change the trajectory on a rough road - at trehdverki, as I wrote above, the wheel should always keep two hands. "Sportbek", in contrast, allows you to "without straining" to go at speeds beyond the 200 kilometers per hour. As for handling in the stabilization system off, then here is the same story that the front-A3 with a 200-strong turbo engine - all very predictable, understandable and at the same time, not without adrenaline. Four-wheel drive with electronic Haldex coupling center differential instead of making the behavior of many cars front wheel drive - at the entrance to a turn at high speed, it takes a little understeer, which can be easily removed discharge gas. A touch of the brakes can cause a slight drift. However, to "screw" all-wheel drive A3 into a turn, it is not necessary to press the brake or take your foot off the accelerator - on the contrary, you can add a little gas and dovernut steering wheel in the direction of rotation. Then "Sportbek" will bring in a rear wheel drive rear axle out. This drift is surprisingly easy to control the rudder and throttle. If you prefer, you can slide outward turning all four wheels. You can, if you like, go in front-wheel ... And all this is, again, is surprisingly easy! Unexpectedly meets a time when our test was a five-door A3 Sportback, we have been approached by colleagues in the journal "5 wheel" and asked to compare this car to have in their BMW 130. On a blitz-test and photo session, we had only a couple of hours. But, nevertheless, this short introduction has allowed certain conclusions. BWM and Audi with a similar layout, comparable in power six-cylinder engines (in-line engine BMW ten horsepower more powerful V-obraznika from Audi) were completely different machines designed for different people. "Kopek" BMW with rear wheel drive and manual transmission accelerates from a place faster than the all-wheel drive Audi with DSG. She can be heard louder in the cabin of the engine, stiffer suspension, sharper steering, a little less roll - in other words, the Bavarian CD proves its image "car for the driver." However, it turned out, BMW does not like bad roads. Korotkobazaya "penny" at a high speed sensitive about irregularities and attempts on them "to go astray." And fast driving on it on the "average Russian" asphalt keeps the driver in constant tension. Compared with the Audi A3 BMW 130 - a little card, created in order to constantly give its owner a thrill. Audi A3 is much more suited to the role of a single machine for everyday use. Behind the wheel A3, equipped with a gearbox DSG, pleasant to stand in traffic jams. Obviously, the more practical rear-wheel drive in winter conditions. Audi is also a bit roomier, better visibility in her back ... In general, these are different machines, and we both liked in his own way. Post skriptumMy seem to have forgotten to write about the size of the boot and the brake at the Audi A3. The trunk is quite large, and the brakes are good. Only reap these machines want the other pedal. Slightly to the right brake.

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