Sunday, October 16, 2011

The energy of TDI

In fact, most foreign automakers are reluctant to let our market diesel and turbodiesel versions of their models, especially if it quite "fresh" news, as is the case with the Audi A4. The reason - poor quality, we sold the diesel fuel, which is very reluctant to "digest" modern turbocharged engines. That is something you bring such a car can, but there is the issue of the manufacturer's warranty, which at this time can vary from year to three. Against this background, we have the emergence of entirely new model, so even with a diesel engine may indicate only one thing - the problem is solved, and the car can be sold here along with other versions. At VW, whose engines are not only diesel, used Audi, this problem seems to not exist - virtually all of the models proposed in the European market, with almost no delay, and enter our market with all the appropriate safeguards. Motor, Audi A4 test set and the other group models, including on VW Passat B5. Moreover, recently we have described the "B-fifth" of such a motor, and I must say that it is not too thrilled us. I do not accidentally remembered "Passat". Despite the identical engines under the hood, Audi A4 is very different from his "cousin", and not so much on the quality of interior decoration, which is quite natural to model different price categories as "character" and completely different driving dynamics properties. However, little is still recalled the A4 has already become a legend, Passat B5, but not the turbo, which we have recently tested, and another - a popular version of the 1.8-liter turbocharged engine. It was such an energetic, you could even say an explosive "character" is endowed with this absolutely stolid-looking sedan. Frankly, I do not even know how to A4 can ride slowly, or "vnatyag": at the slightest movement of the throttle the engine responds so violently that easy to go only next to the post of GAI. As soon as the tachometer needle climbs just above idle, the car darts off as if under the hood of a six cylinder and at least 140-150 hp A feeling that the car was originally just "taught" to ride in such conditions. With a more relaxed driving style impressions of the car is not so positive. In the region of 1000 r / min engine thrust is the same hurricane, especially if you have enabled the increased transmission. For example, the fifth less than 70 km / h do not want to go: salon is filled with low-frequency resonant rumble, and accelerates the car reluctantly. But just one switch down, and the picture changes dramatically. Tachometer needle is in the "green" zone, and the machine is again trying to turn into dregster, accompanying the process of overclocking "fed" rumble motor. That murmur, because of other characteristic features of the sounds or turbo diesel engine that has no - no "klatskanya" or "itchy" steering wheel and gearshift. And unlike most modern turbo diesel I tested this motor, which is also a relatively low-speed ("red" zone starts from 4500 rev / min), it is not "strained" by the fact that it constantly twisting almost to the limiter. And if the rest of turbo diesel to 4000 rev / min completely "damped" and their accompanying noise, not always pleasant, it is much stronger than the acceleration, the Audi and then rose to the occasion. The dynamics of dispersal, like gasoline, "fellow" is entirely up to speed - the greater the twist, the steeper acceleration. Frankly, for my practice is the first diesel model so energetic, unless, of course, do not take into account the six-cylinder version. In my opinion, this hurricane dynamics has been achieved primarily because the maximum torque is 285 Nm and develops already at 1,750 rev / min. Among other things, accelerating the dynamics of the A4 with the 1.9-liter turbodiesel is not far behind the six-cylinder version of the "2,5 TDI" - a difference of just more than a second. More than that - almost all indicators 1,9 TDI versions are identical to those of the 2.0-liter gasoline version, even though the graph of fuel consumption and hiding ground, in addition to the pleasurable sensations of driving, the advantage of turbo-diesel: average fuel consumption is about 5.7 liters / 100 km. This is very good, and not even from the standpoint of saving money on fuel, so as much more important in this case, especially for our fellow citizens, the stock of the progress of that car. After all, should pull in at least a couple of hundred kilometers from the capital, where fuel quality is not perfect, and will fill up almost anywhere. Chance to fill the tank of his new car is of indeterminate color and composition of the mash-up that offered at roadside gas stations, especially if they are on the side of big runs, can only be a very risky person. In this case, an Audi A4 can be relied upon - a cruising range in the amount of the fuel tank of 70 liters and above the fuel consumption (and on Tresse it even lower) can create just the length of our country with one border to another. Regarding ride quality is nothing special to add, because everything about this model, its features and nuances of behavior, you may have read in previous publications, "AG". The only thing worth mentioning is the price: the car, due to more complex design and a richer integration, costs a little more basic petrol version, although in comparison with other brands just a slight difference. The cost of the base Audi A4 TDI, in equipment which includes stability control system ESP (which includes a variety of systems such as ABS, EBV, ASR and EDS), front and side airbags for driver and front passenger airbags for head SIDEGUARD, protecting the front and rear passengers, three-point automatic seat belts, immobilizer, central locking with remote control, climate control and many more useful things and devices, starting from 22 026 EUR. Very good offer, especially when you consider that competitors with a diesel engine, supplied to our market, not so much.

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