Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Genetically modified

"Four-door coupe," as described vehicle makers, will not play in the shocking even two-door version. Especially good profile: rounded roof falls on the central side racks to the edge of the trunk, which is complete "duck tail" - a small peak-spoiler. It is useful at high speeds when the rear portion will seek up by the forces still in aerodinamiki.A A5 Sportback doors - frameless: Well, what he concedes coupe? Only in the number dverey.I the more "Sportbek" beats "just-A5" in the space cabin. Adjusting for a leather chair, sit on the sofa back, molded by two. Three vlezut here, but really comfortable to be two. Me, with above-average growth, it is convenient even in the drop-down ceiling head is not resisted. To fully meet not only the lack of adjustments sofa and a heater for the rear diffusers passazhirov.Mesto driver, as in the coupe A5, is quite limited, but is organized and so well: grippy seat securely grip the body, landing behind the wheel is flawless, and major appliances - informative and fit perfectly into the interer.Zhal, Multimedia Interface, with a convenient washer controller, not included in our packages are: to deal with blocks, panels and radio climate - not easy, requires stopping and going deeper. However, for basic operations with audio on the three-spoke leather steering wheel provide relevant knopki.Na dashboard and center console have a couple of displays - small and larger, respectively. They are not in sync: to turn the radio on the tidy, and changes to the "center" is not happening. So, while the driver will adjust the radio, the passenger will be able to choose for themselves a pleasant temperature inside the Audi salone.Kogda asked me where we plan to go for tests and surveys A5 Sportback, I immediately blurted out that in the center. I lied, even though it was not in my plans: as a matter of happened. Blurted out - and then imagined how to go in the direction of the Vitebsk Obukhovskoy prospectus defense, then go down to the Neva, do a couple of laps at the bridges on the embankment Sinop, and will go back through the Nevsky and Ligovka. "The place for shooting - I thought, - plenty, and in the allotted half-day test drive, we should meet." But with the keys to the Audi A5 Sportback came determination to go, not stuck in traffic jams. So we were on the way to the Pavlovsk - on the half-empty way, sprinkled with snow and winding turns ... A5 Sportback I went with a two-liter 180-strong turbo engine, CVT and front drive spins up non-studded tires 18-inch wheels. For a state close to happiness, I am on the day lacked only two things: all-wheel drive automatic transmission and quattro S-Tronic.Prichem one only the first point would be enough, but in practice these cars - so with quattro and CVT - do not exist . Audi A5 Sportback come to Russia with three Gearbox: manual, CVT and robotic gearbox with two clutches S-Tronic. And the CVT is available only for front-wheel drive and S-Tronic - for polnogo.Variator Multitronic works not only in the "machine", but it has a sport and manual shift algorithms. The latter mimics the 8-speed (!) Manual transmission, but the point move in the manual makes sense only when the daily rhythm of riding is different from the one where you're going to rush forward. While many will be enough and "sport". "Sportbek" silent, smooth operation of the variator and soft (although low-profile tires) the status lulled relaxing and playing unkind joke with the driver. Overloading of the acceleration is practically not felt; Audi picks up speed, without the knowledge of the vestibular apparatus. Itself without waiting to come to turns at speeds in excess of their safe passage. But if the A5 and leaves with a trajectory that makes it respectable and grown-up: no yaw, slowly ... and all four wheels. ESP gives first to feel the adrenaline that accompanies the exit from the target curve, then reduces speed, quickly and dutifully sending the car after turning rulya.Tolko drive A5 Sportback could be even more interesting, all-wheel drive allows you to enter a turn with the gas, but not with reduced speed . And thrown forward torque may not always be as hooked for ice and snow. Besides, I still failed to completely disable the stabilization system - only traction control obedient otstupila.No is it less? ESP, and so gives a feel of both the demolition of the axes, and very thin Hakkapeliitta R does miss: control - more precisely, but adjust the rate for almost every time you find yourself on a slippery pokrytii.Pobochnyh effects in mating minimum: A5 Sportback goes well, managed (for the front drive) is different, the ceiling is no pressure. True, the actual number of doors will not call the car "coupe" without the quotes, but it will cost less dvuhdverki 32 000 rub. Genetic experiments have been completed successfully. Who's next? Maybe, Q7 and A1.

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