Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A matter of taste

Back in 1999, when the Ingolstadt "birth" is the first coupe Audi A6 allroad, the brand with the four rings on the bonnet opened a new class which came to taste many a lover of practicality and universality. With passenger habits and excellent handling, A6 Allroad equipped with air suspension, underbody protection seriously, plastic bodywork and even started a real boom демультипликатором.Позднее crossovers. Audi introduced the Q7 has become popular and compact Q5. In turn, a new generation of Audi A6 allroad take so-called image-niche. Coupe was glamorous painted body kit, air suspension ranges decreased, the proportion lost flexibility. However, the value of A6 Allroad starts with sky-high bar at 2.37 million rubles. It turns out that for 10 Audi Q7 SUV has only one allroad.Nesmotrya this, we could not miss the second representative of the family coupe Audi - A4 allroad. Outset that, in fact, A4 allroad - it's the same wagon A4 Avant. The difference is minimal: the longer springs, shock absorbers other minimally extended gauge and a plastic apron around. As a result, clearance A4 allroad has grown from 143 to 180 mm.Gamma engine consists of three units: 211-hp gasoline 2.0-liter TFSI and two diesel engine capacity of 2.0 and 3.0 liter capacity of 170 and 240 hp . respectively. However, since diesel engines for passenger cars, we do not favor, and to Russia are "Ollroady" have not reached yet, we have to test the petrol version was "rogue" from Ingolshtadta.Sazhus the salon. Richly! Optional sport seats with excellent lateral support and adjustable knee backwater meet a homey feel, but at the same time tenaciously held in the corners and not get tired to give dalnyake. Before my eyes is a traditional "audyushnaya" instrument panel with accurate digitizing, informative and enjoyable display in the middle of the tunnel between the seats podsvetkoy.Na - already familiar key deposit system MMI, with which even after hours spent behind the wheel, you can blindly run all the benefits of civilization, including the super-duper audio Bang & Olufsen, navigation, and other settings avtomobilya.Pri provided that both front and rear passengers of average height, in the gallery can be quite tolerable even get three, but if your companions are larger, then wait for the outrage at the low ceiling and cramped in shoulders. Rather capacious trunk - 490 liters of usable space. If we expand the back row of seats, the cargo compartment will be able to take 1430 liters of gasoline gruza.V Russia A4 Allroad comes with a six-speed manual transmission and a seven-speed robotic gearbox S-tronic dual-clutch. I remember, a tandem engine + transmission was crossover Audi Q5, which we visited on a test at the end of February. Tandem is the same, but the disease still the same, so as crossover Q5, «Ollroad" thinking too much at the start. This time I learned to put pressure on the trigger a second before, when you need to open the gas and shoot from the start, thereby offset the notorious delay. Delighted to our understanding, A4 Allroad gave me excellent traction in all range of peak torque (from 1,500 to 4,000 rev / min). And the transmission's not falter: both up and down switching clear and fast. Thrust decreases only after 140 km / h, which can be avoided if you go to manual transmission control and make S-tronic twist each step until he upora.A rulitsya! Excellent feedback from the steering dynamic steering, which increases or reduces the force on the steering wheel depending on speed. The passage bends accompanied by a slight heel, but the trajectory is written correctly, permanent four-wheel drive with Torsen samoblokom at any moment, ready to throw the appropriate dose for the right moment axis, and the ESP stabilization system alert to errors voditelya.Pryamuyu Audi A4 allroad superb at all speeds. No build-up and yaw in a rut. The brakes are superb: dose pedal force may be at an intuitive level, the car itself will tell you how much he nuzhno.Vkupe with increased ground clearance, which allows coupe fearlessly stormed the city borders and yard drifts, and even to conquer, though a slight, but still off-road, A4 Allroad - this is an excellent choice of a practical universal premium cars. Base cost of Audi A4 Allroad is 1.557 million rubles. But paying the 172 000, we can look towards more generic and off-road Audi Q5, which also has also a large amount of bagazhnika.Tak what awaits the new coupe in Russia? Most likely, he will go the way the older model A6 allroad, which occupied a transitional place between popular in Russia, the Audi A6 and Q7. But this interclass only benefit the owners' Ollroadov. " Especially since the price is well on the test who visited the compressed version is chosen close to the mark of 2.5 million rubles. How many people are willing to make such sacrifices? That's right, no. It's a matter of taste, an exclusive after all!

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