Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Need a "German" to € 55 000

Igor Krivitsky, 44, sales manager, drives a Volkswagen Passat. ImidzhOdnoznachno counts! The car must fully conform to the image and age of the owner. For me, style is important, not only the appearance. There are many other determining factors. Acoustics, for example. Music - an integral part of my life and my style. KachestvaV running because I basically ride around the city, but outside the city spend a minimum amount of time, driving performance should provide comfort while driving. At the same time requires a powerful engine, so I can feel the dynamics of dispersal and in critical situations to properly use the gas pedal. EkonomichnostEsli you buy a car this price range, fuel consumption is not critical. IntererInterer should not divert attention, but it is desirable that it is fully consistent with the character of the car and enjoyed both the driver and passengers. OsnaschenieKlimaticheskaya installation, all options related to my security and passenger safety, a good stereo system. In contrast to the "people's brand", the other three German firms winning tradition in motorsports galore: a Mercedes - the "Formula 1", the BMW - Touring Car Championship in the world, from Audi - a "24 Hours of Le Mans." Yes, and the dynamic properties of vehicles "big three" do not hold. That's just one of them to choose? And on that bet: to turbo or naturally aspirated engine, full, front-wheel drive or a classic? Questions darkness, and finding the answers to them - it is very individual, I would even say intimate. Car - as a woman: it is possible to make a match for a man blue in the face the greatest beauties in the world, but who can guarantee that among them would be that the only one he would call his own?! So with the car. You can browse through months of automotive magazines and directories of international exhibitions, and his only and unique encounter with its own entrance ... Although it's still not for me. Love, of course, for all ages, but love at first sight lot of young people. Older people and more impressive to the selection of machines, as well as to the choice of life partner, more fundamental approach: a long time are looking at, checked by feeling. And not just feelings ... And suddenly a new passion will not do to you "in bed"? Do not divorce the same afterwards! Because the first test-drive a new car - this is the first sex with a young bride. The main thing here, so do not mind drowning in a sea of ??feelings and emotions. Since the first delight and novelty eventually will, feelings blunted, and the new chosen one will have to live for many years. Frankly, the new Mercedes C-class, I put an eye for a long time. But he decided to wait until Russia will have a new, brand-new Audi A4, in order to compare the potential "brides". But at the same time decide for themselves what the drive motor and transmission are more suited to me. As for BMW, then, compared with two other beauties, young and quite frankly, no longer young. And while I have nothing against older women, in this case took "three-ruble note," more to clear his conscience, and deliberately in a fairly cheap set. In the end, if the car is a half times cheaper can compete on equal terms with the leaders of the class, why not compromise with his own desires. But the venture failed. Young beauties from Stuttgart and Ingolstadt quickly pushed out of my heart bavarku mature. Now, first things first. BMW 318i In contrast to the brand new Audi and Mercedes, BMW last restyling survived for quite some time. Because I have nothing new for himself did not open. And the idea is to minimize costs and deal with yourself completely failed. I understand that he asked the car in an inexpensive package. But still like to see the interior was more interesting and rich. In the dark, many buttons on the center console, illuminated. But the day they fade into the background and with each other. The analog instrument panel is quite informative. But on the other hand, constantly jumping needle gauge torque fuel consumption only distraction. Lever CP-looking ugly, but he has the perfect course: no long or short. That's it! To work synchronizers fault is impossible. In general, the gearbox BMW close to the ideal. Best manual, where I went! But in terms of the dynamics of a 2-liter car somewhat disappointing. Not in comparison with more powerful rivals, and by itself. But even less liked very informative brakes. Maybe we have not dried completely. Although all three vehicles were tested under identical weather conditions. Visibility is not bad, but the mirror is not enough. Although due to its two-color scheme, they are perfectly combined at the same time and with trim, and with the car body. StilChto say, beautiful, bright, recognizable car. He is not confused with other on the street. But he is more suited to young people 25 years old. Driving kachestvaV management is not bad, but two-liter engine is clearly not enough. Harsh suspension all road irregularities are felt much more clearly than our competitors. IntererDlya car worth more than a million rubles salon too austere and neergonomichny. EkonomichnostV accordance with the technical documentation on the combined cycle consumes only 7.4 liters per 100 kilometers. On a smaller and can not dream. Equipment to take into account the status standarteEsli brand base model would be richer. First of all do not have electric front seats and a good standard sound system. Advantages and disadvantages + expressive exterior, spacious rear compartment. - Front too crowded, boring interior, lack of full-time audio. Audi A4 1.8T car that is enjoyable. I prefer to sit in the car and control it. An excellent review front and sides. Due to the narrow rear window overview back a bit worse, but thanks to large mirrors, no I do not feel discomfort. 1.8-liter turbo engine makes the car enough throttle response: pressing on the gas, get a real pleasure. I first saw the hand brake in the form of keys next to the lever automatic transmission. Externally, this decision very much, and probably for him the future. Lack of leverage allowed full use of the space between the seats. Interior design is made in the same style. However, even surprising how seamlessly insert wood combined with elements of high-tech. The unique combination of comfort and modern design! Niche dashboard - pure high tech, but no rejection is. The panel liked the instruments. There is nothing superfluous: tachometer, speedometer, gas mileage and fuel gauge. The joystick controls the multimedia system on the center console is much better than at Mercedes, where it is located almost under the armrest. Always easier to reach for the center console rather than bend down. Unlike the Mercedes, paddle switches are traditionally on either side of the steering wheel. All controls in the cabin is extremely informative. Even if you sit in the car for the first time, problems of adaptation does not occur. A large number of bags are pleased, but the protection of the legs could be better. The panel in the left knee, of course, soft, but still, if you get a knee in the ribs, will be hard times. I had a similar injury, and now I am paying special attention to this. StilV measure academic, but closer to the youth. In 45 years people can still get behind the wheel of this car and say that it is his design. And for the older people still need something more conservative. Driving kachestvaZavidnaya dynamics and handling, excellent brakes, the complete absence of vibration inherent in cars with turbocharged engines. IntererSovremenny and quite individual. Full completeness and conciseness of design. Ekonomichnost8, 2 liters of the "hundred" for the turbo, I think, perfectly acceptable. Equipment in standarteDovolno solid, but for myself, I still would like to add power seats, the mode dial suspension settings and, of course, the steering wheel with audio control buttons. Advantages and disadvantages of full-time + Excellent acoustics, this complete audio control removed the steering wheel. - Little space for rear passengers, steering wheel tonkovato. Mercedes-Benz C280 4MATIC Exterior conservative, but I personally warms the soul. A new grille with a big three-beam star brings me back to the 70s. In my opinion, great design course. Perhaps it's my age, but on the other hand, is always a pleasure to return to their youth. Thus he is clearly the body of the XXI century. Interior, handling and dynamics is also at altitude. Fairly conservative, but clear and readable front dashboard. She looks absolutely complete element and thus fits perfectly into the overall decor car. But the twin paddle switches on the left a bit unusual, but I think it is a matter of adaptation. Felt in every strict classical style. In the back seat space for passengers is much higher than in the previous two machines. In general, this is the only car in which I am beginning to feel comfortable. Established audio nice mellifluous: maybe not better but no worse than in A4. Spacious interior. Settings seats are very comfortable, though lateral support could be better. In general, the driving feel very confident. Leather steering wheel is slightly thicker than the Audi, the capture is perfect for me. Dynamics of amazing. Very afraid that with all-wheel drive control will be less sharp, but nothing like this. Absolutely amazing brakes and an ideal gearbox. The impression that I switch the transmission power of thought. In short, with this car, we live one life and we think alike! StilEto car is not for young people, and for the older generation of 35 years. Mature people, of course, will enjoy this machine and, more importantly, will it look good. KachestvaMoschny running engine, great brakes, fairly sharp steering, a comfortable suspension and a brilliant ACTs. IntererStrogy classic style. The only car where I was truly comfortable. EkonomichnostV combined cycle uses about 9.6 liters per 100 kilometers. For all-wheel drive car with a 3-liter engine is quite a bit. Equipment in standarteMercedes traditionally does not offer "naked" car. But I'll probably take the car in that configuration, in which we experienced. Advantages and disadvantages of + Like almost everything. - Not too roomy trunk, inconvenient location of the joystick multimedia system. My vyborYavlyayas great connoisseur of music, I have tried to determine for themselves how the same musical direction corresponds to the character of each of the tested vehicles. And that's what happened. C-class, in my opinion, represents the classical music of the XX century, with some patches of very expensive blues. BMW's more powerful engine - a rock 'n' roll, is closer to hard rock. Audi - jazz! I love all of these areas, but at this stage of my life, I still closer to a classic Mercedes. Although, if I had to pick a car for my daughter, then definitely would have chosen jazz Audi A4. Helen would fit into it at 99.9%. It's her car! Our verdiktMy had to deal with the three classic car is an extension of the long tradition of brands. BMW was originally not in the most advantageous position. Client's wish to get acquainted with one of the most cost versions of deliberately put 'Bavarian' in the rear guard rankings. As for the other two candidates, by many indicators, Audi and Mercedes go head to head. The new A4 - a thoroughbred machine that will not get lost in the general stream. And be on the heels of Igor years younger, perhaps he would have stopped him on his choice. But Mercedes still more versatile. And the price of A4, in our view, somewhat exaggerated. Audi still does not have the image of luxury brands in the same way as the Mercedes-Benz.

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