Sunday, October 16, 2011

New "Four"

At the end of a landmark 2000 Audi widely introduced a new generation of the mass family - the A4 has a background other than machines with the same index is also a series of "vosmidesyatok." As it passed in recent years, the new model is slightly stretched (by 7 cm), and its outlines are slightly more rounded and smooth. The trunk looks now looks even shorter, the body - the wedge-shaped, and the wheel arches - voluminous. The appearance of new items can be traced the same line of designer brand that has developed in the last 5-6 years. At first glance, the facade - just modernized the old "A fourth", and food - slightly smaller "A-sixth." But only at first, because its predecessor was only the style, "glands" and "plastmasski" absolutely everything novye.Osoboe attention in the design of the body paid a passive safety: it is, firstly, crushed zones front and rear and, secondly, serial eyrbegi side in the form of curtains for head and shoulder room and front and rear passengers - Sidequard. And this is besides the usual side airbags! Another emphasis is on the increase (in half), torsional stiffness, although this is a general trend in the automotive industry, but you must reserve to draw from somewhere! Well, about the natural (from 0.3 to 0.28) decrease in C, not to mention, but, interestingly, this is achieved, including through the ultra-dnischa.I in purely practical terms, the change of generations gone around to benefit. For example, the now spacious and the front and rear, which can not be said about the previous A4. One note - a tall passengers in the back row of seats, "pushing" down sloping roof - a tribute to style and aerodynamics Audi. Capacity is preternaturally large trunk (445 liters) - not even understand how the designers have succeeded! Driver's seat - a source of pride "audistov." Everything is clear, rigorous and thoughtful, almost like the roadster TT. Seats with solid side and knee support, steering wheel adjustable in two planes. Light instrumental circles became less red light - the arrow is still bright red, but the numbers - white and, most importantly, very clearly traced. Placard-board computer as if printed on the label, but when the ignition switch off, as it mysteriously ischezaet.Nu, and what are all the same engines are now presented on A4? Petrol - 2 and 3 (!) A liter. Expected shortly and 1.6 liters. Previously the same scale - 1.8, 2.4 and 2.8 liters. The four "kopeck piece" (130 hp) produced, in truth, not very impressive (even the sound of), but if you choose not to race, and savings ... The aggregate is not only the engine with a manual, but with V-belt CVT. Infinitely box is becoming increasingly popular in the world, acceleration - as the tram, even without switching, although there is a transition to manual mode with push in the six gear ratios. But what is there for two liters! Even the three-liter version (220 hp) is the "Multitronikom." By the way, while most "voluminous" motor with this type of transmission. And 2, and 3 liters may be all-wheel drive, quattro, but only with mechanical KPP.Naibolshy "detachment" you feel, by definition, on the mechanical front wheel drive "treshke." Yes, the press in the chair tightly, but the engine is running, the clarity of inclusion and balance the box on the axes do not even suggest that the set up hundreds - only 6.8 seconds! On the highway, winding along the rocky foothills of the Alps in the south of France, we were able to "licking" and all the bends, "prohvatit" for two hundred, on that we would not dare to the vast majority of the most advanced avtotehniki.I still on wet tracks small serpentines , clambering up through the clouds, I wanted even more - tenacity! It's the Audi offers in the form of all-wheel drive in addition to each of the motors. A particularly intrigued us 2,5 TDi Quattro (180 hp). In fact, I confess, I guess that modern diesel engines, unlike its predecessors, not only high-torque, but also powerful, but so so! It is from this machine I had just did not pull it off. Crept even a stray thought - send all to hell, and drove off on a full tank in a large circle through France, and came back the next day, to confess, saying that the road has beguiled, he became lost, here's your machine back. But the moral obligation still outweighed, and kicks, tried to rise and fall near Nice and Monaco, was only in my memory. Acceleration of two to three and a half thousand on the tachometer when climbing at 15-17 percent is not just impressive - frustrating! It is unclear why still produce gasoline cars? It should be noted that the noise in the cabin and tamper diesel is higher than that of any competitor, but from the street sound of the engine is still bugged. (Incidentally, the entire range of A4 was almost silent, and on the move, too.) It seems, 2,5 TDi - nailyubopytneyshy representative fresh-generation A4. That's just a question - how much this will cost more than a decent car? Although a modest package of options and engine subcompact car will certainly be a much more affordable. I wonder how steeply the curve goes up sales of Audi in Russia ("bar" planned long ago overcome, and much more) with the beginning of a full-scale expansion of the new A4? And what a modification will be the most popular? One thing is clear - success is guaranteed.

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