Talk about which is better - manual gearbox or "machine" is as childish debate who is stronger: the whale or elephant. The exceptions are the Americans. They long ago decided that it is comfortable, practical and convenient, and about 80 percent of all North American car owners have cars with automatic transmission. In Europe and especially in Russia, things are different. Each of the two types have a lot of supporters and opponents. Each type has its own set of CAT positive and negative characteristics and qualities, due to a structural difference between them and the different degree of driver involvement in the governance process. The latter, of course, is subjective, but that car is often exactly what is selected. However, there are objective factors. And the type of device depends on the main box running the car's performance: its dynamics, maximum speed, efficiency, as well as ride, comfort, ease of management, as well as, to a large extent, security. Any PPC does the same thing - change the gear ratio between engine and transmission. However, each type does it differently. How we decided to check on the example of Audi A6 with a 2.4-liter 6-cylinder engine. Why Audi? Yes, because it is the only brand in the body and the chassis is "peacefully coexist", all three types in the world today Transmission: 5-speed traditional "engineer", a modern five-way "automatic" tiptronic and, finally, the latest addition - stepless variator adaptive multitronic. FREEDOM VYBORA.Ee, by most accounts, can provide only a "mechanic". True, but only partly. General arrangement of this unit is familiar to all who with varying degrees of diligence, studied the "materiel" in the process of obtaining a driver's license. Mechanical CPR on different models and brands differ only in the number of transfers, which in modern commercial vehicles is not less than five but not more than six. Why? And just because at least five programs do not provide the optimal range of gear ratios, and more than six - inconvenient and inappropriate for passenger cars. Communication between the engine and wheels, as well as driver and car is relatively simple, mechanical. Then, too, everything seems to be simple - squeeze the clutch and periodically transfer include those that best matches engine speed. But every coin has, as you know, the flip side - the driver itself becomes dependent on the car and must constantly work with the left foot and right hand. And in the city, in a traffic jam? Every minute, pumping his left leg muscles, followed by "mixing" gears "handle" for an hour, anyone can bring to a white heat. Freedom - quite imaginary. With that clear and soft switching gears, powerful and grabs the elastic response to many engine will give pleasure to the process itself. But all of it? MEDIATION USLUGI.S since in 1939 the first production automatic transmission Hydra-Matic, designed by Alfred Sloan engineer, General Motors began installing on your Oldsmobile, has flown a lot of hydraulic fluid. Simple hydro-mechanical gearbox, where the process of changing gear ratios was carried out only through the oil pressure in the hydraulic system, it is almost never occur. Among the currently existing "machines" can be seen 3 - and 4-speed. All of them, usually with an electronically controlled gear shift, and additional modes, like "sports", "economical" and "winter" as well as the possibility of self-adaptation to the style of driving. And the most progressive among the "fluid mechanics" is a 5-speed automatic transmission with electronically controlled, and parallel mode manual transmission. Audi was one of the first automakers who have started to equip their cars just such transmission, and its "brand" name tiptronic has become a household name. Addressed to "machines" are often heard accusations of inertia, large power losses as a consequence, the deterioration of the dynamics and efficiency of the car. However, few deny that in terms of ease and comfort of driving it far superior to the traditional "mechanics." As well as in terms of providing the most benign mode of operation. On tiptronic you can choose from three modes: fully automatic, the same, but the "sport" and what are called "manual". The first is good for a quiet, comfortable ride. Shifting occurs when the engine about 4 thousand rpm - softly, almost without shocks. True, if there is a need to maneuver a sharp, sharp, pressing the pedal "the floor" can include "kick-down" box and after a moment's pause goes on one or two gears down. But the most interesting "manual" mode. Thus, the selector in the slot on the right pedal is pressed by two thirds, and the engine spins to 6500 rpm, properly capturing the red zone. When reached the limit value of revolutions, the box will automatically go to the next gear. Sorry, the tarmac ends quickly and should slow down, until the fifth and did not get ... Slowing down and slow down, continuing to monitor the display screen with a transmission. As the speed decreases, the box gradually switched from the top down. You can slow down and the engine by pushing the selector to the (-). However, if, as in this case, according to the box speed is too high and could damage your system, click on the "down" "Tiptronic" respond immediately, but only when the speed and revs fall to a level safe for the selected transmission. This behavior is very similar to the "reference", "mechanics", although "own opinion", "machine" is still present. What is particularly noticeable in comparison with multitronic. Chest SEKRETOM.Kotory, generally speaking, too "machine." But a different kind. No complex planetary mechanisms, clutches and elektrogidroprivodov. There are no fixed gear ratios - it's stepless CVT. The design of it is relatively simple: two pulleys of variable diameter, which moves between the pushing plate chain. A smooth transition from one circuit to another diameter provides a gradual change of gear. Hydraulics is a minimum, and hence low delays and loss. Curiously, the efficiency of the variator experts have estimated at 95 percent, but the six-called "stages" of the box - setting a conditional, which only serves to make the person behind the wheel was familiar landmarks. The uniqueness of the development of Audi is in a box that combines the advantages of multitronic "machine" and the traditional and the "mechanics" and it can be mounted on powerful engines with a maximum torque of nearly 300 lb-ft. This is its main difference from similar systems, for example, Honda and Nissan. There is in him, and two modes, fully automatic or manual control. With CVT is no need to unnecessary body movements, as well as "automatic", it allows you to fully focus on the process of taxiing. However, the reaction of the car on the "gas" is much closer to the "mechanics" than to "tiptronic". This is especially noticeable in the "manual" mode: dispersal much more actively developed, without any "hesitation". Arrows tachometer and speedometer synchronously moving from left to right, and at some point is unbelievable speed continues to grow, and the tachometer needle goes back to around 1000 RPM. You know the other car, the engine speed is at 140 km / h is almost over a thousand? .. You can still refer to the numbers that show that the dynamics of a manual transmission multitronic is identical, and the rate of profitability even better. For all this, of course, have to pay. A car with tiptronic will cost approximately $ 2 thousand more a complete analogy with the "mechanics" and the multitronic add to the price another $ 500. Are the dignity of this? The answer is yes. There are, however, it has to date one drawback - the Quattro drive to a checkpoint so far impossible.
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