Sunday, October 9, 2011

Strength through joy

Initially, all promised to be "fixing traveled." What's new A3 c two-liter engine, we have tried in April. A month before we got to experience the new V6 with DSG gearbox in the TT Coupe. Well, now we are waiting for both, so to speak, under one cover. FOR VOROTAMISnachala, as a starter, we were asked to sit behind the wheel of Audi TT Roadster with six-cylinder engine, which also just debuted on the market. Here, of course, important not to box with the inclusion of direct transmission, and the soft top with a "direct" electro-hydraulic. Motayas the surroundings of Munich speeds under 200 km / h and the roof down, my colleagues and I must admit, nothing but the most severe rhinitis, took possession of the organisms after nearly a week, have not received. You, of course, will argue, but the TT Roadster - a more leisurely ride to the city, with upturned baseball cap on his head and light-hearted hip-hop, banging a hammer out of the speakers Bose. In Munich, however, we, all of this to portray not understand: he was far away, "not the month of May," and besides, ten o'clock, when all decent people - in the office or at work. When you want an intensive dialogue with governments and expensive car, then you should not take away the wind and the yellow leaves, flying to meet him. So after dinner we gladly boarded a Audi A3 3,2 Quattro with a box of DSG. Especially since the press release promised that this car will accelerate to "hundreds" of as much as 0.2 seconds faster than the TT Roadster with the same engine and transmission. EXACT PASV Munich caught us in the way of a billboard advertising DSG, which is fairly faithfully captures the essence of this "box". There's a picture of table football with players strung on the pins. So, one of them instead of the torso and head were still some legs, and, therefore, with one crank handle could he twice hit the target. So it is. Unlike conventional shaft "mechanics", the input shaft is divided into DSG hollow outer and inner. On the ground are even transfer. On the second - all the odd and the back door. Each of the shafts include multi-disc clutch own - it enables two simultaneous steps. If you need to move to the next gear it is introduced into the pre-engagement - because the neighboring stage "sit" on different shafts. At the right moment closes second clutch, and at the same time opened the first - the power flow is not interrupted even for a split second. Another "wet" (works in oil) multi-plate clutch offers, as claimed by the designers Audi, "all conceivable possibilities pulling away - from the soft-start on the slippery road to the sports acceleration at full load." From this we started. Try on a conventional "machine" to include Drive, raskochegarit engine up to 6 thousand rev / min., Holding brake, and then abruptly to let him go. Hardly will you have something worthwhile. Our shell is fired with a roar into a hitherto unseen target. All this happened in the program included "sverhsportivnogo" shift S. It is in this mode, especially the six-cylinder A3 palpably demonstrates its power. Transmission increased only at maximum speed, and drop instantly as soon as you let go of the accelerator pedal. Even if you do let her go, then the momentum will still be kept in the zone of highest moment. In all other modes, the car feels quite traditional. In automatic, even thought that going with CVT: tachometer needle barely move, but just switched to transfer seamlessly. Manual mode is the same as if the driver gives the opportunity to make sure that hardly get him out of the engine to squeeze something more remarkable than that which is capable of DSG. If you overclock you forget to increase the transfer of a pen or a paddle on the steering column, the box will do it for you at the same maximum 6300 rpm / min. OFSAYDPriznaemsya, initially overwhelmed us skeptical. One of the domestic vodka King five years ago, was asked in private conversation, why his vodka brand "bread" does not smell of bread, and "Honey" - honey? He replied that everything flows from one tank, but the laws of marketing are such that the product range has expanded continuously. Mechanics, steptronic, servotronic, now that's SMG - just different ways to the same intoxication rate. In fact, it is not. At the end of the test drive we waited A3 3,2 Quattro with the usual "handle". On the third try came time to tuck the "third" blades and feel the stiffness of the seat back. It would seem that here is the real dynamics! Even then, comparing and multiplying the ratios of the two boxes and keeping in mind that even born in the suit, Sparco driver spends at least 0.2 seconds to switch, we came to the conclusion that disappointed. Momentary joy of acceleration we experienced, because the car was raped, but DSG did the same thing more smoothly and much more effective. In addition, the applied psychology knows this observation: if a person of something else, then the time for him to fly faster. So when we pull the handle and squeeze the clutch, the trip seems more dynamic. Sounds, of course, silly, but not more foolish than to say that you are able to distinguish between dispersal to "hundreds" of 6.5 to 6.4 seconds. League ChEMPIONOVVse these arguments almost pushed into the background thing. The emergence of the domestic market with four-wheel drive vehicle segment with such power and dynamics, regardless of whether it is equipped with a gearbox - this is an event. Recall the latest version of S3 possessed "only" 225 forces. In the fourth generation Golf V6 had 204 hp, and the Alfa Romeo is still exotic to us. There are also Japanese, is removed from the two-liter engines a little less power at the expense of either naturally aspirated or due to compression and speed is almost like a sportbike. Even at A3 3,2 Quattro stunning sound that sports car is important. Double-flow exhaust system, depending on the speed of the motor shaft closes the valve, thus changing the acoustics and making the sound different, but equally enjoyable at any speed. True, in Germany, even standing at the barrier before the railway crossing, you are obliged to suppress the motor, so as not to pollute their exhaust, the relevant rules of the Euro 4 and does not irritate the German labor veterans. They are watching you because of geranium pots on the windowsill and are holding the tube to dial "110". And they say that this nation loves sports ... FOR MEDALYAMIV Russia sales top versions A3 will begin next spring. In Europe it is already freely available. Audi A3 3,2 Ambiente Quattro with a manual 6-speed manual is $ 44.7 thousand, the same car with DSG - $ 47,4 thousand This difference - the normal price for a tenth of a second acceleration, the freedom of choice and reluctance to feel the transience of time. By the way, these customers are projected marketing Audi, buyers A3 3,2 Quattro will be more than one-third.

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