Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The unequal battle?

Mercedes-Benz C200Samaya fresh novelty among the premium brands in this class. Its aggressive appearance and a completely different new C-class from Mercedes-Benz has attracted many new customers. Now for the Mercedes-Benz will have to stand in line. C-class radically changed not only externally but also internally. However, ergonomics has remained the same. Audi A4 DTMPochitateli brands Audi, mleyuschie of sporting versions of S and RS, may be closer to his dream by purchasing A4 Service DTM Edition. Overpaying for him about $ 6,000, the client will receive a lot: the sporty body kit, dvuhsotsilny engine, four-wheel drive and sports suspension S-line. The uniqueness of the car yet and that he released a limited edition. To say that the emergence of a new C-class from Mercedes-Benz scared competitors can not. But the fact that the automobile market filled with a strong player, can not be denied. New product has proved worthy. New design - a stratagem of hell representation of classes, such as the CL and S, with elements of the old fashion brand. Returned to the legendary wide grille with large falshradiatronaya three-beam star posredine.No competitors are not asleep. And Audi has presented an interesting novelty in this segment. It is set to A4 with sports package it DTM Edition. The name is chosen on purpose. In the present design elements used on this class of racing cars DTM: air inlets in the bumper, a special type of head optics, carbon spoylery.No, if you compare the prices of these two cars and their availability, it would seem that they are not competitors. What unites them? Only a general class of two-liter engines and under the hood? Losing Mercedes-Benz seems obvious. Is it really? The difference in price is about $ 15 000, and if we exclude the four-wheel drive from Audi, is even less. Price € 34 500 for Mercedes-Benz is indicated only for the standard. Acquiring the few options available, and what you see, the difference and not budet.Pri comparing performance cars advantage is clearly not in favor of the new C-class. The Audi and honest two-liter turbo, resulting in the engine produces 200 horsepower. The figures also "200" on the trunk of Mercedes-Benz - cunning, they implicitly believe it is not necessary. In fact, the volume of the engine is 1796 cm3. Well, the compressor still available. Like, here it is, cause upset defeat deduct Mercedes-Benz. In this situation, and even in the presence of all-wheel drive in Audi, Mercedes-Benz should be "snail" in comparison with the charged A4 DTM Edition. But the difference is 16 hp not as great as can be seen by comparing the speed performance. Acceleration to 100 km / h only differ by 0.9 seconds: 7.7 against 8.6 in the Audi with Mercedes-Benz. Behind the wheel is almost impossible to catch. Comparing the maximum speed tested vehicles can only be happy: they are equal and are 235 km / ch.Vot really where most cars are different, so it is in control. With a set of wheel speed for each of the competitors heavier, but the Audi is more. At Mercedes-Benz maintained the line between comfort and safety, so the resulting force can not only lose contact with the road. At Audi feedback much informative as you can clearly monitor what's going on with the wheels in either high speed minutu.Na pleasant run Mercedes-Benz C200. He clearly holds the trajectory. The stabilization system correctly, without early intervention, adjusts to driver input, allowing you to take turns on the verge of slip rear axle, that is, as quickly and efficiently. With Audi have to be careful, especially on asphalt. Spotted it in turn is very, very reluctantly, and keeps the path is not perfect. Early start demolition of the front axle, so a little better before the turn to slow motion. This behavior is largely due to the non-ideal weight distribution vehicle. Engine throughout its mass hanging over the front of both cars have osyu.Podveski tolerable power consumption. But has a greater elastic suspension Mercedes-Benz. Get a breakdown of the Audi is more likely. Moreover, despite the sporty suspension tuning S-Line, Audi is more to the buildup. It does not help, even A4 DTM Edition is available aerodynamic, which, in theory, should press harder for car in cars doroge.Ustanovlennye automatic transmissions will give pleasure to drive any driver. Each of them has three modes: "Drive", "sport" and a manual. In "Sport» Mercedes-Benz slowly, do not feel overload. The engine thus easily gets out to 7000 min-1. Acoustic comfort is practically not disturbed. To feel a real drive, switch to manual mode. Automatic starts to keep pace on the transfer and discharge of gas under its no difference. An interesting point: after reaching the same 7000 min-1 in the manual mode automatic gearbox itself moves to a higher gear. However, dropping the speed in reverse, he does not, therefore, have lower transmission itself. Conveniently or not, it's hard to say. Privykaesh.U Audi is the fastest mode of "sport." Manual mode is best used if you want to quickly pass a bunch of sharp turns on a single transmission. In other cases, it is not much point. Tiptronic Audi quickly adapts to driving style. Several sharp peregazovok and braking, and the response to pressing the gas pedal has grown significantly. In addition, each acceleration will be accompanied by a roar tuned exhaust system, which begins as early as 2500-3000 basit min 1.What regard to ergonomics salon, the more sporty Audi, and Mercedes-Benz - comfort. The seats in the A4 - from Recaro, includes package DTM Edition, have good lateral support. Mercedes-Benz boasts seats, more like comfortable chairs. Even in the sport versions of the brand's seat does not always have good lateral support, not to mention the civil modelyah.No that most upsets the novelty Mercedes-Benz, is the quality of the materials trim. There was a lot of aluminum inserts on the doors and the front console, but the plastic quality is poor. Even, apparently, is no longer so fashionable finishing Audi it is much nicer and softer oschup.Hotya both cars have similar characteristics and belong to one class, they still are outstanding representatives of different directions. Audi - Sports Association, and Mercedes-Benz - club hobbies. Mercedes-Benz C200 Compressor € 34 100 VozhdenieRulevoe control, automatic gearbox, suspension - all can feel the perfect trajectory. SalonSalon upset the quality of materials used. KomfortKomfortno able to accommodate each passenger cabin. Rear seats would be enough even for three. BezopasnostPomimo basic security systems is the adaptive braking system Adaptive Brake. TsenaNovaya good looks in many ways justifies the hype around these not cheap cars. Audi A4 DTM $ 60,400 VozhdenieSportivnosti DTM Edition does not hold. Only she must be able to use it. SalonMaterialy finishing touch. A lot of carbon fiber inserts introduce an element of sportiness. Comforts based sports oriented vehicle, comfort, had little to do: to stiff suspension will have to get used to. BezopasnostMnozhestvo pillows and systems to safeguard security. TsenaHotya set to A4 DTM Edition is quite reasonable money, the total amount obtained high. Our mnenieAvtomobili very similar in terms of technical indicators, despite the presence of all-wheel drive in Audi. But they are designed for different segments of buyers. Who needs a bright appearance, the constant sensation of flying, to prefer Audi A4 will have an exclusive sports package DTM Edition. If you want to move The orderly with a few high-speed races on the freeway, is ideal for new Mercedes-Benz. But even smart character, Audi A4 DTM Edition to catch up with Mercedes-Benz in his charisma and breeding is unlikely.

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