Friday, October 7, 2011

As I had the courage

It would be like to drink whiskey, smoke a cigar or write standing up in a skirt - it looks the part stranno.Hotya is Scots, on the other hand ... EXTERIOR In a nutshell - it's the venerable station wagon. It is much more sloping, streamlined and flexible in appearance than the previous Allroad, but the essence remains the same - it's roomy car for those who have something to fit into it - whether it is rosy progeny seedlings blue spruces or sports equipment. But metroseksualizm still not a stranger to this car. Of accessories - conspicuous, dazzling, powerful yet elegant grille (it was such a watch is now in vogue - massive, with laconic brilliance and chic), not minimalist wheels - to-cast part of the couturier Audi tightened decorative petals which create a unique picture disc (to be fair to mention that in my Allroad one of the petals have lacked, although the car was only 2,000 miles - it appears impractical design). And complete the picture of steel rails on the roof of the same color thresholds. Overall, the car is beautiful. In its own way. This beauty can be understood and loved, if you know him better. INTERERVnutri all high quality, consistently and slightly ascetic. So subject the cabinets in the offices of presidents and CEOs. So at first I felt, as good as new secretary for the first time due to the carpet of the boss. But usually the secretary and quickly get used to the boss, and the carpet, and leather sofas - and I quickly got used to the strange interior. Raised higher seat, adjusted the support back, pulled the steering wheel, adjusted the radio, mirrors, and already half an hour later ruled with air conditioning, radio and adjustable suspension blindly. All the erogenous zones Allroad - buttons, joysticks and controllers - are exactly where they are looking for a hand, and managing all processes of life vehicle is very logical. BAGAZhNIKMenya - a simple girl from the sleeping area - almost the most in the auto shook way relationship with the driver's storage compartment: open trunk button on the fob or a button on the driver's door, and closed with a button on his inside. But now offer a short session of group meditation: autumn (winter, spring), when we drive under the slogan "dirty tank in battle not seen," and we need to touch the hand of the slippery, cold, wet, and there find a pen. Beee ... Bravo, bravo to the creators remote boot! ADJUSTMENT PODVESKIEto real theme, dude, as we say in the Bronx, a residential area! Ground clearance at the car increases by 60 mm, depending on road conditions. On the route Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod, I raced at speeds of 200 km / h, keeping the iron belly to earth (ground clearance - 125 mm), and the car tenaciously clung to the asphalt, dutifully obeying the helm and Tesha my racing ambitions. But the sight of the ramp to the lake, Allroad minute turned into all-terrain vehicle (ground clearance - 185 mm) and overcame potholes, deep ruts and holes without any discomfort to the driver and passenger. In addition, Allroad easily climbs to the highest borders, so it is almost as easy to find parking, as any small car. In short, if you often change the asphalt on the roads of the Russian province, this car is - what you need! Oh, I say, how to telemarket ... SPOON DEGTYaTest drive seems unfair if, along with the advantages and benefits of car journalist wrote about the shortcomings. But in the case of A6 Allroad quattro paragraph devoted to the weak spots car, will be short. If you are buying a license you talked about the "dead zone" and you do not forget to turn your head in the maneuvers, we are not satisfied with the review. And I confused the brake pedal (not only because she constantly peering under my skirt) brakes are very sensitive, and immediately respond to touch, but in order to brake sharply at the traffic lights, we have to hang back legs as if you give in marriage for the unloved. Well, another character flaw Allroad: tediousness. Monotonous reminder that we need to buckle and driving, and passenger seat belts may ruffle anyone. VYVODZa time my brief acquaintance with the Audi A6 Allroad quattro I radically changed their attitude towards this macho. Initial skepticism and misunderstanding prostrated themselves in front of a sense of reliability, comfort, safety and versatility of a life partner. And yet, whether this car is mine, every time I was surprised would be leaving in the morning out of the building: why I drive a station wagon? And looking back to the sides in search of a bright, charismatic, branding machine. No, the owner and driver of this beautiful car to be a man. Point.

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