Sunday, October 2, 2011

Audi A3

EZDAPod mask of a lion hiding sheep! Oh yes, so it was. Imagine a cute yellow creature. On the one hand, the elegance and aristocratic family, on the other - girlish tenderness. A foal with slim legs strong. That seems to be promising youngsters who in a couple of years, shut up for the belt of experienced racers. But no! No need to wait years to feel the power of this car. But the peculiarity of this respectable person in that unlike plebeek, flaunt their opportunities for show-esteem, it demonstrates its power with all the dignity, without the cheap special effects. It is a pleasure to leave behind some sort of growl, very shabby squat Japanese girl and still be a lady. Audi proudly holds her back and walking from the hip without vulgar ass whipping. SIDENYaPosle-box "machine," the second most important discovery in the automotive industry - heated seats. Who have experienced will understand, with all the other discussion is meaningless. It's like a kettle, a TV remote, like cotton swabs. Yes, without it you can live, someone will call it overkill, but damn, how is convenient! True, the first encounter with a leather seat which is cooled more than the usual interior, awful. But then ... This bliss, a return to the womb. The main thing is not to overdo it. Maximum mode is so hot that you can and get burned. By the way, men are categorically not abuse it overkill - bad effect on reproduction. So, sorry, move. And so we, ladies, settle down in this cozy and warm a chair. ZVUKNachinyat car stereo coolest - occupation, dignified young people to "ninety-ninth 'and boys majors in jeeps. For an adult, if he is, of course, Vladimir Spivakov, who was accustomed to the acoustics of the best concert halls in the world, it is mauvais ton. And therefore, in terrific clean, powerful sound - Audi of enormous respect. It is "all inclusive". And to this equipment not add nor subtract. And if we add, the only sound. Painfully good. VNEShNOSTNe loved in our country zaznaek. Ventured down to the subway in a fur coat? Good people will certainly ruin an expensive thing. Owners of long hair - be careful and cautious in public transport, your wealth can be easily cut. And really did not strike a nail a good car, do not poke her in the wheel? Not conceited, be like everyone else! Got himself a A3? Be prepared that you hate his neighbor. Audi is too good, too cheerful. Wait for contempt of the traffic police. It is too aristocratic, clean lines and a resilient, so as not to cause jealousy. SVETPo perception of darkness women are divided into cats and chickens. And even the most wayward and graceful creature in the evening can turn into a brainless bird sighted. However, the true dignity of a real man is not observant, but the ability not to notice the lack of his beloved. Those who created this car truly decent people. The lamp lights up when turn off the engine, so you can safely collect things, but not frantically, to touch, look for the power button light. And the lights? It's a miracle. In the literal sense of the word. That is included in the lever position "Auto" - and the machine itself will decide when it is time to illuminate the path. In general, of course, I imagine, as reported to the vessels and the wires are current, and still think that the correct answer - with God's help. Therefore, we can talk about solar cells that react to light, but that the lights will light up the way you thought about it, except by a miracle, can not be named. OBZORZhenskoe blessing and a curse at the same time - a thin long neck. On the one hand, it is beautiful. On the other - painfully. Headaches pursue owners of such wealth from his early years. Men, take care about our necks! Make the need for vigorous torsion was minimal. Please! Parktronic - that's fine. But when you look back to be in any way see the surrounding reality, and not inside the cabin. It is clear that this car is for a rapid movement, and not vulgar at supermarket parking lots. And yet, if it really happened, would love to review the back was somehow poinformativnee. UMMne often have to make decisions. And sometimes I even happy when someone does it for me. But only in those cases where I do most is laziness. For example, when we drove through the Audi A3 to the best of the slippery road, it is the heartbeat to me with a red icon, "Oh, my friend, well, you and the road. That it was impossible to clean off the ice with the whole of the carriageway and not scraps? Oops, again enters. " But it is firmly held, so I noticed the vicissitudes of life only with her words. But once we go on evenly slippery road, so it does impostor Otterlo me from the management! I told her: "PUSH faster!" And she replied: "Oh no, my friend, can not you see, is that it is happening? I barely dokrichalas you to the seat belt fastened, so that now we will go the way I think it necessary. You have won many pillows, and my elastic body no fear. " And even though you tresni, explaining to her that I was in control of the situation and a number of single pole, single machine, so she did not threaten - all to no avail. My old phone sometimes gave to me: "No!" Remove a diktat on the part of the object, which is entirely dependent on me - I can not put money, I can not charge - I could not. Present only reminds us "We need an answer to the message." It was as if I myself do not know. Now these fellows joined Audi A3. Like she knows how to live and how to ride. Even washing machines now produce talking! My dear fridge! I would like to express my gratitude for what you do not Gundi, when I do not have time to fill you, do not like hysterics when my fault in the depths of your mold products, humbly bear questionable quality and content of pictures, which I glued to your side. It's nice when you are totally and completely rely on even if not perfect, but still my mind.

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