Sunday, October 2, 2011

Down Subardinatsiyu?

I do not like the automakers ponskie premieres of new cars linked to international trade shows - profitable! Once the machine is ready, it was immediately launch into mass production - and start selling. That and the new Outback has appeared in Japanese dealerships in May - well before the world "debut" in Frankfurt. And in Russia, Outback was even earlier than in many European countries! We have proved Subaru Outback H6 soft golden color - the one that stood out at exhibitions in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Six 'boxer' cylinder, five-step a new "automatic" and "all the bells and whistles." Retail price - $ 49800.Chem was good previous Outback? Time-wheel drive transmission, the famous boxer engines and build quality. But it and appearance, interior and versatile hardly be called beautiful or stylish. A central feature of corporate identity remained devoid of windows except that the side frames dveri.Novy Outback - a car on the other. It is unlikely that his appearance will be a guide for designers of other companies, but it appears the car lighter, faster, sovremennee.Vmesto nondescript salon "as all" came the interior, which finally had a hand designers. All without quirks, but stylish. And qualitatively. For example, the front of the material and the texture and quality to a tee repeats that used to "treshke» BMW. The semi-circular canopy over the instruments deployed to the driver and the center console - again, as in the previous generation of BMW. Deflectors ventilation system, a poisonous red illumination instrument panel and front panel, lockable soft shutter box on the center console - it's like Audi.I as a result - a feeling of expensive, high-performance car, but devoid of flashy respectability, pathos, as one can accuse Audi Allroad. A beautiful, covered in perforated leather steering wheel Momo falls into the hands like a glove. On the door - convenient handle for the "natural" grip. Pedal in their seats, paddles switches, selector "automatic." Seats covered with "tenacious" skin (sorry, "ears" of lateral support backrest too small). Parking brake lever has finally moved from the right side of the central tunnel (as in "right-handed" machines - it was different the previous Outback) to the left, closer to the steering column voditelyu.No somehow regulated only by the angle of inclination. Climate control unit is too low: if the selector box was transferred to P, control mode is inconvenient. A self selector "machine" is still not equipped with interlock - the lever moves easily in a zig-zag cuts even when the ignition is off and released the brake pedal, if by chance dernesh for it - the machine can roll downhill! But the most serious puncture that for tall drivers (above 180 cm) is too small range of longitudinal adjustment of the seat: I want to move away for a few more inches, but nowhere else - do not allow too short slide and ... feet rear passengers! Yes, when pushed all the way to the front seat rear passengers taller than average already abut knees in hard back. And three of the rear seat is still in the shoulders and tesno.Krayne small reserve space for rear passengers - evidence of unsuccessful layout decisions, because neither the length nor on a wheelbase Outback almost as good as competitors. Yes and no trunk Subaru more than the Audi Allroad 2.7 drugih.Serebristy sold for 75 thousand dollars - and a half times more expensive than Subaru! For that kind of money? For a 250-horsepower engine? During the four-wheel drive transmission? During the five-step "automatic"? But all this is in the Subaru! Are Audi dealers take a "bonus" just for the air suspension that allows you to quickly change the ride height? But as soon as you open the door Audi, all questions are removed by themselves. Expensive materials, high quality sound system (equal to it in our test was not), separate climate control, equipped with a lifter handles on the ceiling and even hooks for clothes ... And the ergonomics are "expensive". But the highest score for ergonomics we do not only because the front seats we met and better (even in cars Group Volkswagen Group). Yes, and visibility back suffers from a large rear headrests sidenya.Spisok appropriate options. Offer such pleasant things, like curtains on the windows of the rear doors, heated steering wheel and rear seats, preheater with remote control, detachable tow bar and much more. These useful and not very veshchichek available for the amount which would be enough to buy two-liter sedan Subaru Legacy! On reserves space for rear passengers Allroad half a head higher on polnogi longer and wider polplecha! Despite the fact that the rear seat cushion molded by two, three here quite comfortably - even if in winter clothes. From knees to backs of front seats is five inches, and if a person of average height - and then all ten. Grace! But from a comfortable, spacious and ergonomic interior Audi blows chill, even if the "stove" is working at full capacity. This requires the interior, it has to meet ... But Volvo XC70 - more car friendly. From its predecessor, Volvo V70 CrossCountry, it differs only in the construction of four-wheel drive transmission: instead viskomufty to drive the rear wheels appeared more nimble multi-plate clutch Haldex (as in the Volvo S60 AWD sedan and SUV Volvo XC90). Everything else remains unchanged, including the price, "our" car with a 200-strong five-cylinder turbo engine (other engines not offered) and five-step "automatic" is more expensive Subaru - $ 54 870. Appearance "X-Sea" - an amateur. Not everyone will like angular silhouette and deliberately textured plastic lining on the back. But the interior is good. Finishing materials are not poorer than the Audi, but there is somehow easier svobodney.Na Volvo seats less successful than the Audi. Elegant "wooden" steering wheel is not as "grasping" as a Subaru, but it is also good. By expanse in the back seat Volvo XC70 is only slightly inferior to Audi, significantly outperforming Subaru.Raduet elaborate system of climate control. For example, the deflection of the ventilation system on even the middle door pillars and side windows near the trunk (not to weep.) Speaking of the trunk. He is big, with smooth walls. And here is the trick branded Volvo - a powerful grille, which is designed to keep the load under hard braking or a collision. If there is no load, then the grid goes up and snapped a boxer engine potolkom.Shestitsilindrovy mastered at the company Fuji Heavy three years ago, but now the three-liter power unit is able to raise with 210 hp to an impressive 245 hp In tandem with the upgraded engine running first in the history of the brand Subaru five-step "automatic". That is now armed with better than Outback European cars! This is indicated by the results of our instrumental measurements: a "low" starting Outback accelerates head to head with Audi, significantly ahead of Volvo. But this - the numbers. The eyes, ears and the vestibular apparatus convinced that in many situations, Subaru is still slower than Audi. Why? Partly because of intense dispersals in boxer "six" drowns out the roar of his all the other noises. And with the roar of the winding "oppozitnikov» Porsche roar that has little in common. Sometimes it seems that the motor to pull two-ton unbearable Subaru car. Spoils the impression and the new "automatic". He shifts gears smoothly, but with a noticeable delay, and the transmission is too "long". For example, in the third Outback accelerate right up to 190 km / h, while the Audi and Volvo reach that speed only in the fourth. Fifth gear on Subaru - «cost», designed for driving a constant speed. But at the rate of acceleration with an average speed (for example, dynamic overtaking) "machine" has to switch to two or even three steps "down"! All this is too measured, and precious, especially in difficult road conditions, plus a second teryayutsya.Nesomnenny new "machine" - the presence of sport and sequential modes. In Sport mode in the window on the instrument panel lights not the letter S, and the number is displayed on the above time of transfer. Upon reaching the maximum engine speed gearbox does not go "up" and allows the driver to keep the tachometer pointer on the edge of the forbidden red zone. But even in the sequential mode delay when you switch "down" too As veliki.Chto handling, the Subaru we pleased. The car is very well "worth" at high speed on the steering responds smoothly into the corners you done easily and just as easily go out of them. Very balanced behavior! Audi Allroad powerful only five horsepower. But "power" here quite different - "supercharged" clockwork! Motor - less loud, "machine" - a rapid-fire, and noise reduction - better. The car accelerates easily, without strain, creating a sense of swift flight. But the sequential mode was "psevdoruchnym": "machine" still continues to shift gears and "up" and "down", allowing only extend the range of each stage and actively inhibit dvigatelem.Legkost, which Allroad accelerates to 200 km / h inspires confidence that everything is under control. In general, the way it is. The driver did not "lose" the car even on the bumpy road. Air suspension provides a very high smoothness, although at the junction of the asphalt work is accompanied by a suspension shocks and unpleasant clang. "Automatic» Volvo works quicker than the Subaru, but ... Five cylinders - not six. During the acceleration, "in the floor» XC70 behind. Yes and no buzz of a fast ride on the Volvo! The driver of the car feels bad. The higher the speed, the greater the fragmentation. The problems appear already at 120 km / h - XC70 starts to "float" on the bumps, causing the driver to taxi. And on winding roads management becomes hard work. In turns Volvo rolls so that it becomes terribly even trained drivers and front passenger grabs his special envoy to Central tonnele.Shvedsky wagon has a measured, unhurried ride. Does not lift the mood and Brake: under intense deceleration pedal goes deeper and deeper. This machine is better to go quietly. So tired and less, and have time to enjoy a comfortable suspension that takes Volvo XC70 in the first place on smooth hoda.A most "drayverskogo" car in this trio - Audi. He was an amazing clarity and with a minimum of rolls, "writes" the fastest corners - like it's not mini, four-wheel drive and cards! The stabilization system is set up that allows the driver to overcome their own bank, and only then - if necessary - it comes to the rescue. But sometimes Allroad so quickly and deeply falls in the bank, that the wheel has to work twice as fast in tight corners obychnogo.Subaru though less rapid, but more user-friendly car. Under the harsh Outback also reset the gas goes into a skid, but smooth - and so to regain control over the situation easier. And the ESP system is configured as at Audi - first gives the driver the opportunity to practice in the correction of slips, and only then comes into igru.Volvo XC70 slips out first turn. But as the car suddenly rolls rushes inside of the turn. The complex nature! A cross? Despite sounding names - Outback («outback»), Allroad («all roads") and XC (CrossCountry, «cross-country") - the heroes of our tests have little to do with the SUV. Such "off-road wagon" is usually utyuzhat asphalt roads. The main thing - do not lose face, if it does get. And really knead this mess - the lot of the other armed mashin.Na Audi - self-locking center differential Torsen, distributes torque between front and rear wheels in a ratio of 25:75 to 75:25. To help him - an electronic system EDS, which stalled retarding wheels, allowing the other wheels to realize the torque moment.Na Subaru - «almost fair" distribution of the torque: it is split between front and rear wheels in a ratio of 45:55. Plus - the electronic simulation of a lock differentsialov.V normal modes of motion Volvo V70 XC is nearly front wheel drive car - the rear wheels are connected Haldex clutch only when the front starts to slip. In addition, there is a traction device TRACS, also plays the role of electronic locks and locking interwheel дифференциалов.Принудительных downshift is not on any of the machines. Limp on the dirt road all the cars proved to be their best. But all other things being equal, it was an obvious advantage for Audi - thanks to the variable ground clearance and a relatively small overhang. That is the best Allroad different geometric prohodimostyu.S diagonal display handled everything: electronic simulation system of locks allowed to move forward, even if the land concerned only two wheels. But this - on a dry firm ground. And if under the wheels of sand, "psevdoblokirovki" are too "soft": the machine only twitch, but not forward edut.Volvo XC70 with its "partial" wheel-drive, we had recorded in outsiders. But it turned out that even in a sand pit wrapped in "high" tires with a larger tread car lost fighting qualities. To summarize? Three years ago, the previous generation Outback H6 on the amount of peer review is hopelessly behind the competition. But the new Outback is already on the same level with the Volvo! And the fact that Outback has lost Audi, then ... Let us not forget that Subaru and a half times cheaper! Ah, if still in the back seat was so close! So if you value not so much driving properties as the space and comfort, the choice should fall on the Volvo XC70.Nu, and if the price is not significant, best buy in this class remains the Audi Allroad. The most spacious, most drayverskogo and most "passable" car in our trinity. And yet - the most voracious and most stolen. And yet - the most prestigious!

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