Thursday, October 6, 2011

Audi R8

I sit down. That is - to fall through the seat. It's pretty soft, covered with a very high quality leather. Of course, the frictional properties of the skin for a sports car - not the best solution, but the side bolsters support for the back of the seat cushion and hold the body well. Conclusions about comfort seats can only be done after a couple of hours pushing a Moscow traffic jam, but it seemed to me that the back does not get tired. And the shape of the chair, and an abundance of elektroregulirovok allow very precise fit it on a figure. Salon, or rather - the cockpit, can not be called spacious, but too close - the language does not turn. All close, all in place. But almost no sport entourage, it is the "civilian" interior. Only a "cut off" from the bottom cake, a massive robotic arm box on a high tunnel and carbon inserts on door panels do not give to forget that this is not "just a coupe." But ideally a large display on the center console, convenient music control, and climate. It is not sport the same one? It used the word "supercar" meant a spartan interior, and hard seats. But things change ... On the dashboard - as many as six switches scales! In addition to the tachometer and speedometer, coolant temperature and oil, fuel and power to the onboard network. But the center has no tachometer, as befits a sports car, a trip computer display. As a result, the information you need to grab one quick glance you can not. What unification ... Honestly, I do not know what to write about the sound system, except that it is. Perhaps it sounds appropriately, but in comparison with the sound of the engine - losing one. And I do not know how much to spend time behind the wheel of R8, wanted to drown out the sound with music. However, the time came for a visit, portable radio in the car sends a team trainer "Let's go!". The first round of the track autodrome - "sighting" study turns, mastering the car. Getting traffic in automatic transmissions. When soft start switch soft, almost imperceptible. In general, at low speed no hints on what you're driving a supercar: either you heavy steering, no tight grip, no clatter of mechanical lever box. Not that time! Steering wheel easy enough, although very informative. And only the sound of the engine explicitly calls go, finally, "right." Free range was over, the instructor picks up speed ahead: you do not keep up. Rotation, followed by a long straight section. Gas in the floor. Yeah, the delay in the robot going "down", of course, felt, and at the exit of the turn, it is not necessary ... But the transition to manual mode postpone. On the line from zero to 150 km / h, shift feel, but they are well smoothed. Acceleration is very impressive! Ahead of the next bunch of turns face down. Rapport with the brakes there is literally from the first pressing: excellent control delay! There is no unnecessary weight and to pedal effort low. (For those who plan to frequent racetracks, it is possible to order and ceramic brakes: with them the danger of overheating is much smaller.) Drivability in limiting regimes failed to appreciate, not the speed. But according to a proprietary school instructor driving skills Quattro, understeer at the limit is close to neutral, only to reach this limit is not so easy and full of drive, wide tires and well-tuned chassis provides a very high speed limits in the corners. But if you turn off the stabilization system, it is possible to effectively "revenge tail" at the exit of turn. Let's try to translate the box in manual mode. You can shift gears or a lever or buttons on the steering wheel. Both methods have drawbacks: the lever is "inverted" algorithm switch (lever away from you - step up), and the keys under a wheel are smallish and of themselves are small. And they are spinning with the wheel, which is also unusual. In general, the required skill to use them. Maybe a couple of days and have developed a skill, but still would rather use a lever, so familiar. If the automatic mode switch is confusing his surprise, that in the manual all falls into place. Themselves change rapidly, a change accompanied by a short step down at the motor vzrevyvaniem peregazovke, but everything happens smoothly, no jerking. Very good "robot"! ... Team, "we visit the pit lane," returns to earth. Stop. We are already looking forward to the next group of test drivers. Little, very little ... with difficulty forcing myself to get out of the cockpit. Finally, some time in the neutral pressure on the big floor the gas pedal - to listen to the sound of the engine. This low, dryish roar penetrates the soul. And it remains there for a long time ... What conclusion can we draw from this brief acquaintance with this car? Yes, it unleashed the "ring" the potential for the two circles do not have time. But the main thing was to understand: Audi R8 - Car versatile. It is designed to ensure that its owner may, from Monday to Friday, ride it to work, and spend the weekend with no beer at the TV, and on the racetrack, winding wheels, honing his skills and enjoying a powerful and obedient to the vehicle. And the engineers have solved this problem perfectly. Everyday driving does not turn into fight with the car, Audi R8 does not tire of their "extreme" even in a traffic jam. Comfortable seats, climate, and music. Not a bad visibility, both in salon mirror something visible, and the size of the external mirrors are not sacrificed for the sake of aerodynamics, they are perfectly visible. Even the trunk is true, absolutely miserable. But with the backlight! But at the same time and race circuits - native element for the R8. And it is a pity that in Russia, so little motor racing track, where the lovers of fast driving could safely and comfortably discover the whole potential of this outstanding sports car. Hopefully, over time they will be more.

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