Thursday, October 6, 2011


But then there was a historic victory at Le Mans, and now we face a very real car - Audi R8. New, tough, aggressive. Very similar to the Lamborghini Gallardo, but with the four rings on the bonnet. However, the hood there is hardly a hood. Under a huge, like a lid airfield in front of the body hidden only a small cargo box, but the battery repair kit for tires. Closed the same glass "trunk" engine rests behind the driver - the layout, typical of the true superkaru.Kstati, according to the marketing of Ingolstadt, compared with the R8 supercar is not quite appropriate, since in contrast to the same new Lamborghini still represents only a sports car for everyday use, though with not quite typical for this car looks. It is unlikely, of course, this view is shared by those who had still to take place and become the owner of desired car before the end of the calendar year (the whole squadron dedicated to our country R8 sold out in a few weeks), but if the manufacturer insists ... looks like the new Audi very entertaining. Wide, as if pinned to the ground body of doubt in the orientation of the car, it would seem, is not, however, used in the design of certain parts of his style is highly controversial. Front - a kind of grim generation of technological progress, seeking to devour everything that comes his way. And a dozen encircling each lamp LED bulbs, this image emphasizes more than effektno.Odnako in profile R8 calm - not like in a racing car, but the good old TT. As for the incredibly bloated "base", an unusually long "poop" and almost land on the bumpers, all this with a strong desire can be attributed to the efforts of some otvyaznoy tuning studio. And located at doorways optional carbon lining in the present context, this impression only increase. However, it is necessary to make a couple of steps, and eyes the very different picture. Filled Lamborghini-style rear of the car literally affects energy and convincingly powerful forms. Here to a place and supplements such as mandatory in this case, very wide "rollers", coupled pipe exhaust system and shining through the rear window facing the motor. By the way, on both sides of the latter is engraved on the four magical rings, and a label «V8 FSI» as a modest supplement to them, but this - to desert.To that the Germans had created with the interior, generally can not be described - it must be see. In the R8, of course, sit down only two people in back seat with the fit except that a handbag or briefcase in the extreme case with business papers. Seat yourself in a sports-founded, but to mortal bodies riders fairly friendly. The most entertaining in the architectural structure of the interior is that most of the front panel are relegated to the passenger .... Rightly judging that there will be a fun driver and already more than enough (and if necessary he would be able to use the traditional set of buttons on the steering wheel), the Germans marked the "workplace" descending from the peak of the instrument panel with carbon arcs, thus clearly distinguishing between space and the landlady guest area. In general, the driver gave a real racing cockpit and passenger - all the rest, and climate control and navigation system and phone, and FM-tuner with CD-changer, and a decent acoustics of «Bang & Olufsen». The latter position, however, I would be excluded from the list, as terrible roar the engine covers all acoustic "noise", its a pretty good sound can be enjoyed only in the parking lot. However, hardly discerning car severely disappointed - located behind the seat backs 420-head "herd" sounds at times more a musical klassiki.Odnako without the Italians in the R8 still not done. So, overclocked to 420 "horses" 4.2-liter V8, the Germans preferred to have finished, developing 520 hp 5-liter V10 from the same Lamborghini. Apparently, at the forefront here, again, stood originally civic orientation supercar. Increased by a good ten inches wheel-drive platform with viskomufty and 6-step "robot» R-tronic R8 moved on to the Gallardo. Moreover, according to engineers from Ingolstadt, in the Apennines are made and nodes, and organs upravleniya.No pretty lyrics. V10, of course, would be incendiary, but with the V8 and permanent surplus of adrenaline driver is provided. True, it is necessary to warn that the day in the city on the R8 better sovatsya.Medlenno not, as you know, the Audi does not want to move, and can not in general. In automatic mode, R-tronic nervously twitching in the "sport" - rape motor to no avail. Calms is that with the basic "mechanics" would be even harder - to force the "plug" in this mode can only phlegmatic. The second problem - the geometric cross-country: pro pits, curbs and "speed bumps", I hope, no need to explain. But when these obstructions removed ... The first "hundred» R8 is gaining in 4.6 seconds after liftoff, and the second - after 15. Comments here, in general, are superfluous - the same sensations you experience during take-off airplane: the body is dented in a chair behind the window all the flashes. Then will be braking, turning, but now is not about that. Want - switched manually, you want - trust in "Robots" much of a difference is still not feel (powerful aftershocks that accompany the transition to the next level, will in any case). In the first case, however, the engine can turn up even upora.Ego roar at the same time, strangely comforting. The sound is strong, but there's no hysteria or anguish. What makes self-reliance, but, alas, does not initiate. However, this impression could form and on another occasion. At first, after a 180 km / h let go of the accelerator pedal subconsciously - scary. Later, however, repeat this is consciously - shakes, and mercilessly. For passengers R8 killer even recently renovated the Moscow ring, and there is no place for ecstasy. Happiness was so possible because: lack of even a hint of roll in corners, clear, informative, albeit at low speeds tugovat steering wheel, brakes and real German, of course, incredible stability. Even with the ESP off all-wheel chassis easily pulls polutoratonny car on the desired trajectory, the main thing - do not overdo it with the throttle, however, and in this case, any deviation of an elementary adjusted using the steering wheel and pedals. Electronics, by the way, you can not turn off, interfere with the process as it is not in a hurry - can frolic, do something silly, and then corrects them with ease. However, practice in this way is better on the track in the same R8 works exclusively for the public, drawing views, vzrevyvaya when switching and thereby demonstrating the status of the owner. By and large, for that such machine and buy.

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