Saturday, October 15, 2011

Equation with three well-known

"Look at this Romeo! - Hemmed unflappable father of a family of Ingolstadt, the owner of a small but profitable studio and a six-digit bank account. - No stable income, nor responsibility to their children and grandchildren! One's mind: fun, fun, adventure ... With such an approach to life you will soon be nothing left, except pasta, "Cinzano" and the sun and the sea water. Fortunately, that all this you still abundant and practically free! ". "What are you arguing? - Joined the debate and thorough usually taciturn Scandinavian. - South, north, west, wine, beer, whiskey, Gothenburg, Oklahoma, love affairs or dimensions of family life ... All this is absolutely equal right to exist, and each is selected from a "menu of life" is what he wants and can afford. Yes, you at least look at who came in than it is today! Which is better - my Saab or Alfa Romeo with your Audi? ». And the truth - what? Alfa Romeo 156 - the machine into which it is impossible not to fall in love at first sight. It is not pretty, not elegant, not - is delicious, no matter what kind of design school you prefer and what kind of "Mercedes" or "Nissan" long dream "Moscow Nights." Have such a car under your window is not shameful nor honest businessmen of moderate means, nor extravagant impresario. The only reproach designers - Sticky 'haste in production, "which hit area under the front license plate. One gets the feeling that about this small but eye-catching design element creators remembered only when it was too late to make major changes to the exterior. And in order to move harmoniously popped up on the left cheek "digital hallucination" somewhere "in the center of symmetry," creative team has lacked the inspiration ... Saab 9-3 monumental, as weathered rock, stone ingrown roots in the coastal shelf Scandinavian fjord. Flesh and blood of the last "the 900" it even in the bad weather looks like a jet plane, otstegnuvshim unnecessary elements on the road plumage, but still eager to cast the ancestors of the sky. When you admire walking along the road at a speed "on a one hundred-fifty," "nine-third" could not help expecting that the car is about to spread its wings, remove the chassis, take off and hide in the low storm clouds ... Especially good he looks in a monolithic aerodynamic Viggen, but our modest "Swan» 9-3 SE called the "ugly duckling" is also not dare. In this case, one must admit that the appearance of the car is designed precisely to connoisseur brand, familiar with its history and understands the term "gloomy persons in a family album» Saab. Audi A4 - well-fed adult child to break into the top of the social hierarchy is not the old parents. It seems that apparently the previous car was a distinctive and original. But it was steady image of transport for the beautiful half of humanity speaking in German. Expanse of highways and urban streets raging streams were full of the "quartet", which majestically behind the wheel sat a well-preserved and perfectly "toned" business with Frau holerichnymi Doberman on the rear trunk full of sofas and packages from the supermarket. The new A4 - is another story. Now it's trendy unisex with a well-founded claim to recognition by the powerful and wealthy men. One may discuss the similarities with the A4 A6, A8 and TT, but no one can conclusively prove that the new Audi has failed. Even as a success! Stylists have the effect of the original - a middle class car looks much more solid and larger than the vast majority of their classmates. But it is striking only when parked next to the A4 and A6, A8 real. However, it is unlikely such a neighborhood - in our part of the Audi rarely gather in flocks. Is that on the company's service or from the central entrance to the State Duma. So admire in the rearview mirror, as outsiders with surprise and looking at "rear" "quartet" categorically not understand why in the trunk of the A6, A4 label emblazoned ... Inside these cars differ from each other, even more than the outside. Alfa Romeo aims primarily at the driver, whose interests are taken into account to the smallest details and details. One has only to plunge into the sports seats with prominent lateral supports, put his hands on the three-spoke sport steering wheel rim, take a look at the sports round-scale devices and pointers - and realize that he was captured, from which you do not want to run at will! An ideal place for a driver with ambitions in search of the car to continue his "self." Landing is traditional for Italian cars - you sit high, as the chair. But almost from the first meters of the movement know that ergonomic driving position engaged impeccable professionals. There are only two significant claims. Rest areas left leg in practice such is not - no matter how much experimenting, a comfortable position in a journey with it you will not find. A stylish exterior mirrors once again confirm that the choice between beauty and functionality of the Italian designers prefer the appearance to the detriment of the more important for consumer ergonomics. Browse through these teardrop back elements of decoration is poor. I am sure that in preparing the next generation, "156th" designers will take into account these shortcomings. Interior Saab are no surprises in itself does not conceal. I came, I saw - a backwater! Do not forget that the ignition switch is located between the front seats. Whatever was going "overboard" in the cockpit is always warm and cozy, and electro allows all manipulation of the workplace setting for themselves exclusively with the manufacture of buttons. They are in the "Saab", as in any plane, has always been a lot - I would like to focus on learning a couple of days. Disappointing lack of range of adjustment steering column "in depth" and the inability to adjust the angle of inclination - I always wanted a little lower steering wheel and pull it toward you. Not for takeoff, and to achieve the most convenient landing ... Customize A4 by itself can be perfect. No, the "Quartet" never "merged in ecstasy", as with the "156th". And not "thaw of snow," as in "9-3-m." It always reminds you where it ends and begins the driver Audi. This - the hallmark of any German car. Still, for the Germans, even the most massive rasprekrasny car is not so much a luxury as a means of transportation. Based on this, "germaniteta" should not entertain any illusions that the car - this is embodied in a metal man continued driving. No, the car - it's extremely convenient and versatile unit, designed to deliver maximum comfort to the riders at the address in - preferably - the driver's minimal involvement in the delivery process. Spin the wheel, crush the pedals and buttons, change gears, and enjoy the ride - but do not teach a machine to live and do not hinder her work the money that you paid for it. Ready to take that approach? Then you have to Audi for each other! In terms of passengers in these vehicles have more in common than differences. Behind the same "end to end," especially if the audience in the road crept growth is above average. Do not forget that this is a variation on the theme "Golf class," and demand that these machines outstanding interior space is not entirely correct. But all three hospitality plowing in front of you right-front door - to sit in front of spacious, cozy and comfortable. That's only in "Alpha" companion completely unable to get any sort of information was sunk deep into the round niche devices - not even time to find the hidden from prying eyes watch can only be unfastened seat belt, and almost putting his head on the shoulder of the driver. Is not entirely clear what this can be explained - is it just struggle with night glare on the windshield? And in the "Saab" over the passenger's left knee hovers menacingly and ridiculously small piece of the central panel. So small that one wonders why he paid such a prominent role in ergonomics. By far the most comfortable seats in the A4 feel - after all, the position of a direct competitor "treshki» BMW and Mercedes C-Class requires keeping style! That, naturally, can not affect the price ... Ride these machines completely different! 2-liter 150-strong Alfa Romeo with a proprietary system twin spark ignition for the best mix - the dream of every driver that has the minimum skills to manage front-drive car. Superbly tuned suspension, optimally chosen gear ratios in manual steering and sharpened cheer up and delivered a true delight fans of the "active rest at the wheel." Prior to 2000 rpm just goes Alfa, 4000 - off and have fun picking up speed on any of the five gears, and from 4 to 7000 flies like crazy, elegantly sweeping "tail" of their own footprints in the rotation to the limit! In these modes, the engine with two spark plugs per cylinder sings loudly as Robertino Loretti, and the exhaust sound and smell of burning rubber scare away the birds in a radius of several kilometers ... In this case it is not necessary to rush headlong "from dusk to dawn" - a full-time in terms of traffic rules and our sluggish through the city streets of reality modes Alfa unquestioningly obey the driver, allowing little distracted by the process of governance. That will end the eternal traffic jams metropolis, jumped into the suburban expanses - and drive gasoline on highways and adrenaline through the veins! Saab - the most powerful and fastest car among the participants of the test. 185-hp turbo sure is "lucky" machine from the "bottom". In the bustle of the city and at a measured suburban movement behavior of the "09/03" - exactly what you want an adult sane person. However, the main market for the Saab 9-3 - U.S. McDonald's and Coca-Cola, and it could not put a specific imprint on the pendant. Soft, roll, pitch and weakly resisting "klevkam," she practically deprive "who moved to permanent residence in America Swede 'chances to stay for the" Alpha "and" Audi "in fast corners of the track. Catastrophic soft suspension is best illustrated by the following fact: you are standing in the far left lane at traffic lights, on the wrong side famously drives a car the size of a little more "Oka", and its air "train» Saab rocking on the racks, as a wave of flat-bottomed boat at the pier. I'm not a fan of "Big Macs", so ordered to "3.9" with another set of springs and shocks ... Audi A4 with a 2-liter engine and manual gearbox - not the best choice. No, normal car behaves impeccably, no negative emotions! But in dense city traffic, where the need to move constantly in a mode «stop & go», meter by meter in conquering plugs are allowed to travel through time and space, the engine sorely lacking since the turnover of close to idle. In order to confidently move, to "raise the rev counter" to 1700-2000 min-1. At smaller high risk simply die out. Finally after half an hour of this "creeping" away cabin filled with fragrance peretruzhennogo clutch disc - assuming that it will change every 10-15 thousand miles, with oil and filters. I would have preferred a 2-liter A4 with a machine gun - during our "first start" we found that the machine is still not "extreme." While at the expense of understanding between the engine and transmission, good traction with 3500 rpm and excellent suspension setup A4 well lets go actively and quickly. You can generally opt for the turbodiesel. And lovers await the thrill formal exports to Russia 220-strong 3L quattro - is something to discuss with the owners of Subaru Impreza WRX! To sum up. For the benefit of the Alfa Romeo 156 say design philosophy bright leader, the honorary title of "Car goda'98" and an extremely competitive price. In addition, we surveyed the owners' 156-x "indicates that unlike traditional whimsical Italians for 3.5 years of operation, this beauty is not worried about their unplanned repairs and service. Saab 9-3 will be very helpful to the court to fans of the Swedish brand. For those who like to be in the car at home cozy and warm. And for those who want a stylish car-class golf, which distinguishes it from the owner of the total mass of classmates, many millions of copies produced, - "9-3-mu" is obviously not threaten. Audi A4 A success in growing our market guarantees as to the Bavarian brewer's yeast popularity of the brand. What to choose? It all depends on who you are closer in spirit - a temperamental Italian respectable burgher or moved to permanent residence in America Swede

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