Sunday, October 16, 2011

The October Revolution

A BMW M5 can: our race has just confirmed it! Now on measurements should go wagon Audi RS6. But suddenly the asphalt begins to darken. Rain? Worse - snow in October! Do not have time to measure the dynamics? The only hope - for four-wheel drive ingolshtadtskogo superuniversala ... But like all well started ... The roads were dry, even in the clouds discernible gaps. The mood was great. After a trip to the landfill for these cars - a celebration of the soul, heart birthday! Feast of the spirit, at last ... BMW M5 - our favorite since 1998, when "Emka" in the back of this E46 with a 400-horsepower V8 4.9 has just appeared. A magnificent motor with torque of 500 Nm, rear wheel drive, six-speed manual Getrag, limited-slip differential - and all this combined with the comfort of a sedan business klassa.Teper a BMW M5 has a new formidable rival - Audi RS6. Under the hood - V-shaped "figure eight" of 4.2 liters, which with two turbochargers develops 450 power and 560 newton-meters. Note - 50 hp and 60 lb-ft more than the BMW M5! In many ways, Audi RS6 and BMW M5 differ dramatically. The concept of "em-fifth" rather purist and uncompromising: a sedan with classic layout aspirated engine and the "mechanics". And that Audi? Engine - Turbo. Drive - all-wheel drive. Transmission - only a five-step "automatic» Tiptronic. In addition, Audi RS6 sedan can be, and wagon. We were able to find it in Moscow wagon - Audi RS6 Avant, - and this conceptual contradiction of two Bavarian cars have become more naglyadnymi.Pravda, modesty adorns both cars about the same degree. No huge splashes or extended wheel arches - just a little modified bumpers, a beautiful 18-inch wheels, two exhaust pipes and, of course, ma-and-vermillion such nameplates. Who knows, he will appreciate ... and shops dispense with a cheap jewelry: a serious man to anything these psevdogonochnye pedals or moldings "under the Kevlar." Good leather armchair and well-built three-spoke steering wheel with leather rim chubby - that's all that needs to be happy in the car, the tachometer scale which is decorated with an icon brand RS6 or M5. "Em-fifth." Rotate the key buzz servo steering column, steering wheel automatically lowering a "working" position - and then, after a moment of the starter under the hood of a powerful eight-heart come to life. Concentrate volcanic energy - steam quintals aluminum alloy under the hood on vibroisolation gidrooporah. The clutch pedal gently away into the floor, hand habitually sends a lever forwards. It seems to be like any other car with a manual ... but this is the case when the number of Newton-meters is transformed into quality. Thanks engineered BMW - a very different quality. Under the hood, BMW M5 ideal powerplant! Clutch must operate this way, gently and predictably. The box should switch this way - with a few light strokes and arm and a barely noticeable "step" at operation of synchronizers. And, of course, the thrust. Let it always will be, at any speed - from single and ending with the maximum! By the way, the tachometer on the BMW M5 is not easy - until the engine warms up, the circumference of the scale of 4000 rev / min to 6500 rev / min will glow yellow sectors. This is a warning - cold engine is better not to twist! We will not, will not - what are we, the monsters are ... At the wheel of BMW M5 can enjoy a leisurely ride even. On the second engine sings a beautiful tenor voice, on the fourth of his voice drops to a baritone softly. And if at the same speed to enable the sixth, the needle drops to idle, and in response to the supply of gas in the cabin will be heard the soft bass notes ... Setting up the chassis - is also an inexhaustible source of positive emotions. What kind of nobility, "em-fifth" responds to the rudder, as is soft on the streets of Moscow! Apparently, the three-year registration BMW M5 «comfortable» component in the nature of these machines has become even more pronounced - an effort on the steering wheel pointed low, the reaction on the steering smooth and even when braking suspension allows small klevki kuzova.No where is sporty, passion adrenaline? First, among the buttons on the center console, there is one with the inscription «sport» - her press changes the characteristics of the electronic accelerator pedal, and the reaction gas becomes sharper and more aggressive. And secondly, the engine has warmed up, and the yellow sectors on the tach, one by one slowly faded: the way the arrow is free up to maximum speed! But even at full thrust, with decent acceleration of any supercar, BMW M5 does not lose solidity and comfort. And you know, we did the taste! Transplanting in Audi RS6, we expect even more "civil" habits. Least because of the car with a spacious station wagon with roof rails subconsciously do not expect anything more. Yes, and considerable experience in dealing with other versions of Audi A6 suggests that the reaction will likely be a bit "fuzzy" and lacking in sports ostroty.Ne bit of it! From lock to lock steering wheel a little Audi makes two and a half turns against exactly three in BMW - going through the same turns, the wheel must turn to smaller angles. In addition, the Audi wagon turns much quicker than the BMW! Effort on the steering wheel above - it is "harder" during the rotation, it is sportier in all modes. The suspension is also tuned differently - there is always a little jolting to the body and "comes" at the wheel. But it is a decent compromise between ride and handling of the Audi is still preserved. It's just that "em-fifth" point of compromise is biased towards comfort, while the RS6 - the side upravlyaemosti.Kstati, sports accessories inside the Audi a bit more. For example, a chair here - custom Recaro, with embossed logo RS6. The instrument cluster is markedly different from the usual for Audi A6. Another difference - two trigger on the steering wheel, which can change gear "automatic." On the "civilian" cars Audi used for the two two-way keys to the spokes, left and right - each and can "drop" of transmission and switch "up." And the RS6 is another system that is close to the race - to the left "minus" right "plus." Alas, the delay of the "machine" is changing almost no effect - as is usual for Audi, gearbox changes gears without haste. In the dispersal of each switch "up" is accompanied by a small hitch - for a moment when electronics covers the throttle, the car seemed to retarding the engine. But if the gas pedal is pressed while at least half, the instantaneous feeling of disappointment immediately replaced by joy: a very powerful rod! Feel the turbo specificity is virtually impossible - no delays, no "turboyamy." First, this scheme dignity biturbo - two small turbochargers, each of which is "powered" exhaust from its "half» V-shaped eight-cylinder unit and has less lag than a turbo bigger. Therefore, four-liter biturbomotor goes to the "shelf" of peak torque at 2000 rev / min - and "holds" its up to 5600 rev / min, second, helps to "automatic". When you click on any gas engine torque converter allows you to immediately unwind and a half thousand higher. And thence to a stone's throw turbozony ... As a result, the engine is almost always able to give to the surface with a maximum traction! Who is faster - BMW or Audi? Normally aspirated engine - or biturbomotor? "Mechanics" or "automatic"? Rear-wheel drive - or full? At the beginning of the five-kilometer route dynamometric illuminate headlights - to start out BMW M5. Motor promoted up to 3000 rev / min, the discharge coupling, a powerful leap forward - and if the car rests on an invisible wall. We forgot to turn off the system stabilization DSC! She and calculated quenching slip of driving wheels - but it is too active, "strangles" overclocking. As a result, dial 100 km / h in less than seven seconds with an electronically activated not udaetsya.Znachit, DSC off! Sound re-engine hangs on a high note, the start - and the tachometer needle rests momentarily in the red zone, and in the rear-view mirrors hangs blue smoke from the burnt rubber from the tread. Too intense slip: engine thrust is that the rear tires are very broad in Books thwarted not only in first gear and the second, and sometimes even the third! At the same time hundreds of sites can dial in 5.7 seconds. But in the specifications stated in 5.3. Let's try again, without slipping? We expose the tachometer of a thousand. Now quickly, but gently release the clutch - and at the same time refusing to utaplivayut floor the gas pedal. Leap forward! Now, the second - too neatly as possible while working with gas and clutch. Once again, a surge of acceleration - and here they are treasured with 5.39! We lost only one factory testers weave - though guarded and the box, and stseplenie.A know what affects the most? Not five seconds acceleration time "from zero to a hundred." Imagine - for 18 seconds, during which "normal" car able to dial 120-150 km / h, BMW M5 manages to accelerate to two hundred! A half a minute after liftoff speed pass for the official threshold of "maximum speed" of 250 km / h - and BMW continue to disperse. Limiter only works on 262.7 km / h, "exceeded the" stated specifications at 12 km / ch.Teper - turn Audi. Reboot instrumentation, including further light, taxi for start ... And cold with horror: the sky, slowly circling, falling large white hlopya.Pervy sneg.Priehali ... Asphalt "dinamki" darkens the eyes: the snowflakes melt, and with them - and hope for the success of our test. Let's not waste precious seconds. After all, with our quattro, the famous all-wheel drive transmission. The old man Thorsen help us! Overclocking with "automatic" - nothing could be simpler. Gas in the floor! Almost without slipping Audi shoots forward - like asphalt under the wheels of dried, which was a minute ago. The speedometer "stumble" at around 85 km / h, the "machine" goes to the second ... And does the exact cut-off electronics: 100 km / h - 5.18 seconds behind. Now we are sure: Audi RS6 faster than the BMW M5! Suppose only two "tens", but soon ... I'll be "at least two scores." After all, the weather gave us a chance to repeat at least zachetny acceleration - with the sky still falling snow. If not that, then who knows - maybe we have been able to develop and declared Ingolstadt 4.9 s "from zero to a hundred?" Everything we had - is to measure the "maximum speed" and inhibit with a speed of 100 km / h. Interestingly, the top speed limiter in the Audi was "two-step." At first he worked somewhere in the vicinity of 240 km / h, and then thought, electronics - and the "release" the motor, allowing the dial 266.5 km / h, at 16 miles per hour higher than the official 250-mile threshold! By the way, that on the Audi RS6 was able to show good results, the merit of not only all-wheel drive, but great tires Michelin Pilot SX Sport - they keep well, not only on dry pavement, but in the wet. A Dunlop tires on the BMW, even on a dry slide earlier than expected. What can we say about the virgin snow ... Yes, on virgin soil. In mid-October of this outbreak of Dmitrov, the February blizzard! Asphalt immediately disappeared under a thick blanket of wet snow, which can tire manufactures are called in English the term slash. All the test for today is over, you can gather in Moscow. One joy - you can vilify in winter to slide, without risk to shin.Trogatsya for BMW - a veritable torment: the rear wheels, shod in summer Dunlop, helps neither the electronics nor the limited-slip differential in the rear axle. Still, typing speed, turn off DSC, click on the gas - and BMW obediently stands sideways. The fun began! But keep 'em-fifth "with a constant angle of drift is very difficult. First, a powerful engine: a little went through with the gas - and spun. And secondly, when you're a little gleaning, poostorozhnichal, tires suddenly cling to the road - and BMW shies away inverted front koles.Uzhe the next day we repeated attempts on the pavement Khodynka - and dry, and moist. The character is the same: or BMW glides out the front wheels, or twisted up to the reversal. It's a shame, eh? It's so powerful at times want to rear-wheel drive car with the "mechanics" to show all his skill management "classic" ... But the Audi RS6 made throughout his four-wheel drive glory. Even in the worst snowfall in the summer and Michelin skillful driver stabilization system ESP here, by and large, do not need. In the dispersal of electronics but in vain, "choking" the engine. But when you disable the ESP and you press on the gas, then the Audi, throwing out from under all four wheels, the fountains of snow, with a slight drift just shoots forward - a totally "asphalt" acceleration! All you need to do - it does not release gas to adjust the skid and a small rotation rulya.Gospodi, what kind of acceleration Audi RS6 in the snow would develop on good winter tires? Manage the Audi slip, at first glance, is simple - by dumping gas car goes smoothly in the bank, under the hood straightens the trajectory. Here are just a "machine" ... He is a dog, is switched "up" to achieve maximum speed, even in manual mode. And what happens? You rocked the car under the gas discharge, set sideways, opened the throttle - and the engine instantly, "rested" in the limiter, and "automatic" jumped to the next gear. At the critical moment the car leaves you treacherously without proper traction! In short, the rally to demonstrate techniques in the winter all-wheel drive Audi RS6, sadly, is not necessary. And the BMW M5, of course, tozhe.Kstati, it would be interesting to put on 'em-fifth "narrower than the rear tires. Initially, they are wider than the front - and this is done in order to reduce the chance of slipping under the hood, and, probably, from sobrazheny security. Indeed, in limiting modes are narrower front tires start to slide before the rear - and even in the discharge of gas in the "extreme" turn often leaves BMW front wheels out! A four-wheel drive Audi «raznoshinnitsa" to anything - all-wheel drive "around" the same and the handling balance is closer to the optimum. Therefore, the Audi can do almost anything you want. Throw in a skid, take a turn in the side-slip ... And with the acceleration of the cannon to go to the line - no matter what the wheels: a dry asphalt or a terrible mixture of snow and road cars from gryazi.Kakoy we would prefer? I feel like saying: all-wheel drive BMW M5. Or Audi RS6 with "mechanics." Alas, these machines do not exist. Then our choice - Audi RS6. At least now, before winter. And it was the decisive factor in all-wheel drive: a sudden snowstorm in October, so clearly showed who is the master at the Winter Russian roads ... Plus a unique opportunity to get a spacious family sedan with supercar driving characteristics. Audi RS6 has made in our attitudes kind of "October Revolution". Acute and informative steering wheel, quick reaction, "muscular" and collected suspension - the settings on ingolshtadtskih "six" for the first time we meet! But after the Audi RS6 our impressions of the BMW M5 is not dimmed. This is still a grand Grand Tourism - the car in which the maximum comfort combined with superkarovskoy dynamics. Perhaps this "uh-five" - ??the quintessence of the current ideology BMW! And in the good, the choice between these two cars - it impossible. You need to have both. For the summer - BMW M5 for 112 000 euros. And for the winter - Audi RS6 for 102 000 ...

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