In fact, the first-generation Audi A6 is just an upgraded Audi 100 model in 1990, received after restyling to all the other changes still quite a new name. But all the old advantages "six" saved. Among the undoubted advantages of the first generation Audi A6 might be called perfectly made "eternal" body, other than engines, as well as a simple and reliable suspension damn, you can repair yourself or your nearest service. Naturally, you can not go through and ignore the fact that the Audi A6 equip the famous all-wheel drive. But first things first. At Audi, made after 1988 (regardless of model), with a body should be all right. The fact is that since the late 80s, these cars have only galvanized the body that can easily withstand the corrosion of a very long time. If there is at least small pockets of rust, this is the first indication that the earlier car got into an accident and then was rebuilt by no means the best way. In the future such hastily repaired items can deliver a lot of trouble. And if resale car (not all because life is to ride in one and the same) rusty items may deter buyers or get seriously slow down the price. Unlike the Audi 100 model 1990-1994, which could be practically "empty" (where even front windows are not electric), Audi A6 equipped with a basic version is the minimum necessary set of "bells and whistles." And often in addition to electric windows (front at least) with mirrors, there is also the climate system. And it is not simple, but with the possibility of separate adjustment of air temperature for the driver and front passenger. No worse than the first generation A6 benzinaAudi, despite his short life (recall that this model is formally existed for only three years), equipped with a fairly wide range of engines. And not only gasoline, but diesel. The weakest engine, "feeding" diesel fuel, was 1.9-liter 90 hp Frankly, these "horses" is clearly not enough for such a large and heavy machinery. If you really want to have a diesel engine, better look into the 2.5-liter 5-cylinder unit. It comes in two types: 115 hp and 140 hp The last engine deserves the good reviews, because he made a surprisingly dynamic Audi A6 car - acceleration to "hundreds" of less than 10 seconds. And it is a diesel car! According to the experts to service cars Audi, diesel engines (including 1.9-liter), very reliable. However, we must remember that their diagnosis had to go only on branded service stations, but not in normal shops. Literacy test can take about $ 30, but it is better to pay as maintenance of modern diesel Audi will cost a huge amount (although bring a 2.5-liter engine to the "death" in a natural way daunting - its life is estimated at 500-700 thousand km.). Petrol motors A6 can be 4 -, 6 - or 8-cylinder (Audi 100 equip another 5-cylinder engine, but after the restyling of this unit have decided to phase out). The weakest was a 2-liter "four", usually issued 115 hp, although you can find cars and with very much "dead" 101-horsepower engine. Despite all the skepticism about the small number of horses, it should be noted that the 2-liter 8-valve unit has proved to be the best party for its reliability, simplicity and maintainability - spare parts for it are relatively cheap and engines used on the "disassembly" abound . And the cost of servicing such machines are generally low. For example, replacing the cylinder head gasket will cost about $ 25 together with the work (the V6 engines in three to four times more expensive). There is a 1.8-liter 4-cylinder engine with 20 valves, 125 hp, which also can recommend to lovers of quiet and leisurely ride. If you want to have more or less fast Audi A6, better search engine version with the V6. It is "six" allow you to fully enjoy the charm of owning such a prestigious car like Audi. Under the hood, the A6 can be found three variants engine V6. One of them has a volume of 2.6 liters and 150 hp This is already enough to not "break off" due to lack of "horses". And many believe it is a 2.6-liter unit the best price / performance / operational costs. And besides, these machines on the secondary market are many, and there is plenty to choose from. There are two 2.8-liter unit. In the first year he was the A6 174 hp, while the second half of 1995 on the machine began to establish a more modern engine with five valves per cylinder, which gave out 193 hp already All my little! Who is not enough and 193 "horses" can take a chance and buy some very interesting "charged" versions of the car. And there were several options. Thus, the first based on the Audi 100, made car called S4, equipped with a 5-cylinder engine of 2.2 liter turbo engine with 230 hp (So ??that the first model emerged from the S4 100, not of A4). But in 1995, was released an updated version of a high-car under the name of S6. These machines have a V8 engine of 4.2 liters 280 hp In addition, the Germans gathered in small quantities Audi S6 Plus with a 4.2-liter engine power of 326 hp The latest modification to find the market very difficult, but the S6 (and as an older S4) on our secondary market is not so exclusive. But most interestingly, the price of these machines are not much more than the usual A6 with a 6-cylinder engines. But this does not mean you have to drop everything and run to look for is "charged" Audi. It should work the principle of "look before you leap, and only cut once." Buying now strongly Used Audi S6 of the first generation (after all, this car has quite a few years, and run it appropriate), must be understood that this "rocket" may at any time require decent money to repair the engine, gearbox, etc. And do not say that the 4.2-liter "eight", which was reached S6 from the larger A8, very reliable and can work with more than 500 thousand kilometers. This Audi A8 could buy for more or less quiet ride with a professional driver. A S6 took only for aggressive and fast driving. And nothing else! And when the engine is constantly using 100%, its share can not exceed 100 sq km. Repair is "charged" engine is astronomical money. Yes, it's not just the engine. By S6, many are not suitable items from the usual A6. The price of spare parts for the "charged" cars can be simply indecent high. For example, a set of clutch pulls in $ 400-500, the original shock absorber is worth about $ 350, and a firm brake pads (more on S6 is better not to) ask about $ 220. Lifetime quieter engine V6 of 2.6 and 2.8 liter more. When buying a car be sure to remove the top engine cover (called a plate) and see if there is a space between the cylinder head oil. If so, this is a bad sign. It is possible that such motor led one of the "heads". Generally, engines Audi like "eat" oil, but if it exceeds the rate per thousand kilometers per liter will probably have to replace valve guides (happens after the 300-400 thousand km). This is not a cheap, because for the work and parts will have to pay around $ 1000-1500, depending on the "slope" of service. We need to look again, do not flow if the cylinder head gasket. Sometimes simple is not enough to replace them due to the fact that, for whatever reasons, "head" a little jarred. Alignment of the same landing plane will cost $ 300-500. Decent expected cost of the owner and, if cracked intake manifold. Work on its replacement cost is usually around $ 60-100, but that buying a new part pulls from her purse for more than $ 800-1000 (the "disassembly" can be found secondhand for $ 350). After buying a car should be on the safe side to put a new timing belt (in Russia it is better to replace them every 60-70 thousand miles.) Replacing the belt along with a set of rollers and the pump will cost about $ 350-400. It is also recommended about every 30-40 thousand kilometers rinse injector ($ 100). By the way, we can give a recommendation. If there is a problem in winter with a cold start, the more likely it is not in some kind of electronic sensors (they also sometimes fail). Sometimes it is enough simply to call for service "Audi" and little to reconfigure the computer. The legendary "quattro" Much of the first generation A6 has wheel-drive system "quattro" with limited slip differential Torsen - this scheme is still in the 80s of last century became the hallmark "Audi". If you do not go into the theory, we can note that the great advantage of the differential Torsen - instantaneous transmission of torque from front wheels to the rear. And this is done not at the beginning of slip, and before it (Torsen responds to changes in coupling conditions). Operation wheel-drive vehicles cost slightly more expensive than usual. For example, the rear suspension for such vehicles is complex and has many silent-blocks, which every few years should be changed (about $ 300-450). Yes, plus the more traction control can wear down the collapse of the rear wheels (another $ 120-200 to work). As for the AWD, it is extremely reliable. And even if there was a small roar of the differential, often only enough to fill a special liquid. Front-wheel cars have a simple rear suspension with steel beam and the two silent-blocks. Replacing the latter costs about $ 80-150. And more there to break, in general, nothing. And the front suspension is also very simple - just one lever with ball bearing, lifetime of more than 120 thousand kilometers. The original stations on the company can cost more than $ 250 in stores but there are good aftermarket parts for $ 90 (strongly recommended not to buy Chinese, Taiwanese, Italian and Spanish parts - it is better to opt for brand-name of "Lemferder" and TRW). Silent block lever on the European roads can operate more than 150 thousand kilometers. We sometimes it is enough only for 50-70 thousand, which is also quite good ($ 40-80 replaced). Several more often (every 30-40 thousand miles) is required to put new anti-roll bar bushings ($ 30-50 with work). Perhaps the only thing that slightly disappointed in the suspension of the first generation Audi A6, so that dampers on our roads often go down (but at 1-1.5 years of missing). What shocks to buy, everyone decides for himself - on the market today is how very ordinary and not too strong, and athletic gas with adjustable stiffness.
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