Saturday, October 1, 2011

Full speed ahead!

Of course, the list of mid-size four-wheel drive car is much wider, but we decided to limit those relatively inexpensive cars that can compete with the novelty of the season - four-wheel drive sedan Subaru Legasy. With a two-liter engine and manual transmission is $ 31,230 Subaru. All-wheel drive Mercedes and BMW are much more expensive. Volkswagen Passat or Volvo S60 - is closer, but for this test, they do not come for another reason: all-wheel drive version of the Passat and S60 are equipped with more powerful engines. But the Audi A4 with turbo engine capacity of 1781 cm3 fits perfectly. And the Skoda with the same engine is suitable, although it is $ 5,000 cheaper than Subaru.Na landfill site spetsdorog mark up the cones a few twists - and are trying to "see through" nature of the handling of each machine, after disabling the stabilization system. Three experts go on line for three cars, and all three favor Subaru: the most understandable reaction. If you go to turn quickly and throw gas, Subaru first answer a little slippage, the front axle, followed by a smooth, easily controllable drift. And now you can keep the car without using their hands: turning the steering wheel - and know his game gas. He pressed the pedal - Subaru goes on a larger radius, released - and the car went inside. Everything on the front-drive car. Only the higher speeds and buzz bolshe.Skoda and Audi behave a little worse. Skoda actively responds to steering and traction, but the disruption to slip, as well as restore exchange rate stability, there are quite sharp. A little late with the correction - and Skoda is set to 180 degrees. It is not excluded that this character is explained by the fact that, unlike the Subaru, Skoda in normal driving - the car front-wheel drive and torque to the rear wheels clutch Haldex supplies only when the front wheels break down in probuksovku.Na Audi, as and Subaru, used "honest" four-wheel drive, and the A4 is center differential Torsen, distributes the torque between axles in a range from 25:75 to 75:25. Audi is very stable on bare ice. Can be reconstructed from the series in a row, confidently go gentle turns. But at the entrance to a steep turn vehicle can permanently hang in the demolition, and then - again, a long time - to sink into a deep drift. However, we practiced with a disconnected system stabilization. And when she turned, Audi successfully fights the slides. There is insurance and Skoda. But on board the Subaru stabilization system is not - it is installed on more expensive engines with Legacy 2.5-liter and 3.0 liter. Despite a decent "basic" control, lack of stabilization - is, of course, there on the pavement minus.A Subaru Legacy is not as good as the Skoda or Audi: in the corners of the jet is not enough on the handlebars. Skoda and Audi on dry roads behave in an academically correct, and yet more noble - to the habits of Audi.I Audi A4 accelerates better. The main thing - do not drop below the tachometer pointer 2000 rev / min. Skoda motor on the same, but with different settings of the control unit: Skoda little Audi loses in power, and torque. A Subaru - behind. Obtained as follows: during acceleration to "hundreds» Audi wins ten meters from Skoda, from which the same amount behind Subaru.K ABS brakes and all three machines - a single pretenzii.A from the comfort of the situation is. Subaru copes with both small and large irregularities. But at high speed, especially at full load, the suspension is not enough energy: rear passengers now and then feel like entering into the work buffer compression. Skoda is harder minor irregularities, the body further repeats the profile of the road and enter the cabin and more unpleasant vibrations from the power unit. The Audi engine vibration protection is better, but the suspension is harder than for Skoda. On minor irregularities Audi responds sharply, the road follows the profile podrobnee.Luchshaya insulation - for Audi, with all the noise, the rustling of tires, the engine roar and whistle of the wind well balanced. And Skoda, and Subaru - noticeably noisier. Particularly troublesome stones at a fraction wheel arkam.A what these cars in a static? Salon Subaru has worked in the style of techno: the doors and central console is decorated with spectacular insert "under the metal." The Audi dominated by strict classical style: black plastic, insert "under the dark wood" numerous red illumination buttons. At night, the instrument cluster spectacularly lighted "neon" numbers, which glide red pointer arrow. Skoda on the quality of finish is losing - and here the materials are simpler, and a minimum of additional equipment, making the center console looks goloy.Lider on the part of ergonomics - Audi A4. Here are the best seats - hard, with a good distribution of loads. Impressive, and ranges of adjustment: growth 190 cm driver pulls the seat for a couple of "clicks" on. Above the head stock area such that height adjustment can be used not only "negative" but also "a plus". And if the seat is dropped all the way down, it seems that you are sitting in a sports coupe - almost on the floor with legs extended. Lift up the seat - and the "transplanted" into a minivan with the "vertical" landing. No problem with adjustable steering good, his position changes and on the flight, and altitude. The only pity is that the pedals are not regulated, otherwise we would have at least a third lessen the clutch pedal. It is just great - as it gets in a traffic jam! A note of the nice things climate control with separate temperature control for driver and front passenger, and very informative trip computer, which, for example, provides information on fuel consumption not only in motion, but still - in liters chas.Nakonets- then the Subaru were not put "trolley" handlebars and a smaller one. The only pity is that the adjustment is still one - to lift, lower steering wheel can move up to her but can not. Seat Subaru - with a good profile, but softer than the Audi, and even more modest adjustment range: 190 cm with an increase of barely enough. On the shift lever we have complained many times. Selective movement is not very clear: what you get "between gears", they include, but not until the end. Defect that old, we can say heirloom, and it does not tied with a sporty image of the Subaru. Incidentally, the same picture with the "pereklyuchalkoy" and "charged" Imprezah.Mezhdu the front seats is a short, Subaru armrest box, inside which is a 12-volt socket. Convenient: You can, for example, charge mobile phone, hiding it away from prying eyes. Pleased and heated windshield in the area of ??brush - a useful thing for some of our zimah.Skoda Octavia, not even in the cheapest version of Elegance, against the background of Audi and Subaru looks rustic. Materials are not those facilities are poorer. In sunshields - the mirror without light pen on the ceiling - without lifter. But the clutch pedal, whether it was wrong, there is also a great sense of swing. But all this can be forgiven if you remember the price of Skoda. Let's not forget that the Octavia is generally considered to segment C, the so-called Golf class and the Audi A4 and Subaru Legacy - a full-fledged sedans D.A how are the rear passengers? If three of them, the "central" is sure to be complaining about the high central tunnel. This applies to all three machines. But if the two passengers behind, you can tilt the central armrest and collapse in comfort. The highest level of comfort that offers Subaru Legacy - not for nothing compared with the previous model, the car grew in all directions. The Audi closely. If the Subaru man 190 cm rise sits quietly "man for himself", the Audi has a number of passes. But even worse for those who turned out in the rear seat Skoda. It remains to plead that his cargo capacity Skoda Octavia out of competition - a huge fifth door opens up into a deep belly luggage compartment. And if you add up the seat, the Skoda can be used as a small van. It is clear that neither Audi nor the Subaru can not boast: sedans. But for sedans luggage compartments are quite decent. It's a pity only that backrests recline not - for the transport of long-length have to install a roof rack. Although the Subaru one pair of skis to transport all the same can be thrown back hatch in the rear seat backrest. At Audi it back blank. But on the trunk lid has a comfortable handle and then attached a warning triangle: the trunk was opened on a dark road - and you see it. At Subaru has no sign, no handles - slamming the trunk, it is necessary to take on the front panel cover and soil ruki.Po results of an open vote victory in the test scored Audi A4 quattro. Subaru ranked second. Those who can not afford a car at the cost of more than $ 30,000, but dreams of a full drive, we recommend you pay attention to the Octavia. Yes, it is less prestigious, less richly equipped. But this is a real "workhorse", of which the teeth are not only broken asphalt, and snow and ice. We have seen.

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