Saturday, October 1, 2011

At all four

Podsuropilo I ride Audi A6 quattro, which in Russian means "all-wheel drive." Typical, I must say, winter car. Especially the new 2005 model year. Do not be ashamed, I think, be rendered in a car after a major corporate parties. Still, $ 60 000 or more. In the winter you need a Russian, I mean, except to drive fast? First and foremost, of course, that the vehicle is well, then - so warm and comfortable it was, finally, to a traffic jam, which is much larger in winter than in summer, it was boring. What about a fast ride in A6 quattro all right - the speed of more than 240 km / h. To "hundreds" - Eight-something seconds. The motor, however, from the previous generation - a three-liter. The one that took its place in Europe - with direct injection, and therefore to us until you deliver. This immediacy is very sensitive to fuel quality, and gasoline in Russia found very much varied. It's a shame that the best available to us, but you have to escape from this feeling and be satisfied with merely good. And this three-liter "six" is really good, and if you count the money, then this option might seem optimal for the A6 is not as expensive as a V8, and some faster than the "root" of 2.4 liters. By the same engine with a history of reducing costs for maintenance and repairs - not necessarily money, more time waiting for parts, for example. The only thing: sounds like the engine is not as cool as it should be a hurricane wheelbarrow. Apparently, this is already beyond repair - even the most unlikely complexes definitely mate, if this reaches the level of prosperity that he can buy himself a new A6, will spoil the system of exhaust tail pipe diameter with a bucket. Now, about the distance. Former "a-six" were of different sizes - a little bigger, a little less, depending on version, new everything will be identical in size, and the wheels are spaced away from the geographical middle of the car, so he must resistance to the idea of ??reminding the Japanese stool height of 15 cm . And, I note, I am proud, like. The most slippery, broken "Kamaz" turn near the holiday cottage A6 calmly took the speed of 110 km / h. We're a little outside Moscow poissledovali road between Kiev and Kaluga road: the car fits nicely into all those psevdonemetskie bends, curves and hills Tyagunov. At Audi there is some particularly active ESP, which allows nothing to be afraid. I specifically called in the evening on the practice ground a driving school and tried to put "a-six" in the bank. It turns out this is possible even without disabling ESP, but beyond scary, though, and beautiful: a chemically modified yellow and brown leaves swirl soared into the blue sky and gradually covered with dusty black box ... While all this is settled, I thought, but it's good for me as a drove or not really? And do not come to terms with himself. On the one hand, well, that car is a safe and secure: any retiree comes from her delight in driving on the other hand - some it really is very stubborn and independent in its tranquility, all the driver's emotions seemed to go away in cotton wool and even impetuous jerk with a traffic light does not cause the slightest pleasure. And one young woman said in the appearance of the new Audi lack of extravagance. Claimed by the manufacturer will increase "rapacity" and "muscular" she observed were not clean, but inside a plastic tree - very even. But the upholstery leather like - stroked, smiled. Mercedes E320. Mercedes E320 with all-wheel trasmissiey 4Matic - German designers adequate response to those who still doubt the ability of rear-wheel drive vehicles endure the difficulties of the Russian winter, coupled with the helplessness of public utilities. Adjustable electronic four-wheel drive (this is the computer decides what to load on the front wheels) should provide additional stability E320 on slippery or snowy roads. And this despite the fact that suspension and aerodynamic characteristics of the new E320 were all the same, "mersedesovskimi." For a description of how this car holds the road quite fit the phrase "dead in his tracks." Confuse a ride on "Mercedes" is impossible with anything: a feeling that he was glued to the road and shove it as hard as you throw a sumo wrestler. Of course, all-wheel drive required certain sacrifices. Primarily affected acceleration capabilities - a machine does everything slowly and carefully, as if sitting in the salon, John Paul II. In Sport mode the car starts is hardly faster. In short, how to "do" at a traffic light "five" BMW or A6, can be forgotten. But is it important to "Mercedes" that wins it smooth and comfortable ride? Especially as, speeding, find out: the 320th has a huge reserve of power and speed. Overboard - all in the cracks and patches covering Shelepihinskogo bridge. On the speedometer - 140 km / h, "machine" has not yet switched to the higher gear, and in the cabin - only a faint sound of the engine. And always the same sure grip and excellent handling. Maybe it's just an optical illusion, but a new body E320 seems a little less than its predecessor. The car looks lighter, more compact and faster, without losing the characteristic "Mercedes" solidity. Inside, there is also a change, and change for the better. In general, comfort and ergonomics, "Mercedes" traditionally occupy. The good features in the E320 can be noted, for example, fully electronically controlled driver's seat (up to the adjustment of the headrest), and separate climate control not only for the front, but for the rear passengers. Steering wheel adjustable in four directions with the help of electronics, so find a comfortable position is easy. Some "mersedesovskie" chips are the same as that of many years ago. Just include the lights and windshield wipers (new E320 to the right of the steering wheel is still no control lever), all the same left pedal car is put on the handbrake. In the rating of Moscow pontov new E320 must be located somewhere in the late first - early in the second ten, yielding to other German cars of higher classes, "Jaguar" and different "Ferrari" and other expensive cars and sports. For some reason, like E320 fashionable boys from wealthy families, the wives of successful businessmen and avid to all dear and bright representatives of the Southern diaspora. E320 is easy to imagine the parking lot of clubs, "Summer" or First, restaurant "Gallery" or "Vanilla". Their owners - full visitors of the capital, "Vanity Fair". It is clear, however, that this is not a reason to refuse to buy a different car, a new Mercedes E320. And in the end harm in that E320 is not ashamed to appear in public. The only thing to note: in the Kremlin or the White House on such a machine to go anymore. That is something to go, of course, possible, but the effect is not the same. The inhabitants of these areas prefer to use the big black car, preferably skinned and with flashing lights. In addition, the protection of the jeep next to the E320 will look somewhat comical. AUDI A6 QUATTRO. Large, a full and happy stay in delivering new A6 in the mirror. The design features of the automotive and engineering thought none of this has any relation, but as more and more control of the machine is reduced to the ability to customize the sound system for a particular disc or radio station, we have to test that part mashiny.Ya very long understood the button and ruchechkah by which all local audio, videodelo controlled. Considerations of the research did not read user manuals, but as the A6 should be automated, so that while she was taking me home to myself, I understood the way in this matter - and figured out. Even learned to tune into the frequency of your favorite radio station! In the dead end I just put the desire to listen to a CD - could not find a gap where his stick. The case helped: it occurred to me to open the "glove", and I frantically zasharil little hand on the bottom of the dashboard on the passenger side. No holes or hooks are not groped. It turned out, "glove" to open the button on the panel next to the TV screen, but in the "glove box" showed changer. Making wheel - a design of a new hi "face" of the new A6. And it's nice. MERCEDES E320. Silver instrument panel, along with chrome accents on the dash and doors allow you to use when describing the interior E320 phrase "modern design". Its elements are successfully combined with traditional representational vehicles inserts of dark polished wood and leather, which are covered in the E320 is not only the seat and steering wheel, and doors. Bright silver color shines only on the dashboard. Light radio buttons, and other soft, muted. As a result, in the dark in the cabin becomes a home-like comfort. It is not excluded that other owners of E320 at night taking care not to wake his wife and children, down to the parking lot with a favorite CD and just sit in the car with the included dimensions and tape recorder and enjoy music. However, in comparison with the new A6 dashboard E320 is still poorer. "Six", for example, borrowed from the A8 Multi-Media Interface - a system of "integrated management", which includes MMI-terminal (located next to the handle switch modes) and 6.5-inch MMI-screen, let you watch TV, including programs and use the navigation system. We do not have anything like E320. There's just hidden under the panels departing jack for CD-changer.

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