ECCE MOBILEAvtomobil Audi S5 questioned the aptitude marketers from Ingolstadt. In my opinion, it completely kills the two models - and the R8, and TT. About this model can not be said with breathy cutesy: "She has no place in this country." Nonsense. Just this machine - very even for this country. That's exactly the Audi R8 has no place in our incomparable spaces. Which shows sales statistics. The new coupe A5/S5 - real, staggeringly cool car. Of all the projects Audi today - it's the best. In any other way or another, there musorinka, flaw, defect ideological (eg Audi A4 - it's all for me, incomprehensible machine, neither one thing nor the). This also applies to a stunning design. From an artistic point of view rather boring Audi cars, but S5 - complete mortality. The man who built this car should get a knighthood, the title of Honorary Citizen, a bronze bust in his native, personal star in the sky, the eternal Respect ... Such a machine is in full mincemeat, as I have ... And I, as I said, there are - well, everything, everything! - That can only come up to today. Leather, MMI, a three-zone climate control, 500-watt audio system Bang & Olufsen, electromechanical parking brake, the magic key that opens not only the doors, but also stores information about the mileage and the technical problems that are dynamic suspension with four variants of the dampers , the system Side Assist, which is sure to warn you that the rear is a great truck, intending to drop in at full speed to you in the ass ... Word has it all. Except one. I do not have in-car voice control. From this elegant option I declined. Because I was offered control of machine functions in German. Only available in German. Even the English version for some reason was not. So Audi S5 in full mincemeat, I believe, should be set at any world's fair, "Confessions of a Shopaholic future" as an example konsumeristskogo happiness. A person should look at this machine and understand - the less he does not want to! For less than my S5, automakers have fine equipment. Today motorist nightmare as they want. The machine, which he saw in the advertisement is different from the one that stands in the cabin, as the dildo from the state farm FunFactory carrots. He brought some money in fist, and he requires more. He said: "This is you sit in the base model. I do not like? Understand. And now let's see, that you would like to see more in my car? Built-in phone? Bar with inlaid? IPod? TV ... It will cost you so much and so much else. " It should not be. Ideally, the buyer should not puzzle over the fact that it is something lacking in the car. There should be enough of everything. BULLET-Dura. FSI - MOLODETsMashina unique, of course, not only filling. Filling it? Stuff can be anything as you like and what you want. But it's not the point. That happens sometimes often - let me look for an analogy in the Moscow gastronomic sphere - that will build a restaurant at first, and only then seek to pigeonhole his kitchen. In the case of the Audi S5 drafters do not forget to attach to a complete stuffing excellent car. Options without weighing the design, not added to her weight loss, did not violate the proportions are not iskorezhili it. Audi S5 - it is a miracle. With a car you can do anything you want. Do you want to - you an athlete, you want to rest, do you want a girl want a man. This car should serve as a guide to modern industry. He has a weight distribution that he basically does not need a modern convenience electronics. Electronics often hide their sins, those who correctly calculated the geometry of the body. In S5 - all in-date information. Length-width-height, aerodynamic properties, the location of the engine, the volume of the cabin, the luggage compartment - all balanced excellently. Audi S5 corresponds to my idea of ??the ideal of a modern car, because it is on one side - go-karting. So confident behind the wheel, I felt only on the sports car battle. But the S5 are much softer, without the sweaty buttocks and degenerative disc disease. Because on the other hand S5 - it's a limousine. I remember ten years ago we were flying over the Arctic Circle to test new generation of "sixes" Audi. I really liked the car then with a 3-liter engine and drive quattro. But I do remember that the tail she still a little zagulival. Apparently, there a little longer than you need a database. Nothing like the S5 is not observed. You're just going as a tram. On rails. It does not matter: 5 km / h or 240 km / h. In the turn or on the line. S5 motor with 4.2 FSI - a bullet. Funny Audi marketers hoped that the maximum for this machine - the engine of 3 liters, and most running version is 1.8 liters. But when the engineers saw what happened at the car's body, then immediately shoved him a maximum of horses under the hood. Happened two times cheaper than R8, though no less deadly. S5 in its present form can deal very adequately with Porsche. It's almost ready to race machine. Her road to the GT3, which it surely will soon. Judge for yourself: "Hundred" with S5 typed in 5.1 seconds. Two "hundred" - in 19 seconds. Super. But the engine I admire not only the horse's agility. FSI - a complex and intelligent unit. It takes time to sort out his work. I would say that the driver should be taught to use this engine. On how well you learn it, depends on the way, and the size of your financial burden. FSI can absorb from 11 to 28 liters per hundred. Much, of course, depends on driving style, which the computer as if it writes itself into memory. I rode the Q7 has a few thousand miles, and seems to be seen through the character of the engine. I learned to drive it economically, I learned to drive it fast. I learned how to play it. For example, at its Q7 I drove a "hard drive" algorithm with shifting podrulnyh petals - the car is lowered by one, two, three, keeps one transfer as much as told. On my car I could be in third gear and fly like a cannon, not switching. Interestingly, in the A5/S5, even with manual driver offered a hint: the display shows the current number of transmission and number of the transfer, which is recommended to go for the forest of fuel economy and safety for the motor. It is clear that the person buying S-line, educational program is not needed. He lacked experience. Although it is not enough experienced drivers. All go on the machine, all rolled up to the level of the average American with an average IQ, which is enough only for a certain degree of complexity of the problem. My friend lives in America, which is essentially buying his "Mercedes" solely on the handle. At the blunt question: "Why?" He bluntly replied that the best protection against theft. Negros, which often encroached on his car, able to break glass to get into the room, close the wire, but not in a position to understand the "mechanics". They are baffled by the such a complex thing. "Fuck, this wheelbarrow three pedals, what to do? What kind of press?" Audi S5 is not for blacks. But not for blondes, wondering what the difference between these two mobile phones. And the fact that one of them - MP3-player and the other - the camera. This is not a machine for the inhabitants of Rublevo Assumption highway, although it is very beautiful. This is a machine for serious and sports people. Such as hot and Yours truly.
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