Saturday, October 1, 2011

Multipolar world

But today the "big two German" de facto become the "big three German". And before many buyers raises the reasonable question: Audi, BMW or Mercedes? We asked him more specifically: the new Audi A6 3.0 quattro, BMW 530i or Mercedes E320 4Matic? Two years ago, in a comparative test with a Mercedes E320 participated Audi A6 3.0 the previous generation, one of the main advantages of Audi besides a good balance of all consumer quality was moderate price - $ 42,500. The new "Six" - with a three-liter engine the same, with the same four-wheel drive transmission, but with six-speed "automatic" - already sold for $ 64,000. That is, if earlier for each kilogram of "wet weight" A6 had to pay about $ 26, now - is $ 38.A machine, which we have taken the test, even more expensive: parking assist, integrated phone, e-access system Advanced Key, cruise control , navigation system (sorry, not working in Russia), multifunctional steering wheel with control buttons "automatic" raise the price to $ 69 000 (57 200 euros)! However, BMW (64 900 euros), and especially Mercedes (82 200 euros) is still expensive, but ... still: for that kind of money? When it comes to Audi, it immediately comes to mind is the phrase "number of the car." The new "six" is even more - in German "holy trinity" is the biggest! Body shape and overall style have remained virtually unchanged. But there was a huge grille, plastic side panels have changed, become different bumpers, trunk lid ... And we think that the new incarnation "Six" has become more "male" car. And not only on its predecessor: a solid image of the Audi A6 impressed us more than a lightweight appearance and the E-class "yuniseks" BMW fifth serii.A us even more to taste interior metamorphosis. Remember how the previous salon look "six": boring shape, "flat" front cover ... And now? "Cockpit" Audi was built around the driver! Every detail tells us that is carefully selected materials, textures and colors. Is it convenient to hold on to that handle? Is it too much slam the door? And as suppliers of components (furnishings, electronic modules, switches) from Ingolstadt for sure people driven to hysteria: a precision fit of all parts can not boast or Mercedes, or BMW! Known for its delicacy and attention to detail Ferdinand Peha, former head of the group VW, certainly was satisfied: twenty years ago, he only dreamed of, to bring cars to a top level Audi, and now, Audi has itself become a benchmark for advanced drugih.O climate control, on airbags and a peerless sound system does not even mention - is everything. Electric lock is equipped with even the glove box, which opens a separate button. Beautiful mini-displays the climate control can sitting in front on an individual basis to quickly and easily change the temperature of supply air, the fan speed, the intensity of the heated seats. The front seats are fully electrified. What is more? The answer is a fellow of Munich - at the expensive versions of the "five" BMW can be folded back seat (even one additional adjustment) and separately adjust the intensity of the heating pads and backs of each seat! By God, this is too much, contrary to the principle of reasonable sufficiency ... Electronics and penetrated into the sphere of development. For example, at the stage of simulation salon Audi engineers helped a virtual "person" on behalf of RAMSIS. This three-dimensional mathematical model of the person you used to determine the main parameters of the interior - easy to fit analyzed, the relative positions of controls, the range of seat adjustment and steering column. Electronic-Ramseys did the trick: either to reserve space in front and behind, nor to the driver's seat adjustment range has no complaints. This is - one of the leaders in class! But sit in the driver's seat Audi - and feel their "analog" body that is in the automotive world and a better seat. Or take the wheel: the form he is good, the rim optimal, or even lacing leather upholstery is made perfect. But you take behind the wheel - and remember BMW ... Yes, the "five" and the seat and steering wheel, and ergonomics in general - all close to the standard. By abstruse i-Drive system, we have become accustomed to have learned uncommittable "electronic" shift paddles ... But the train in the Audi with the usual levers, still found them more comfortable. And yet we are still not easy to come to terms with the fact that the BMW center console "excommunicated" from the driver, equating it with the front passenger rights - from the flat panel blows chill ravnodushiya.A here at Mercedes' spread-eagled "center console did not care. As well as "nozhnik" parking brake, and an abundance of buttons on the front ... What kind without the Mercedes? All the more so at the wheel in the E-class to sit comfortably. And the spaciousness of the back seat Mercedes, perhaps, furnish all. In addition, there is a separate climate control unit for rear passengers, which any Audi, BMW can not in any order, even for the European market doplatu.Na for the team of Audi's "middleweight" acts Audi A6 with the new engine 3.2 FSI (direct injection, 255 hp). But Russia was again at the "black list": for us these machines have not yet delivered - they say bad gasoline. The Russians will have to settle for a three-liter engine has a known capacity of 218 l.s.Chtoby somehow be rehabilitated, "six" very obligingly opens the door locks (Access System Keyless-Go) and allows to have a motor-click Start - without using the key. You can start without touching the keys of the electric "parking brake" if wearing seat belts, electronics itself will remove the car from the parking brake. And the engine is still good - he is quite capable powerful acceleration. Particularly intense thirst is in the zone of secondary turns. But why the selector lever to six "machine" pulls all the time transfer mode Sport? All because of the usual "drive" the new box is not in a hurry to switch, does not want to pick up the transfer so that the engine has always worked in the zone of maximum thrust speed ... She has another purpose - to do their job gently and smoothly. Drowned gas pedal - and you feel like an automaton consistent with slight jerks "chewing" stage. And it is time to slow down here ... and saves the translation selector lever position S - is noticeably blunt gear clears the brain. In the Sport "automatic" transmission tuck so that every time you switch the engine gets to the very core speed (3000-3500 r / min). In addition, there appears to be fully adaptable boxes: it is in no hurry to move to higher transmission at each reset, gas, and keeps the engine at high revs. Suddenly the driver wants to jerk forward again? Motor is ready for battle! Communication in the transmission becomes more "dense" to go much easier - although more noisy engine, and fuel consumption vyshe.Upravlyaemost Audi was a "sandwich". If you go quietly and with dignity, then fine. Fruity engine sound is heard only under intense acceleration, tire noise and wind, is seen only at high speeds. Suspension steadfastly holds the blows of fate, only occasionally letting on body openly powerful aftershocks. Sometimes even want to see suspension was harder: typical for Audi long front overhang is always near the bumps and waves cover - that and look, chirknesh "Jaws" on the asphalt. In this smooth - the first "layer", the most characteristic of the "six". As long as you go "in the third pedal" without abrupt maneuvers - the machine is ideal if you start to listen to nimble rulya.No through the ranks and actively take turns, then you notice that the feedback "on the steering wheel" is not enough. In these modes, the machine responds to commands without the necessary accuracy, clarity and reaction lose uniqueness. And in response to a sharp steering Audi "squat" on the rear outer wheel, going on a steeper trajectory. From bringing saves only sensitive stability control, which instantly pulls the driver and mashinu.Eto - the second "layer". And we have not opened a third, if not gone on serpentine Dmitrovsky avtopoligona. There was a surprise for us: a solid, comfortable sedan revealed a class of extreme driving, who envied by many "hot" hatchbacks! Main - turn off the system stabilization. And - go ahead! Rotate around the bend, a loop of the loop. Faster, faster! Squeaked the tire slipped. But how! Under the discharge gas at the inlet to turn the rear wheels begin to gently "float away" the outside. Skid develops so slowly, and the car as well helm, the driver is free to slowly think about - whether to increase the angle of drift, leaving it with the same or even stop the slide? The ideal setting-wheel drive chassis! So in "Six" hidden actually three characters. One - a calm and balanced. The second is designed to temper the zeal of "psevdogonschikov." And third - for those few who actually own the all-wheel drive avtomobilem.A BMW? This is - another character ... Bavarian Motors factory still produces the best engines. Anyway, the 230-strong engine line BMW has not left the competitors no chance, "five" accelerates the fastest, best demonstrates the flexibility, higher top speed. True, the new six-step "machine" does not work as flawlessly as on the old "five". But still he is better than a box of Mercedes and ramp-down Audi.I at BMW - the greatest. It shows beautifully-designed aerodynamics, the minimum loss in transmission, chassis tuning of the ideal ... "Five" is not just rolls on the pavement - it flies. Active Steering AF works flawlessly. Acute low-speed control (from stop to stop - just 1.8 turns) enables taxi from households without interception hands. A high-speed steering "grows dull", allowing the voltage to drive the trajectory. Transplanting from BMW's other cars are already beginning to feel uncomfortable, why even on the turns average slope to rotate the wheel at high angles? Energy with which the machine catches every turn, precision accuracy with which the "five" registers, large and small arc, the dead acumen, which cling to the heated asphalt tires - all this can not fail to delight. One would like to give "five" in a turn at the limit of coupling properties tires. But when that limit is reached ... No sensitive stabilization system, no baggy tire can not withstand the laws of physics: the brink of passing is permitted fathers designers, BMW rather abruptly "falls" in the bank, demanding that the driver has a lightning reaktsii.A pleasure to pay - smooth motion. Even on the small bumps in the cabin is vibration, which in any Audi or the Mercedes there is no trace. If the road is worse, then "five" will not relax even on straight: the specific kinematics of the front suspension and low profile tires lead to that bagel with increasing speed increasingly begin spontaneously wiggle from side to side, and the dynamic considerably expands the corridor. At speeds above 140 km / h with a voltage of the driver is forced to follow the otbivshimsya at the hands of the car. And on the asphalt "ruts" unknown force tries to turn the wheel and take away the car to the side. In addition, BMW more than any other irregularities on the prowl, even when braking medium intensity. Although it is difficult to produce by the brakes at least some claims: the highest performance, excellent ABS, "transparent" reverse svyaz.Lyubitelyam smooth movement in space is better transfer to the Audi. And even better - a Mercedes, which reliably isolates the driver and his companions from the vagaries of the outside world. It quieter and smoother than in other cars, and life in his leather chair ventilated flows measured - in time Silent ticking clock switches on the dashboard ... Mercedes accelerates quickly, but slowly and gently - a colorless voice engine. Five-step "automatic" reluctantly rises from stage to stage. Transitions "down" box also gives easy: Delay when switching large and sometimes occur at the most inopportune moment - such as when passing povorota.Tormoza powerful. Even too much: you've let go of the brake pedal and the car for a few moments, still continues to slow down - just in case the fire. According to the same "preemptive" ideology is set up and control. Low sensitivity of the steering stretched transients valkost in corners not enthusiastic. "Lazy" wheel is inconvenient not only for sharp turns, but also in hotels, even if it needs to rebuild harmless spin at very large angles. This dictates a completely different tack than the BMW, - if by "five" does not cost anything sharp twist of the series in the series, Mercedes adjusts to passive waiting: instead of "wound" on the steering wheel, it's easier to wait until the traffic jam will resolve. .. Are the self-wheel drive transmission? All wheel drive is needed not only to improve the cross-country, how to improve stability when driving on slippery roads (this applies fully to Audi). In addition, electronic stability follows the guards, who schooled mersedesovskimi spices to active safety. As it should be the guardians of first-class, they have a presence only in case of need - and doing it so delicately and professionally, that ignorant and riders may not notice their attention. This also applies to the ABS and stabilization systems, and traction sistemy.Konechno, you can stir and Mercedes. To do this, turn off the stabilization system, Assertive handle highly zadempfirovannoy gas pedal, turn sharply, "lazy" wheel ... And Mercedes is already beginning to show hidden reserves the chassis' three hundred and twentieth "tenaciously holds on to the road, standing safely on the arc and, despite the buildup of the diagonal, with all-wheel drive smoothness goes into a skid by dumping gas into a steep turn. All very true, academically. But even in these modes Mercedes keeps his distance with the driver. And with the competition - they are no longer part of the loss dognat.Imenno driving properties are not allowed to Mercedes fight for first place. Although none of ride comfort or on the smoothness of motion, nor the convenience of rear seat passengers is not inferior to competitors, and in some ways and much of their prevoshodit.BMW? Despite the appearance of a bisexual, "Five" - ??a car for active drivers, for real men. And the fact that the domestic assembly (factory Avtotor) allowed a little lower retail prices - a good sign. The only serious drawback - the lack of all-wheel drive versii.I - Audi A6. In the first battle, a new "six" defeated (albeit by a whisker, typed in "non-core" disciplines) such aces as BMW and Mercedes. This suggests that it is now the A6 - it is not just good combination of price, quality and "quantity" car. It says on the transition to a new level. "Six" is not simply trying to match the best business-class cars - now she has become one of the legislators in his klasse.Vprochem standards in many respects it is a merit, and "teachers" - from Stuttgart and Munich ...

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