Saturday, October 1, 2011

The first fight

By selecting one of three Mercedes, we reasoned that the most "representative" of them - the E320 (224 hp), the golden mean the E-class. Well, with a choice of opponents problems were gone. First of all, it's BMW 530i (231 hp) Kaliningrad assembly. If you do not take into account the re-styling, the "five" has knocked seven years. Adulthood. Another competitor - Audi A6 - is also not new: it five years of age (again, not counting last year's restyling). Although the engine in the Audi brand new - a three-liter, 220hp And it turns out that the youngest opponent of the new Mercedes - it's the "Japanese Mercedes", the updated Lexus GS300 (219 hp), and although he was already four years with the tail. The official price list in front of the model E320 was listed number 48 600 euros. Inexpensive for a Mercedes! But do not believe your eyes: it is - the price of "basic" machine without VAT. With tax that's all the 58 320 euros. And our "eshka" and still packed in full. Therefore, bend the fingers: a prestigious performance Avantgarde - plus 4,000 euros, with air suspension Airmatic reguliruemymoy rigidity - 2330 euro, a glass roof wonderful company Webasto - over 2330 euros, Parktronic - 948 euro, leather interior - yet ... 1745 As a result, Mercedes E320 Avantgarde pulled 80 174 euros, or $ 70 150. Already done. Come on, show good face! You look in the wide eyes of a new Mercedes - and feel different feelings. At first it may seem that the appearance of "big-eyed," had not changed - think of it, lights in a different bowed. But a minute later you realize that it is a different machine, it has become easier, swiftly. However, the Conservatives among those who believe that nothing is better a Mercedes with a body of eighteen-year-old W124 in Stuttgart has not come up, skorchat pout. How would say a rock messiah stagnant for planting Novgorodtsev, "and before the sun was shining brightly, and the soup was sour". We will not engage in polemics, but let's at least acknowledge that the new "eshka" with the same dimensions has become a much more elegant old "glazastika" W210. Even though the contours of the rear wings limp and trunk lid. And the whole team mersedesovskih designers led by Peter Pfeiffer has worked nicely. Less stiffness in the interior. It became more comfortable and lighter. On the front of the old-fashioned rectangular keys had disappeared. Instead of them - tightly grouped "touch" buttons. Under the onslaught of new design ideas fell even selector "machine" with the family zigzag slit. Now, above the central tunnel rises a little knob, leather-bound - as a "top five" BMW. But there is eternal value! Here they are: "nozhnik" parking brake lever giperfunktsionalny left stalk. The seats in our car were not the richest - no wonder Pneumatics (per seat multicontour would have to pay another $ 700). However, they are well and distribute the load and keep the riders in the turns. Only alerted them "springy softness", which does not contribute to the unity of the driver's seats to be avtomobilem.Pod and other interior elements: it is a bit too sweet! That is to lean on the central tunnel box to kiss his companion - and uneven hour break your flimsy plastic buttons on its cover. And so in the back pocket accidentally turned a pen, a gun or a wrench, rip out his pockets better at all - to catch something more rigid than the soft spot, perforated leather seats - that's broke ... "Five" BMW first drill a through You look angry twin headlights, and then beckons strict Teutonic cool interior. Gloomy here, why in my head thinking about the legacy dizayne.V our disposal was a very packed BMW 330i - in the performance of Luxury. There is virtually all that is in a Mercedes, with the exception of a glass roof and the air suspension, which is not provided at all. But at the same retail price - $ 51 650, for twenty thousand less a Mercedes! For an additional fee, you can invite unless hired drivers, and break into the very back of the couch. But is this the way you want to use this car? Suffice it to take on a luxurious three-spoke leather steering wheel - and the heart rate will jump immediately. A seat? Whether it is our will, we have introduced a single national standard, taking as reference a chair. And not just because it has mass elektroregulirovok, including the slope of the upper back relative to the bottom. In addition to the optimal load distribution for the driver of any body, it provides unmatched (at least in our quartet) merger with the car: if you're in it and vyros.Rychag adaptive five-step "machine"? Here he is at hand. Pedals? In place. The instrument panel? Yes it is a professional measuring instrument "Six" Audi has got us in a more modest equipment. But the price is not shocking: $ 42,000 - it is not bad for a large three-liter car with the motor, and even all-wheel drive! Respectable appearance and laconic interior. One feels that the product of an expensive store, not a fake. Moreover, unlike the BMW, the German Audi gets on with the severity of sophistication. Nice, nice ... The recent restyling barely touched ergonomics. The driver continues to delight and stylish devices, "snap" bagel and a comfortable seat. And still irritate him "bald" button on the center console, which used "blindly" nevozmozhno.Esli you think that the previous E-Class was still better than new, then turned their attention to the Lexus GS300. And try to refrain from biting accusations of plagiarism! Suppress a smile and pretend that you are in Japanese politeness heed to the designer Akihiro Nagayo that the inspiration was not a Mercedes, and the Japanese "chetyrehglazye" machines, such as, for example, Toyota Celica ... Okay, let Lexus Recalls Mercedes only at the price - $ 61500.Dusha interior still nests in the three deep wells, which are in turn the ignition key flash phosphorus mysterious radiance. But the fundamental center console with large buttons of the ventilation system, automatic transmission selector winding, wood inserts - all these recalls ... But we agreed! We assume that this is reminiscent of Mercedes Lexus! It is well trimmed three-spoke perforated leather steering wheel, so only use small buttons sequential gearbox is inconvenient, since it will have to keep your hands on the steering wheel in the "twenty to four." On the Lexus - the closest the back seat: it is very low ceiling and a large "backbone" of the central tunnel, which makes sitting in the middle rear seat passenger's head prop the roof and keep your feet shoulder width apart. Equipment for the rear seat a minimum, two ashtrays and air duct above the central tonnelem.Zadnee Audi seat hidden from prying eyes closed shutters. The distance between the front and rear seats is greater here than in other machines, is where to attach the feet and the width - as in a Mercedes and a little worse than a BMW. But the three of us are still uncomfortable: the extreme risk to the passengers to fill cones of strongly piled-pillar. And poor little: includes only the cigarette lighter and pepelnitsy.Zadnee BMW widest seat. But the 'on legs "a little more closely than in the Audi. Of delights - the ability to change the temperature of the feed back vozduha.Na back seat Mercedes third is also better not to take. Not only is the pillow molded by two or more and the back is made so that the extreme riders "move out" toward the center. And nowhere to put your feet - under the front seats do not have room for them. But the two passengers will be provided very welcome: for each of them - individual climate control unit! One can start up on a cold air and the other - is hot. In addition, there are air vents at the mid-pillar, not forgotten, ashtrays, cigarette lighter, 12-volt outlet, and the upper attachment point inertia seat belts - all cars саморегулирующиеся.Багажники very roomy and approximately equal. You can not say about the possibilities of transforming the passenger compartment. Lexus rear seat - "deaf" and secured tightly. Leans back and not to BMW, though there is a hatch that allows you to carry, such as skis. But the rest of Mercedes and Audi are added to chastyam.A now - the driving impressions. Poor road, the wheels - the waves of asphalt and sharp "thresholds". But in the cabin - calm. This is what we're going on a Mercedes. You look at the way through the three-fold aim stars - and remember modern tanks. Not in terms of ride and vibroacoustic comfort, and because there is "a system of gun stabilization in two planes guidance." Car accelerates smoothly and on-mersedesovski solid. A driver can only upset the fact that the sprint ahead breaks BMW. Although, according to figures from the Mercedes engine is the tyagovity, with maximum torque is achieved at 3000 rev / min - earlier than on other machines. But "the pressure on the trigger" in the pursuit of BMW has been useless, and can only indulge razmyshleniyam.V actually, well, what's the difference in how many seconds the machine dials 100 km / h - up to 8 or 8.5? Perhaps more important than the relationship with the driver's car? But even here, Mercedes - not a leader. Reactions to the gas pedal stressed zadempfirovany, automatic gearbox - also behaves with dignity, that is the life of its own: it will reflect a sudden switching, and then begin with renewed energy, often at random, "adapt". Plus - not informative resilient brake pedal, which is why the car slowing down at times inadequate intentions of the driver. However, all this has not stopped Mercedes during instrumental measurements to demonstrate the incredible effectiveness of the brakes! Braking distance - the shortest. And the ABS is working fine: the "mixed doubles" the car is almost a "cross", and the pedal is "clean" - no strikes, no characteristic crunch. This - the merit of electro drive system brake SBC (as doroguschy Roadster Mercedes SL). And as a Mercedes is good on the line! Like an arrow. On the steering responds clear, unambiguous responses. It is true that the irregularities reloaded slightly from side to side, and the steering wheel while "alive", swaying from side to side. But this does not diminish the reliability of management. Very docile car! But all these experiments were done in the "comfort" mode suspension. And what will happen to the "hard" shock absorbers? Double-click on the button that glowed in response to the two red eyes. There are differences. Mercedes began to report on the small road seams that he had previously ignored, ran on a body vibrations from potholes, and the waves of asphalt car was dance. Has the nature of control? Yes. Now Mercedes sharply responsive to the helm - with virtually no body roll. With increasing speed, he slips out the front wheels turn, although in a "soft" mode, thanks to the peculiarities of the kinematics of suspension, went on a steeper arc, and clung to the asphalt all four wheels to poslednego.Vkrattse, the conclusion is as follows: Mercedes is not as strong gains in controllability "Hard" mode air suspension, as in losing ride. Therefore, the "tightening" the suspension is only meaningful on good roads. Incidentally, the air suspension can also raise the body by 30 mm - useful in winter! BMW automatic transmission for speed noticeably exceeds the box the Mercedes and Audi, but slightly inferior "machine" Lexus. But the alliance with the powerful transmission BMW a three-liter engine - this board and love! And third, that is the driver here, unlike the Mercedes, not once. "Auto" Five adapts to driving style is not only fast but also accurately! You can go into a quiet mode, and then the ring must accelerate sharply push the accelerator pedal. Switch "down" will happen immediately - and BMW will jerk forward, spurred as a stallion. Now clear the gas. The box will not switch back, and "hanging" on a gear! Motor to reduce speed smoothly hour: 5500, 5000, 4500 ... Electronics waiting for: a sudden you're back on the gas pedal topnete? The car - now fully operational! And only when the tachometer needle drop to the middle zone, a box will go two steps up. Katima again smoothly. And in general, by accelerating the dynamics of "five" has no equal. Especially - in terms of mutual understanding between the driver and the brakes are good mashinoy.I: high efficiency combined with a coherent feedback. ABS also works fine: when braking on a "mixed doubles" machine virtually no shift in storonu.No trump BMW - it's manageable. On smoothness and accuracy of reactions "five" surpasses all. Small banks in the bends, the lack of klevkov with sharp acceleration and braking, steering clear ... The car seems to be saying to you: I am - your extension, it Control your me, and I'm not you. The true pleasure of driving. Harsh suspension. But just enough to prevent the rolls in the turns and provide quick response. For the smooth progress "five" is second only to Mercedes, and then only on condition that its suspension operates in a "comfortable" rezhime.Motor Lexus - from middling: not very brisk, but an honor to be able to stand the owner. But the "machine" - the rapid-fire. Duet, "a motor-gearbox" will appeal to all, and people with "road" hearing more and invigorating sounds of delight at medium and high oborotah.A Lexus alerted by the fact that here too "light", uninformative steering wheel. It so happened, or as intended? If "it happened", this puncture engineers. If the "as designed", then it is an ideology. Like, at a leisurely ride light does not interfere with steering wheel and the wear on the machine - as something disreputable. Another nice feature is not the most - a step increase in effort on the steering wheel in fast (not extremely fast, just fast) rotation. Maybe it is "foolproof", designed to prevent a sharp, thoughtless actions of the driver? But ... What is this happen? This is what we hold most of those fools? We will not take offense, but it should be noted that the "step" efforts, and overly light steering wheel reduce the reliability of management. And in an extreme situation such "protection" will only exacerbate the situation. This is all the more disappointing that the car behaves very decently. Stable at high speeds, is well along the arcs of different curvature, and the "perestavka" shows uncommon exchange rate stability. But disunity in the car generates voditelyaMuskulistaya Lexus suspension is only slightly softer than the Mercedes suspension, but on condition that she works in the hard mode. Shaking and small pits, and large bumps. And if the sand on the road, the wheel arches filled salon drumming. The German car that is not in pomine.Peresazhivaemsya at Audi. "Six" rolls silently down the road, calmly overcomes a patch of asphalt. Lost squeaks, crackles, "crickets". And the ride is better. Motor tapped only under intense overclocking - his voice was not hot, but sprint to the finish blagoroden.Odnako arrival Audi comes last. Well, let's not forget that this all-wheel drive transmission. Hence, more curb weight, more losses, "unwinding" ramparts and gear. Here snow falls - and the Audi will show over what quattro! Unless, of course, by that time had not yet appear all-wheel drive Mercedes 4Matic ... For Audi brakes have no complaints: very smooth, stable, slow and easy drive allows you to accurately calculate the braking put.Stol also behaves nobly and Audi in the corners. The reactions are accurate, and stability is high. Rebuild confidence in high speed helps fine tuned steering, although there sometimes feel the lack of feedback: are reliable and understandable, but that merger, that provides a BMW, Audi driver does not feel. In the limiting regimes need to be prepared for the fact that Audi also tends to drift, which pay no trouble at all very experienced driver. Now - the most crucial moment: taking stock. Seriously ... Look at the table with peer review, where seemingly everything laid out on shelves? A good thing. But someone has a temper can call Lexus, has collected less than other points, the bad car. But it is not, is not so! Noted by shortcomings, chief among them - increased noise and vibronagruzhennost - visible only when critically compared to other great cars! And if we look at the reliability ratings, we will see that cars Lexus almost always take the first line. This is not an argument to consider Lexus GS300 most "hassle-free", and therefore the most successful acquisition? A difference in the amount of peer review between "Germans" and even less ... And could it even in this elite company to get the "bad" cars? Rather, the determining factor when choosing a new car will be the commitment of the brand and how accurately a car reflects the status of the owner, his temperament, the idea of ??a Mercedes estetike.Nu ...

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