Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New Audi A4 Allroad

What we like about the Audi, and specifically in the Allroad? This lightweight aluminum car with permanent four-wheel drive, refined handling and excellent engine. Permanent four-wheel drive - it is right. Alternative him plug the drive system is too vulnerable. On most models it is often too hot. Sometimes behave inappropriately. A simple piece of iron center differential Quattro is always cold and predictable. She is ready to work even before the ignition key is turned. Recently, Audi engineers reconfigured distribution scheme for the time axis, and is now 60% thrust in the absence of slippage have the rear wheels. This made the car more sporty character. ONLY TWO A4 Allroad LITRAV Russia comes with only one engine - a two-liter petrol unit. Here are its features: direct injection, turbocharger and valve control system. All together it makes 211 horsepower. But we are particularly happy that 350 Nm moment it is available from 1,500 rpm. For driving on soft ground and drifts fit perfectly. We have already seen this when testing the Q5 with this engine. Moreover, the turbine unit Audi also economical. Eating for two liters, and rides on all three. No wonder he figured as much in three categories of competition Engine of the year 2009 ("Engine of the Year - 2009"). Now the drawbacks. Center differential drive Quattro forcibly blocked. In a difficult situation on the roads may be a problem. Partly solves their electronics. No wonder the Audi is a mode ESP offroad, that much more effective than simply disabling the stabilization system. It is a pity that the A4 Allroad wagon only with increased ground clearance, the Q5 crossover with a similar scheme, but the best geometry possible to go much smelee.I official, and businessman and showman - everyone wants to get from Audi wants. The ideologues are confused brand altogether. They make a solid car? One hundred percent. I would say that the Audi too formal on the outside. However, he struggles to become a sport. And still passable. Where is the pin on Kutuzov, sand and clay track? I do not argue, A4 will definitely be good for the Alpine serpentines, but Russia's rear-drive character - the dignity of a controversial, especially in the winter and even in Moskve.Bezopasnost and smoothness - that's the core values, because the roads have not only snow but also broken. Therefore, everything that I say perfect about Audi, some virtual, but not to admire the new Allroad is simply impossible. He even liked our photographer, who is still a humorous attitude to everything but the Mercedes-Benz.V first test race I wondered how in the A4 Allroad quiet. Plastic never blurted out and not gritted. I remember how salons Q7 and Q5 sounded not premium, and I already wrote a number of finishing knocking generic attributes of the brand. Wrong. Unbelievable, but the kid Allroad and looks and rides much more harmonious Q7. It makes you wonder: it seems the Audi is much better obtained medium-sized cars. And even if we have in mind not only fun to drive, but komfort.Razgon, inhibition, taxiing - everything goes without stammering, a single line. But always requires the active participation of the driver. This Audi can not be one, he demanded involves you in their games. You know: it would be good to put pressure, and then taxied, and everything should work. Relaxed riding A4 Allroad? Buy yourself something else - for example, VW Touareg. SMOOTH MINUS PROHODIMOSTOtseniv geometric terrain, we did not go to bat. It's not even just in the corners of entry and the Congress, but also in the database. It extended through clever design. The differential is located before the clutch, just behind the engine. This solution has helped engineers to move the front axle. The result: better road holding and ride, but worse patency. Audi has representation in Moscow a special off-road track for the little Allroad, where it remained intact and thresholds, and bumpers. Somehow we must look at it. And while the new four-wheel drive wagon passed a test of strength in the normal Moscow court. I did not notice that the road workers pulled out one of the curbs, and when parking, fell into this hole right rear wheel, so much so that even the left and hung out. Gently to suffer the gas pedal. Convinced that the attempt is useless, and went out to assess the magnitude event. During this time the car was going around the council of a janitor and two homeless people. "We have to jack" - said one of them. After some doubts (after all, expensive car), I got back and pressed his foot has no regrets until the very end. And the A4 Allroad got out. The honor marks were saved. At least before the aforesaid audience. I once again made sure that Quattro does not tolerate sentimentality. Crush crush so.

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