Friday, October 7, 2011

Of retirement

NostalgiyaSovsem recently his face was burned the sun and wind. He was young, muscular and ready to go with you storm the mountain passes. Now "Ollroud" was quite different. No, he has a shot in the locker, but that's daring and crazy in his eyes diminished. It has grown significantly - in length by 124 mm by 10 mm in width and there was much more adult look. Relief of muscle under fully civilian suit with a prestigious club logo "Audi" in the form of a huge trapezoidal chrome grille is not as visible. Everyday workouts here and does not smell, more expensive cup of coffee and a cigar in the morning. A sports uniform gathering dust in a closet on the far shelf. Slightly larger mirrors, door sills, plastic dilators unpainted arches and bumpers with steel protective shells of several distinguished descendant of the first SUV, "Audi" from the usual front-drive wagon A6. But looks are only a feeble attempt to maintain the image adventurer. Agree, a car with a base of 2833 mm and a very long overhangs will sit as a barge to run aground on the first serious mound or leave it doroguschy their bumpers. View all current "Ollroud" seems to say that the difficulties of this kind he has to overcome the durability is not allowed. There are also young and daring, such as the Q7, so they let dirt and knead with his huge wheels. As the saying goes, the young always have the road, old as great respect. Indiscreet charm burzhuaziiA because I not only want to go all over the country roads, figuring out the limits of patency of the new "Ollrouda" I generally go anywhere and do not have the slightest desire. And would sit in his luxury cabin, anything, in fact, no different from the usual salon A6, cut off from the madding crowd tinted windows, and relax to the sounds of jazz pouring from the speakers classroom audio system. Once in Germany, "Audi" car believed to rural teachers. To afford the current "A6-Ollroud", these teachers would have to first get on the Cote d'Azur villas and yachts in the bays nearby. Yeah, what is sometimes a lot of money you pay only for the image and for belonging to a range of selected ... However, in the case of "Ollroudom" is not quite true. With a maniacal passion "always dissatisfied," I izlazil cabin inside and out and not found to cavil. The impression that the master of Ingolstadt pored over every detail as carefully and patiently, as Karl Marx on his "Capital". It turned out stylish, high quality, convenient and, unlike the works of a theorist of Communism, it is not boring. Wooden inserts were not manufactured in the factory plastic seat profile is excellent, exhaustive range of adjustments. Glove box, and the open button. Trifle, but nice. Perhaps not too easy to communicate with MMI-terminal is responsible for setting most of the systems on board the vehicle. But compared to "beemveshnoy" "I-Drive" here everything is much clearer and more logical. Especially that "Audi" knows the Russian language. She not only owns many languages ??and cares about the driver, the brain remembers and their family and household responsibilities. At the rear sofa are not to be closely three sturdy. After all, at length, "Ollroud" just a little shy of high-class cars. And there's room in the trunk, not only for golf clubs. And earlier, the volume of the cargo compartment was rather big, and now has increased to 110 liters. So that when folded back sofa backs here you can easily accommodate two bicycles. For fixing small things different and bags are provided for moving the guide walls. And finally, as the cream rosette on the cake - so you do not excessively strained, the fifth door is locked with the button. Clicked, waited three seconds, and everything. Not life, but a fairy tale. Enough to be here the power button a number of low transmission, which was in some versions of the first "Ollrouda" I, however hard they tried, could not find. Not supposed to so plebeian our equipment aristocrat. Only air suspension and four-wheel drive with limited slip differential interaxable "Thorsen" remained. And still you are free to change the ground clearance. Only if it can be used to increase to 208, it is now up to 185 mm. In fact, not too little, but to park on sidewalks still scary: because of this very long base that and look zadenesh belly on the curb. However, the owner of this car far more often have to drive the lane, for example, being built suburban home, or just on the environment. So, when on a bumpy road you set the maximum clearance at full suspension travel of selected passages will be very tough. My poor teeth with fillings had miserable oh, how hard times. So if you do not want to waste time on an unscheduled visit to the dentist, with holes to creep to the hole better on the prowl. It is quite another matter if the primer is relatively flat. You can set a comfortable mode of suspension ground clearance of 140 mm, and then "Ollroud" impressively, even as some American-style, like a hovercraft, flying down the road, not noticing the small things all the wheels. Basic medium obitaniyaKoroche speaking, this "Ollroude" more convenient to ride on flat roads, and the best on the asphalt. And here he is more than will win back all the time, conceded that "SUV", not to mention this jeep on dirt road. Not just the same as any of their engines, this "Audi" is going faster than 200 km / h. He's a real hog kilometers. After passing about 500 miles in three and a half hours, I did not tired. As if watching TV with a beer and sat chips. The rustle of tires almost hear the engine noise from me too well insulated. But 255 "horses" seems to be optimal for the new "Ollrouda" 6-cylinder engine volume of 3.2 l do not give to forget about its presence. Seventy on the speedometer or a hundred and seventy for overtaking, just press the gas pedal harder, and who was ahead, after a few seconds already disappearing in the rearview mirror. True, the first has yet to oblige the "machine" to work in sport mode. Normally he is very much cares about the safety of your neck - and the transfer of changes quite smoothly, and the lower does not go so fast. For relaxation - that is necessary, but if you wanted to inject into the blood adrenalinchika definitely need to choose the "Sport" or manual mode. By the way, "Ollroude" paddle switches gear set is not for beauty, failed to attract Schumacher, but only in the case. In the compulsory "Tiptronic" goes from stage to stage an instant - it's in the first place. And secondly, do not have clean hands on the steering wheel when you switch into the corners. Why do we need such an extreme? Simply control the car rolled back and cornering fast on it - a real pleasure. By the way, at speeds over 120 km / h ground clearance is reduced to 125 mm, which improves the already excellent directional stability of a large "Audi". Predecessor, too, could fall, but only up to 140 cm, and body stiffness, he had 30% less. See the difference? The car is the latest generation sharpen a fast, sporty driving on the highway. As a result, controllability "Ollrouda" no worse than the highway only universal "A6-Avant", in this case, but the plastic clothes, you get the car a little more prepared for a ride on the pavement at any time of year. For that, other things being equal (all-wheel drive, "machine", 3.2 liter engine) will have to pay $ 4,000. It's like a little bit. That may be so. But whereas "Ollroud" can be purchased for $ 66 000, it is now worth at least $ 76 019. Adding even a thousand "green", you can buy Q7 - big, comfortable, prestigious SUV. True, the bully will not in every garage, it has a spring suspension and the base diesel engine. But this, perhaps, all of which he concedes "Ollroudu." One bolsheBylo three became four. It is about the new engines' Ollrouda. " Gasoline is still two. But "2.7 biturbo" gave way to more fashionable nowadays engine with direct fuel injection capacity of 3.2 liters and 255 liters. with. At 50 "horses" became more powerful V8 4,2 liters. However, for the 350-strong car and have to pay a lot - $ 96 706. There are also two diesel engines now. This is a brand new 180-strong volume of 2.7 liters and 3-liter 233 hp. with. Both are equipped with filters and antisazhevymi we will not until the autumn, so the price is still unknown. ZAVysoky level of equipment and finishes, spacious and comfortable cabin, comfortable in the standard modes of suspension, excellent handling, high-torque engines, a rich list of additional equipment PROTIVZhestkaya suspension in the "Offroad" and "Elevator", the high price, mediocre geometric cross

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