Thursday, October 6, 2011


On the other hand, it may be, and logical - the revolution has not happened. Nor could it be, in principle, because the last time the Germans were so close to the ideal, that today the missing baby step up was only a statement of fact: the band is very good car A4 passed into distinct and different from her and did not wait. In fact, the only thing that the Germans could really impress the public, - design, but here, in spite of the importance of this event for yourself, ladies and gentlemen from Ingolstadt "killed" the intrigue at the very beginning, "light up" the concept of the new coupe A5 . The rest was only a matter of technique - all interested parties have made appropriate conclusions long before the official release of the model. However, at such a seemingly rash move management company, we think, consciously went: spellbound LED headlamps customers (not just your own) "podvisli" in anticipation of, and most of them came. As it turned out, their main advantages to the Germans kept up his sleeve until the last, and design among them, alas, does not apply. Of course, the car is attractive, but there are too many corporate parties in the apparent lack of originality - the same diagnosis as that of the A5, especially as the A4, as well as it looks much more severe. In general, the main struggle with the old-timers a beginner just starting. And this round is likely to remain with him. Why? Yes, because we face a completely new car, created in Ingolstadt, literally from scratch. In no case are not trying to belittle the merits of respected competitors, but the gentlemen of «Audi» not telling the whole story. Moreover, in comparison with the new A4 and pale Bavarian "treshka", and the relatively new C-class. And the style, as you probably figured out here at anything. Almost perfect chassis, five new engines, a lot of electronic systems, exemplary ergonomics and ... phenomenal money. Do you know how much cost development platform for the A4 and A5? Billion (!) Euros. And we did would not be surprised if the same amount was spent on everything else. How do you "baby step" worth two billion? Nonsense, it was not a small step, but a real breakthrough, and at the very top, in the future, so that the weather in a particular segment of the premium will now define precisely Audi A4. And mind you, these words do not have a drop of irony. The Germans actually made the car, which will focus on everything else, at least as long as they do not offer anything new. Do not believe me - look at the new product more closely. First, the "quartet" has become greater. She has a record wheelbase and body length exceeding the dimensions of the Mercedes C-Class. Naturally, this is an extremely positive effect on the placement of the rear passengers feet are there will be even a little, but better. It is a pity that the same care and not surrounded their heads ... However, this is almost the only complaint about the cabin, besides, if the Germans had just worked on the space comfort and accommodation of passengers, the A4 has remained a very good car. The main objective pursued by the designers - and the weight distribution is directly dependent on its handling, in this lies the root cause of radical change. The engine was removed back to the drive shaft Rail - forward, and the battery moved to boot at all ... And everything was different - lighter, clearer, more accurate. The loops, arches, waterfalls - they A4 is almost as BMW. At least that's touched our modification, equipped with "active wheel", changing the gear ratio mechanism depending on the speed. The device is simple enough, but running a very high quality: informative "donut" is absolutely real, so that the presence in the "extra" electric motor often recognize only carefully studied the specification of a particular car. But in our arsenal was another innovation - a system drive select, which allows to change the button configuration is just the same servotronic, but also gas, and the AKP and to vary them in a range from very sporty to comfortable as possible. And her presence on the roads of Moscow you, believe me, to appreciate. Intermediate "adaptive" mode is not impressive, but in the end positions are no longer possible compromise: The car will either "swallow" all road imperfections, either directly translate them to your "butt" - but there will be no rolls, and the accelerator sedan will respond much more active. And since it went on electronics, it is worth to mention just one more novelty A4 - system Audi side assist, which oversees the adjacent lanes and in the event of a field of view no obstacle ignites signal lamps in the side mirrors. Just told them that when you rebuild include "turn signals" - without side assist does not work. In addition, the observance of the rule engine ensures no less sensitive than their neighbors, punishing the slightest violation of its rather unpleasant vibration of the steering wheel (line assist in action.) By the way, in contrast to the drive select and the two systems "advanced" driving along with the MMI is standard on modifications to the engine power of 190 hp, that is, they are equipped with three options of five possibilities, two of them Diesel - V -shaped "six" of 2.7 and 3 liters. First, developing the threshold 190 "horses" and just stood under the hood of the test vehicle. Can not say that it makes the A4 a racing car, but offset by the dynamics at a solid four passes, and if it were not for the 3-liter version and a top petrol 3,2 FSI, this estimate would be at least a solid five. Accelerates powerfully and confidently set (at a very moderate, by the way, costs). True, in the comfort mode drive select throttle response is still lagging. However, this claim is not addressed soon the power unit, and automatic transmission. As for the engine, then his only problem - it is not combined with a class of machine sounds. C "Tractor symphony" of the same Nissan Pathfinder, it certainly has nothing in common, but still sound in the premium car, in our view, could be poglamurnee: clog engine rumbling bass speaker system onboard the owner of this car as a undignified. On the other hand, why not, especially if the pay raise and a very difficult, "sound" of «Bang & Olufsen» ... In short, for every such criticism is there is always his "but", and something of a constructive and meaningful This is not a monologue and sweet. Car even scold not really for that - except for bored already corporate. By the way, such as those in relation to its competitors in its time was much longer, there will be more in the future, as they are now overtaking. But is not this the best stimulus?

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