Saturday, October 8, 2011

White noise

White noise in scientific definitions - this is nothing more than the most powerful and ruthless tone throughout the range of existing frequency bands. This signal has an infinite capacity. As the latest development from Ingolstadt - Audi RS6. This car is everywhere! He falsely suppress the surrounding reality, making everything that hitherto had been dynamic to static obstacles boring. The second definition of the term "white noise" is a metaphysical phenomenon associated with communicating by radio communication lost souls stuck between the world of the living and the dead. And this interpretation also fits well with the concept Audi RS6, tightly podzastryavshego exactly between the two measurements - civilian cars and supersportkarov. Is there a car that is as visually very similar to its civilian version? Difficult to answer this vopros.Lichno I think it's fine. Audi RS6 for the layman - it's the usual "six", well-packaged in a kit from the S-line, giant wheels, decorated with rear diffuser and twin exhaust pipes. And of course, shildikom RS6, fixed on the rear of the vehicle and a modified radiator grille in the form of small cells, painted with black lacquer. Fairly well flared wheel arches flatten almost any color car, whether black or krasnyy.Vot's all, the list is complete visual differences. Honor and praise to the design bureau Audi, not to sink to cheap "Pont", giant spoilers and other attributes of the supersport. So with ease, unnoticed ignorant gaze and not laden unnecessary attention, impressively rolled out at idle on the pavement. Slowly, preparing the road surface to the subsequent bezumiyu.Poka is warm, checking systems and emotional driver, briefly tell you about the technical characteristics of the power of chariots monstra.Dvizhuschey angels of the apocalypse is a 5.0-liter V10 with direct fuel injection, migrated here from Audi S6 and S8, but with a lot of sophisticated elements. This is the magnificence of engineering, staffed by two giant turbochargers, constructed of aluminum alloy and, consequently, has a very modest rates of weight in 278 kg.Dvigatel produces 580 hp at 6,250 rev / min, and implement a peak torque of 650 Nm is capable in a wide range of speeds: from 1500 to 6250 rev / min.Agregiruetsya RS6 6-speed automatic transmission. Of course, it is possible to switch manually - via gearshift or paddles blades. All the power of an avalanche coming down from the top of an impregnable V10, redistributed to the wheels on the basis of 60% to 40% rear and front. If necessary electronics with Torsen differential can scatter the power, and in other proportions, the peak value for the front wheels - 65% rear - 85%. All this is very impressive and very important figure, but not more than what the bare facts are not likely to survival of the facts of other - convincing start, braking and maneuvering for which this car was born. Feeling a magnificent sprint from standstill to the first hundred in 4.5 seconds, is quick to recall the most significant events of his life. Speed ??away in a hundred, more likely, closer to two. Landscape in the side windows have no such clear, and the space around you and even more so froze, distorting its shape in hot air. Unconscious silence, stretched like a string along the entire trajectory is broken crazy roaring exhaust systems. As a collision with a solid surface after a long jump is a meeting with an electronic speed limiter set at 250 km / h. At the request of a desperate owner servismeny can move the threshold at 30 km / h forward. But I have little hard to believe that a man in sober mind ready to experience such skorosti.Osadiv car very effective brakes with 420 mm discs front and 356mm rear to a reasonable speed, you catch yourself thinking that the beginning of a movement to RS6 is not 0 km / h like all the other cars, and 100. Slower, of course, can go, but not hochetsya.Povedenie RS6 in turns to call the ideal is impossible, this does not apply to be all big and small rotations are invisible, flawless, with no complications and tense. The car clings to the asphalt and keeps it until the end of the maneuver, and if the driver decides to adjust the trajectory, "ereska" obey the master, not a set vyskalzyvaya predely.Dinamicheskie characteristics can scare anyone, even the most experienced driver. But the interior of the supercar did not inspire any fear. Often, meeting with such a machine, looking forward to getting back and bruises on his back on sport bucket completely devoid of minimum comfort. Expect a dull dialogue with austere interior. Tired of the mad annealing, curse the lack of the climate system and other benefits humanity. Not in this case. Want to ride in comfort and enjoy a long way - get-sign it, filling the whole business of the highest category of sedan at your disposal: dvd, navigation, a great music system, heating, ventilation, and so on and so we tested prochee.Stoimost car, including the various extra. options, is 4.95 million rubles, a rich base model sedan will cost a bit less - 4.673 million rubles. Much or too little? As we know, these cars are not bought on the last of his money, so I will say this, this machine gives a lot more emotional than you gave in kassu.Imenno thanks to all that the engineers managed to combine the Audi, this car will hang on forever between measurements. And will the ideal of supercar for everyday use.

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