Sunday, October 2, 2011

Appearances are deceptive

So, the choice is made. "Audi-A4" for $ 26 500 with a two-liter engine power of 131 hp will resist the "Mitsubishi Galant," costing $ 28 000 with a V-shaped 2.5-liter "six" 170 "horses". The taste and color ... Outwardly, "Audi-A4" very integrity. Used on larger brethren styling gave "four" gravity and respectability, making it slightly smaller copy of the senior fellows. He won a car from this? He grew up like - but do not become more interesting. Sorry, but this is a common trend - to make cars of lower rank, as it were, reduced copies of the more expensive all the same modeley.Vnutri corporate solidarity: Strong upholstery, thick, hard seats, has already become a traditional combination of instruments, a little annoying abundance of figures, and Of course, center console, full of tumblers conditioning and "thoroughbred" stereo. In general, the original owner of the "Audi" is unlikely to feel the stylistic novelty, being here: it looks a little expensive, but traditional. Major changes - in the cabin. Even knowing the change of its proportions, you surprise twist his head here unusually spacious. The right front passenger "outsiders", the ranges of adjustment of seats and steering wheel seem downright huge, and the space around you hardly constrained. Only a strong central tunnel slightly restricts the freedom bestowed by showing what you have to sacrifice for the sake of all-wheel drive versions. In the back seat is also good, but there is no sense of excess space. Deep podshtampovki-wells on the floor at his feet hold down the input-output, at the limit of clearance for your knees and head. Perhaps, for a very picky seat passengers will be here not so much. But the trunk is roomy and comfortable to be expected even for a car of this class. "Mitsubishi Galant," is perhaps one of the few among the mass production was able to save not only plainly belongs to the well-known firm, but also distinctive, aggressive silhouette. Predatory drop-down hood, narrow slit headlights, striking the front bumper - this car is truly eye-catcher. Sharp, like after cutting an experienced jeweler form of machine is not in doubt in its high-speed nature. But in a full democracy. It would seem that strict dark room, as in "Audi", should get to catch up. But no! Once the driver's seat, you seem to spread out over a large and easy chair and have a look around some laziness on the sides. At first glance, there is no more spacious than the "Audi". Whether there are more high seat, or something else, but the driver and passenger, even a little closer to each other. As in "four", they are separated by the mighty and the central tunnel "in galantovski" defiantly sticking handbrake. Do not remove it, just do not get into gear. Chetyrehspitsevy bagel is clearly larger in size, and adjusted it, alas, just height. In a word, sits in the "Mitsubishi" is not as tight as in "Audi", and, perhaps, less convenient. Felt and the limited range of adjustments (especially in height) and ergonomic controls some divisions - such as the gears have to go far dalshe.Esli do not get hung up on sports and take "Galant" just as a means of transportation, you will certainly impress the "relaxing" furnishings, cheerful light dials, flashing when you turn the ignition key (by the way, devices are read better than the "Audi"). It is more convenient and seem to block climate control with color display. So for the average consumer workplace produces a nice impression. Generally salon "Galant" fairly easy to use and ... is in stark contrast with the rapid appearance, giving rise to a twofold perception mashiny.A here in the back seat is really convenient. No deep niche-wells, supply more in height, and the front seats a little farther away from your knees. Trunk, "Galant" is close in size to the "Audi". Only let us down configuration of the opening. Thus, the opposition has been mapped out, see what happens dalshe.HARAKTER - character ... "Audi-A4". So remember-sounding voice-overs Kopelyan: "The nature of smooth, Nordic ..." This could be limited if the extent and convenient tyagovity motor "Audi" did not have two features - fun "pickup" after 4000 r / min and no less funny, deep voice of the exhaust system. Perhaps, this is defiantly a combination, there is little corresponding respectable appearance, in the first place makes overestimate the accumulated experience. Motor wants to twist, enjoying its roar, I want to quickly switch gears - so clearly working box. And suddenly you forget about the size and appearance, "four" turns into a finely tuned instrument that does not tolerate any unnecessary movements, and other provocations dergotni. And it was under this are "sharpened" the brake on guard at first too little effort on the pedal, and features a fairly rigid suspension, steering and responsive upravlenie.Konechno, "Audi" is not perfect. Suspension copes well with most road irregularities, but the weary repetition of overly detailed profile of the road. Clarity steering deteriorating fast cornering due to an unevenness on the side of the buildup. And yet, all this is subject to auto-speed driving. It would seem a small thing - the lever of indicators, but it was made so that as soon as denoting the inclusion of turn signals, you get four or five flashes, stable, without holding the lever. Get used to it now! All that is to say, the emotional perception of the "Audi". Babbitt rather smooth engine note, "riding" with 900-1000 r / min, it increased noise, especially against a well-designed aerodynamics and low noise tires. Perhaps, in this case a little more than a surplus of sportiness seems in the nature of the machine, not very astringent with the appearance of the car. Well, to each his own ... In terms of mount "Mitsubishi Galant," - is, above all, a very temperamental engine, easily demonstrating superiority over the less powerful motor "Audi". The response of V-shaped "six" quick, energetic, but surprisingly soft. Like a rubber band picks up the "Mitsubishi" is "stamp" on the accelerator pedal. It is interesting, but in general a good high-torque (the engine accelerates steadily from about 1000-1200 rev / min) motor, "Galant" loves high speeds, truly revive after 4000 r / min. Even more unexpected its ability to "spin" about 7000 rev / min, while demonstrating all the same soft but powerful acceleration. "Galant" apparently egged on the driver, but quite differently, "Audi". There is no sound of the surroundings - the engine noise is just some background, there is no definition of the devil's gear shifts - to the contrary, it is necessary "shall be sent to", having worked fairly rychagom.V general, "Japanese" do not have the jerky military field "command-and-answer" so characteristic of "Germans". Quite the contrary. Reactions machines quiet - sometimes, alas, blurred. Thus, the brakes, it is acceptable at low speeds, in an extreme situation of a sudden "tupeyut." Reaction to the steering wheel, forgiving minor flaws, suddenly seem to cotton, it is necessary to go pointensivnee. Pendants noticeably more comfortable than the "Audi". But there is "shake" features a powerful motor, as immediately begin to irritate the vertical buildup of the body on the line and in cornering. Moreover, the car starts svoenravnichat on a winding road, demanding to do too much vnimaniya.S terms of acoustic comfort, "Galant" is also not ideal, but not vote, as his opponent. The noise from the engine and exhaust system really less, but wind whistling at high speeds are enough, and they are noticeable. All the way around what turned out to be misleading first impressions! Who would have initially suggested that the sport appearance "Mipubisi-Galante" will be calm and comfortable car that does not sin "delay" on the right-of-town track, replete with long, straight. Here you can fully enjoy the "herd" of 170 "horses", especially if you do not strain on the entire ostalnogo.Vneshne respectable "Audi A4," suddenly appeared in the form of car-provocateur, despite respectable size, and moderate engine is not fighting prednaznachenie.Vot so! They took and changed roles, placing first impressions on its head.

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