Sunday, October 2, 2011

Shall not make an idol

A colleague of mine likes to repeat often, that is, say, cars, and is - "Mercedes". And he, he says, like Caesar's wife, above suspicion, that is competition. Another, which is still considered the crown of road works Subaru Outback, which, of course, and he goes, enough for a couple of minutes behind the wheel of brand new C180, to say that any self-respecting man should strive viripotent ride only on the Mercedes. And now he has a dream, the second one. And all was well, but until then, until a new Audi A4. ZVEZDA.Mozhno ringed, of course, to speculate on the "younger" if Mercedes and "matured" if Audi, but then another thing is important: both manufacturers have attempted to expand the circle of potential consumers of the A4 and C-Klasse. Only when the Mercedes, as rightly pointed out by one of my colleagues bothered to search for new customers among "those who are not over 30," the Audi on the contrary, it seems, is looking for a new adherents higher age limit of this conditional. To understand this, just carefully look into the photo. And you'll notice that almost the same amount, how much was better and seemed to be animated image of the new C-Klasse, and became serious look posolidnela A4. The other side of the coin, in my opinion, is more intriguing. If you are still in the unwritten "Table of Ranks," Mercedes and Audi took similar but very different position now, with the new "Quartet", the Bavarians have an open call to fight the Swedes. Combat formations. Assessment of the exterior of any car is the subject of a purely subjective. There are some factors are objective, defined by a simple majority of users - how comfortable inside the car and how easy her salon. As for the A4, choosing the best option was preferred version with the electric seat adjustment. The mechanical version suffers from lack of decent - the vertical adjustment raises or lowers the rear of the pad only. It's not very convenient. And there is no adjustable lumbar support. Although the possibility to adjust the steering column for height as well as on the flight, can still sit comfortably in this "suit". A version in C-Klasse, that visited our test was a combined adjustment of seats: There are electric height and backrest and cushion angle and longitudinal movement requested to carry out manually. Lumbar support in this version is also missing, but, of course, there are adjustable steering column in two planes. However, close to the ideal shape of seats to a large extent compensates for many defects. Landing at the wheel of the new Audi is very specific. Due to the elevated, compared to the Mercedes, a line of windows and more highly placed torpedo the impression that you are sitting very low. A concave-shaped instrument panel, the edges of which gradually merge with the lining of doors, creates what looks like a regular oval, inside of which you and are. And produces light similar to an aircraft of the future. This impression is reinforced with at night, when lights and white lights lunar scale devices, and the arrow keys and the display of additional equipment begin to glow red. The Mercedes is much more traditional all. As always, it is convenient, logical, understandable, but - generally. And the spirit permeated the ponderous monumentality of the brand. Even revolutionary, by the standards of "mersedesovskogo" conservatism, rather torpedo can recall about a Japanese car than to cause a particularly enthusiastic emotion. However, neither the ergonomics, or visibility is not affected. Much more annoying is very broad middle rack, and this applies to both cars. On leaving the road at a sharp angle either have to lean forward toward the mirror, either before the crunch of vertebrae twist his head back and look through the left rear window. Inevitable, perhaps, pay for rigidity and safety of Audi and Mercedes. Against the background counted and verified almost perfectly ergonomic both cars some details are puzzling. Well, why do we need such a hard and high skirting the center console in the Audi, which is downright sadistic presses on 'favorite pit "under the right knee? Why so high is the brake pedal? Growing pains? Maybe. But they have been known to take place. Much more difficult, if not the strength or desire to get rid of outdated and entrenched traditions of his time, like, really awkward firm "multifunctional" stalk left arm Mercedes. Or sticking out of him the cruise control lever on which the bump with your fingers every time you want to add "blinker." Or the controls on the steering wheel supermnogofunktsionalnym computer - as if the driver is in motion to change the delay to turn off the lights, vnutrisalonnogo lighting, central locking algorithm, the parameters of the instrument panel and so on. FATHERS AND SONS. In the already published descriptions of these cars are common analogy with a suit from an expensive tailor. Assessing the behavior of C180 and A4 on the road, it is difficult to resist the temptation to re-use the same method. The difference between them is about the same as between the strict, binding coat and an elegant, stylish, moderately severe business suit, which is equally suitable for both formal meetings and to friendly parties. 2-liter engines, "Bavarian" and "Schwab" on their basic characteristics are identical. Setting aside the fact that due to objective differences in the type of drive, the Audi behavior we liked it a lot more. It is more dynamic wheel has a high sensitivity and smooth action of a jet over the entire range. Motor allows you to slip "shoot" from the start, and at the same time it is flexible enough to provide a comfortable ride in the city without further distortion of "Shutter." But his character is fully revealed when the tachometer needle passes 3000th mark. All this, together with "regular" suspension, which provides excellent driving stability and straight, and shallow curvature and bends in high-risk, creates a feeling of merging with a car that delivers the pleasure of driving. C180 remains true to himself - a comfortable and prestigious means of transportation. Of course, sophisticated responses, handling, stability - all of which created the glory of the brand is present. But it is unlikely that Mercedes may be surprising. Audi - certainly more "drayverskogo" car. Even the compact C180 initially focused primarily on a comfortable, safe and prestigious moving from point A to point B. Also, a demonstration surrounding the status of its owner. A typical example of German "ordnunga", where each operates strictly within the framework of the role assigned to him. Excellence in "mersedesovski" - something, perhaps, is stable, but too monotonous and boring that's why. Strength becomes a weakness. A modern and fashionable A4 looks at the background of C180 is more progressive. That makes it, along with the price, very serious competitor to the car "master." Especially in Russia, where Audi is not on the label dominates mature, very specific image of Mercedes.

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