Sunday, October 2, 2011

God Dag! Or Guten Tag?

Once in our Saab 9-3 Sport Sedan is not out of simpletons: 175-hp turbo, five-step "automatic" and expensive implementation Vector. Not Vectra, and Vector, though, if wrong, sin is not much - Saab 9-3 and Opel Vectra based on the same platform, or as evasive speak saabovtsy, "based on a common architecture with extensive use of common components." And taking into account also the additional equipment, "our» Saab 9-3 is $ 40,925. What's that, and so the price was not exactly a common component for the Opel and Saab ... BMW 320i Kaliningrad build a little more modest equipment and a little cheaper - $ 39 300. Incidentally, the label 320i - is perhaps the most modest machine element: the actual fact, under the hood of a two-liter engine is not, and the 170-strong "six" in volume of 2,2 litra.Volvo S60 - a five-cylinder 170-strong atmospheric engine, automatic transmission and a rich equipment. But is significantly cheaper - $ 34070.Audi A4 1.8T (165 hp) is even cheaper - $ 31 520. True, this is not a full-and front-wheel drive vehicle, with equipment other than a strange not name: glass rear doors - with mechanical lifts, no electric seats, but there is a separate climate control and xenon headlights ... However, another interesting: Continuously Variable Transmission - CVT klinotsepnoy! And where Mercedes C-Class? We did not take him: to nearly complete, he would have been much more expensive. Saab 9-3 - one of the few cars acquaintance with whom you want to start with the instructions. Entertaining booklet! Here, for example, said that after a lengthy motion with high speed tires heat up, and if you put the car in the parking area, tire contact patch to be "flat." In the subsequent motion will lead to vibrations, which disappear when the tire "razomnetsya." That's right! One feels that the car is not created in Italy and not in Bavaria, where snow and frost - a novelty. You can read more about how you should stop off at the curb so as not to damage the front bumper: reversing. A separate section is devoted to the disguised central tunnel edging the parking brake lever - not to pinch your fingers, hold the lever to like this ... It's a pity only that this statement says nothing about what is new and original appeared in the guise of a new car! This section we have read with great interest, because they themselves are no new solutions have not noticed. And think about the fact that Saab is less and less like a Saab. Thank God, though the interior remained saabovskogo echo of the spirit: the front panel with a million buttons, the ignition between the seats, a pointer to the boost pressure ... There is a nice novelty - for example, cooled air-conditioned spacious glove box and the box between the front seats. And the "advanced users" can play with the little displeychikom. This is - the system Profiler: using three keys, you can change the settings of the anti-theft system, Parktronic, heated seats and other features. And, of course, already referred to the handbrake, disguised as a fringing the central tunnel. The relative position of the seat, steering wheel and pedals correctly aligned to five points. Especially good bucket front seats. But visibility - mediocre. Wiper approximately two inches does not extend to the left stands the windshield, because of what the "dead zone" increases to alarming proportions. And without that "condensed" in height rear window partially overlaps third brake light. The only hope - for large outdoor zerkala.Volvo S60 - that's a really neat car! The elegant exterior, the elegant inside. Complete harmony, and harmony - it's almost happy. It would still saabovskoe seat ... Although in general the "geometry" of landing the claims we have not. "Treshka» BMW, vain, that it long ago we knew, still surprised: Performance Individual! What is it? Practice in the BMW car assembly "on request": exclusive execution of the interior, custom exterior color ... Previously, "Individual» BMW made in Germany, but recently a trial batch of these vehicles (96 units) was collected and the Kaliningrad plant Avtotor. Body, depending on the angle, shimmering shades of blue and purple. And in the cabin of a good perfume aroma floats. No, no orders for the aromatization of cabin while the Bavarians do not take, simply to provide us, "three hundred and twentieth," goes the lady. Apparently, she has ordered so extravagant interior: dark-blue leather seats, such as inserts on doors and leather band with beige instead of "respectable" wooden boxes. But ergonomics "treshki", even though such an unusual color, creates a serious, businesslike attitude. Seat here, though inferior saabovskomu, but the steering wheel - very-very: small, leather-quality leather, with comfortable high tides in places the "correct" grip. No wonder this "donut" is decorated with a stylized letter M! From the interior of Audi's nothing new we were not expecting. And wrong! We went to the "quartet" is not gloomily, with black interior and an elegant beige upholstery and aluminum inserts. Another machine! It was lighter, roomier. The modest-looking fabric seat was moderately hard, with good lateral support and a wide range of adjustments in all directions. Successful chetyrehspitsevy steering wheel, "big-eyed" devices and different-sized buttons overloaded central konsol.A in a car very close rear seats? True, the "treshke» BMW. If you sit in front tall people, who also prefer semi-lying land and lowered the seat all the way down, the rear rider will have to do evil: to do with your feet just nowhere! Rear seat triggered "a semi-circle," why the extreme passengers slide down on it to the center, clutching the one who in the middle. And that, in turn, vows to not only neighbors, but also a large central tunnel. In general, do not soskuchishsya.Da and the Audi is not much better: the same semicircular back, just as closely at the shoulders, a huge tunnel ... It is only slightly greater margin of the foot to somehow save polozhenie.Zadnee seat Saab noticeably wider, more leg room, and the central tunnel is less. And the fact that the extreme lightly on the passengers' heads-pillars, the overall picture is not clouded: to travel the three of us in the back seat is best in Saab. The Volvo feels a little worse than the average passenger (rests on his knees in the front seat), but the shoulders svobodnee.Bagazhniki all the machines are large and roughly equivalent. But the ability to transform interior - are different. Outsiders - Audi and BMW: rear seat prilazheny tightly. But if a folding seat for Audi still available for a fee, for Kaliningrad's "treshki" such a luxury is not provided. Are you planning to haul cargo? Then either buy, "three-ruble note" of the German assembly (which is quite different money), or installed on the roof rack, good for fixing a special place. But on the roof Audi we did not find such places. In this sense, Saab and Volvo are much more practical: seats fold down in parts, there is a hatch for the transport of "long-length," the installation of the luggage on the roof ... The first start - and it became clear that the 175-strong turbo Saab - a worthy heir of his ancestors. The stock thrust - almost throughout the rev range. And when the turbine drives the arrow pointer Garret boost pressure in the red zone ... Out of my way! It is a pity that the voice of the motor - not the opera: no singing and roaring hysterically and grubo.Pri peaceful rhythm of a new automatic transmission driving the company Aisin AW is working reasonably well, and set the speed is only slightly marred by "relief" switching. But the "ragged" and aggressive driving pace box is no longer supported: when you switch "down" she was thinking longer than expected, and often wrong, going through stages. And if you go to the "manual" control? Help! The transmission is set more "rigid" connection, and when you reach the maximum engine speed gearbox does not go "up": the motor "hangs" on the limiter, instilling confidence that in a tight corner will not surprise in the form of misplaced power flow gap. And yet, "automatic" Saab is far from perfect. The new Saab designed two versions of the suspension - standard and Sport, which is fitted as standard only on the Saab 9-3 Aero. Structurally, the same suspension, and the difference - in the settings. The so-called package for the bad roads are not provided, so come to Russia with conventional car podveskoy.Standartnaya suspension of our car at first pleased. Body roll does not exceed the "information" threshold required for the driver to the correct assessment of the situation, and compared to its predecessor, the new "nine-three" is perceived as more assembled, piece by avtomobil.Upravlyaemost sharpened rather safe, rather than a sporty driving. At high speeds, due to insensitive "near-zero" zone and distinct steering reactive force can drive the car without too much stress. And if you remember that Saab 9-3 - it did not simply sedan and a sports sedan? We translate "automatic" to manual mode - and in second gear going through a steep turn at 80 km / h. Alas: the wheel is emptied and the feedback is lost. The same thing happens in an emergency detour obstacles, when you need to work quickly while driving. This is all the more regrettable because the car behaves impeccably practically demonstrating soft "front-" reaktsii.Ne all smooth and with smooth motion. In the literal sense: Saab finds irregularities, where other vehicles simply do not exist. And if you will fall a pothole or a big butt, then runs through the body thrill. And there is no blame on Russian roads! The lion's share of Saab sold in North America, where the roads are not much better than ours! Even on the Highway - joints: a tuk-tuk, tuk-tuk, tuk-tuk ... Of course, 170 'air' force is not as incendiary Volvo as a "windy" horses saabovskogo turbo: dispersal in the Volvo insipid, not intoxicating. But the "machine" works quicker, so that the accelerating dynamics of these machines can recognize a Volvo ravnymi.Prohodya zeroed route that we just passed on the Saab, inadvertently catch yourself thinking that by setting both the Swedish car handling is very similar. Fluency and clarity of responses, feedback steering system, the ability to maintain directional stability at high speeds and steep bends. But rather to limit the Volvo front wheel slides outwards bend, which, however, may well be explained by different coupling properties shin.Odnako all suspicion of collusion Swedish engineers podvesochnikov vanished immediately after the smooth asphalt of the Moscow ring road near Moscow was replaced by medium quality. Where danced a jig vengeance Saab, Volvo floats like a peafowl of the dance company "Birch". The most "smooth" the car in our foursome! A BMW? When the extension of your hands - "tenacious" steering wheel and the engine so sensitively responds to the slightest movement of the gas pedal when lacking a passing glance in the mirror to assess the situation, when in the cabin so quiet, then ... Pleasure can be obtained even from a leisurely ride. From the very first meters "treshka" demonstrates self-confidence and inspires confidence in this driver. And if so, then go bystree.Mezhdu engine and gearbox - a mutual understanding. Suppose this is not the perky "automatic" one of those that met us on the cars BMW, but on the "rate of fire," he is ahead and Saab, and Volvo. And when you switch jolts minimalny.Mashina confidently holds on the line, when you rebuild a robust, well runs with different rotations of the curvature. Only the lack of feedback steering prevents to fully enjoy the smooth progress of protsessom.Po "treshka" only slightly loses Volvo. But losing with dignity suspension works very quietly, can not be said about the Volvo. By the way, to a large extent this is why Volvo is perceived as a "cheap" in avtomobil.Pereseli Audi, again went the entire route - and had so much fun! None of these situations, there is no such modes of motion, when a driver just for a second lost "sense of the car." The car behaves well at high speed, confidently maneuvering between the rows, prescribe safely turns. And the fact that "bagel" is not such a fat, as in BMW, and the seats are not as "high capacity" as in the Saab, did not reduce the pleasure of driving! Motor for Audi, too, not the military, but when the turbo comes in. , the mood rises again. Smooth ride - no worse than that BMW.A CVT? Yes we all forgotten that between the motor and the wheels have this "converter" torque! He was so calm and so does its job properly, that it did not pay attention! No need to anticipate the moment of switching at sharp overtaking, do not put up with jerks during switching. All this is just not! Everything happens by itself and as it should. Recalls variator only variable pitch motor, which is gaining momentum, then throws them. Would have been then our will, we have all these machines have replaced "automatic" variable-speed drive! By the way, the dealers claim that the demand for the Audi A4 with CVT is increasing day by dnya.No we choose not transmission and machinery. And this choice neprost.BMW, a gift that most elderly of our four car remains one of the best in class. And thanks to the Russian assembly had also very attractive price. Audi A4, even in front-wheel version, not worse "treshki", but cheaper. A CVT Multitronic good can become as successful business card stamps, as well as all-wheel drive transmission quattro. Look at the table peer review: the BMW, and Audi's sled properties left behind Swedish cars. True, losing them to transform the interior. Volvo S60 - the perfect combination of elegance, practicality and comfort. And judging by the results of sales this year, fans of this harmony becomes bolshe.Saab 3.9? A good, balanced car. Perhaps even very good. But the identity of these Swedish cars (and not whether it is for many years been a major asset Saab?) Leaves. However, to say that Saab has finally lost person, we will not. In the end, the grille, then left! And the ignition on the center console - tozhe.Nu-ka, recalculate again points to a table of expert assessments. Victory! Although convincing her, of course, not name. And more. In our opinion, the title Sport Sedan - it's too loud for a new Saab. This is not a sports sedan. It's just - "Saab nine three".

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