Monday, October 10, 2011

Magnetic anomaly

HELLO, NEW GODAudi second-generation TT, we have tested in the Austrian Alps at the height of summer. And generally in those parts, to put a line from Brodsky, "all designed for the winter." Take, for example Salzburg - it's almost the Alps, not far away. Do you think there are enchanted by Mozart? In principle, the correct opinion, but ... Inspirational faces Wolfgang Amadeicha simply do not notice how bumps in the woods, because of their ubiquitous redundancy, but stopped dumbfounded at the sight of ... Christmas trees. That the lights in stores, leading large-scale trade in all sorts of Christmas paraphernalia. Summer! It's roasting over thirty asphalt melts ice on my fingers flowing. And then - hello, oops, the New Year. How so? And that's it. Do not look for logic where there is none. From Salzburg, we're going on the new TT up to the Alps in the region of the Hohe Tauern, at the foot of the famous mountain Grossglockner. Along the way we spend the night in the town of Zell am See and feel that here, too, all designed for the winter. Our goal is to swim in the theoretically achievable Zeeman, but not very practical - the normal approach to the water within the visibility there. The rooms do not have air conditioning. Everything indicates that the summer is treated as embarrassing off-season between grain skiing in winters. The higher the mountain, so all the ski and ski. But, interestingly, the price of basic "energy" and in summer it is winter. High-or low-sizon sizon - it does not matter. Come across, you are at the resort. However, it is good that we here in the summer. Because in the winter to drag along a ski belongings (otherwise there is no need to go and), and he and CT - are incompatible. Skiing in the car stuff is better not to try. And not just ski. I remember I sat down once for taking pictures in the back seat of the first generation TT, and was shod with winter in convincing such "Caterpillar". I then pulled out of the car photographer - and with materkom nogovyvertom. Second-generation model, of course, bigger: it is longer than its predecessor by 137 mm, wider by 78 mm and above 6 mm, but the rear fares should be no illusions. It was back closely, so closely and left (although, technically any added millimeters). The basic "growth rate" left in the trunk, and then there's praise: it now holds 290 liters of cargo with the rear seats and installed as many as 700 hp when folded, and in advertising Audi-publications write that the trunk of the new TT is designed for two golf bags. And before that it was a 220/490 hp quattro and 270/540 in ne'quattro - and wrote the same thing. May become more bags, although in general, their number and size - minor matters, then the keyword - "Golf". Note that no two bags of potatoes or two mattress for Tiffany, and two golf bags. Immediately removes all questions about the positioning of the machine and user population. Perhaps for the sake of the contingent "teteshku" is positioned as a coupe, although formally it is a hatchback-trehdverka. On a hatchback at the golf club to travel not so pathetic (as a hatchback - it's something mundane, urban), while the coupe - at the time. By the way, the golf clubs. They meet us in the foothills of the Alps - a such "summer" exceptions to the "ski" rules. But in our luggage there is no golf bags, and we go further, or if you will, above - from alpine meadows to the cliffs and glaciers. Going on a rather steep serpentines, which tightly knit, sports and pursed CT - exactly what you want. Sport coupe for sportdorogi. POWER MAGNETIZMAMashina second-generation success, it is clear. The only noticed her claim - a stylistic. Already all and sundry (but not too lazy to almost all of them) have complained that the design of the TT much taken away in the direction from the usual, and it's hard to disagree. By itself, it is pretty good, but consider it without reference to the first TT is impossible. First - original car created, consider, from scratch, without targeting any canons, as they say in the margins of Audi, with the hope to market only "maybe" (which, I must say, it worked precisely because of the uniqueness of the machine). A second operation is already felt targeted fashion trends today, but it is fraught with the inevitable "similarity", as not only a firm operates Audi these trends. For example, look at the lighting equipment or, say, a back line - trendy, beautiful, stylish, but somewhere something like this already ... As far as technology, ergonomics, comfort (for the front riders, more precise), then all of a very high level. The machine, if I may say so, great. It's light, almost a hundredweight lighter than its predecessor (the aluminum components account for 69% of the mass body) and strong (rigidity in torsion up 50%). She has good aerodynamics - the drag coefficient decreased from 0.34 to 0.30. In addition, the lifting force, inevitably acting on the rear axle at high speeds (very unpleasant thing) here "killed in the bud" spoiler, slide up to 120 km / h and again retractable when to slow down to 80 km / h. In the very long list of technical goodies (we will not transfer, they are normal for any high-end machines) should be noted damping system Audi Magnetic Ride. In the shock absorbers instead of the traditional oil filled so-called magneto-rheological fluid, that is spetsmaslo containing microscopic magnetic particles. Which under the action of a magnetic field change orientation in space, and instantly changing the viscosity of the fluid, the "straining" it, "relax." Accordingly, the harder it becomes softer suspension depending on the particular driving situation. Damn handy thing. By the way, while rivals anything - at least at such a high level of technology - do not offer. Machine in the management of simple, easy, predictable and understandable. And that's what I did not have time to understand during an alpine test drive: a motor-transmission version is better. Here the choice of two (or more in each of the two "sub-options" - with the "mechanics" and S-tronic) and, in my opinion, "better than both." First - 200-hp, turbocharged, direct injection - a good and relatively cheap, but it does not have quattro. And Audi without quattro - even as it is somehow insulting. Second - 250-hp, with a V6 and quattro - more than good, but pricey. In general, like Zhvanetsky / Kartseva: big, but with five, small, but on three. So think of what to choose.

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